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Unit 8 Cloning Text A A Clone is Born Part One : para. 1-2 birth of Dolly A cloned lamb/alive/healthy/6.6kilograms/ sheep/Dolly/shed/on July 5, 1996/

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2 Unit 8 Cloning Text A A Clone is Born Part One : para. 1-2 birth of Dolly A cloned lamb/alive/healthy/6.6kilograms/ sheep/Dolly/shed/on July 5, 1996/ Roslin Institue in Roslin,Scotland/Roslin Wilumut,embryologist less than ten percent of the initial transfers survive to healthy creatures. Nineteen of those 277 were deemed healthy while the others were discarded.

3 Five of those 19 survived, but four of them died within ten days of birth of severe abnormalities. Dolly was the only one to survive. Small celebration held for Dolly’s birth: A few staff members/ a local veterinarian/no champagne/no picture taken Part Two para.2-6 Dolly’s birth has made cloning a reality and human cloning a possibility

4 How was Dolly cloned/created? Not out of a sperm and an egg But out of the genetic materials (from an udder cell of a six-year-old sheep) fused with an egg (from another sheep) udder cell’s genes took up residence in the egg and directed it to grow and develop. Be identical to

5 Stuff n. Dismiss v. Fantasy n fancy What’s your idea of cloning people? (free talk) What’s the attitude of Wilmut towards the idea of cloning people? Exceptional Be opposed to In principle idm Offensive

6 Scientists and ethicists alike have debated the implication s of human and non-human cloning. Cloning is ethically and morally wrong. Cloning of both results in harmful physical and psychological effects on both group. Physical damage: The psychological harms on cloned children: one of the harms is the loss of identity, or sense of uniqueness and individuality.

7 What would happen if humans started to use animals as body for growing human organ? Where is the line humans and non-human? If we were learn how to clone functioning brains and have them grow inside chimps, which carried one or more human genes via transgenic technology, the non-human chimps are defined as human, or chimps or something else? If defined as human, would we have to give it rights of citizenship? If scientists transferred human genes into animals and vice-visa,. Diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans.

8 What benefits does cloning technology pose to people in some way? There are many benefits of cloning. A benefit of cloning is shown through the future of the medical field. Para.12 In medicine: cloning human organ or body parts Liver kidneys heart bone marrow transplant cure leukemia clone marrow Current treatments for infertility

9 Part three para. 7-11 People have to the ethnical problems of human cloning Compromise n In quest of idm

10 Why are we so fascinated by cloning? love ourselves We want children to resemble us See our exact genetic replicas born again identical twins years younger than we The child is an unpredictable mixture of the two.

11 Joke: A genetic lottery A beautiful but dumb woman said to her ugly but brilliant man, “ How wonderful it would be to have a baby with my looks and your brains.” “ Aha, but what if the baby inherited my looks and your brain?”

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