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Economic Justifications for Open Access to Essential Drug Patents Sean Flynn Washington College of Law WIPIP 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Justifications for Open Access to Essential Drug Patents Sean Flynn Washington College of Law WIPIP 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Justifications for Open Access to Essential Drug Patents Sean Flynn Washington College of Law WIPIP 2007

2 Context TRIPS (1994) Globalization of pharmaceutical patents (India 2006) Access to Medicine Movement (north/south) 2001: SA competition complaint against GSK and BI

3 Monopoly vs. Competition: AIDS drugs

4 Monopoly Econ (Simple)

5 Convex Demand

6 South Africa

7 SA ARV Demand

8 Norway ARV Demand

9 Profit Maximizing SA

10 Profit Maximizing Norway

11 Application: SA Competition Law unlawful for dominant firm to “engage in an exclusionary act... if the anti-competitive effect of that act outweighs its technological, efficiency or other pro-competitive gain” unlawful for a dominant firm to “refuse to give a competitor access to an essential facility when it is economically feasible to do so” -South African Competition Act Sec. 8(c)

12 Concluding Questions Is open licensing better than price discrimination (Danson vs. Scherer) Is open licensing better than price control (Watal)? Complexifying the model: fixed costs, marginal costs, marginal revenue.

13 Deadweight Loss

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