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SciFi Tracker DAQ M. Yoshida (Osaka Univ.) MICE Tracker KEK Mar. 30, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "SciFi Tracker DAQ M. Yoshida (Osaka Univ.) MICE Tracker KEK Mar. 30, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 SciFi Tracker DAQ M. Yoshida (Osaka Univ.) MICE Tracker workshop @ KEK Mar. 30, 2005

2 KEK beam test Test for the SciFi tracker with 1T solenoid magnetic field p/  /  test beam line in KEK-PS Slow extraction from the internal target in 2-sec flat top of a 4-sec spill Add 4 th station to the prototype tracker Newly developed Cryostat with Cryocooler –2 VLPC cassettes embeded

3 DAQ for the KEK beam test Standalone operation of Cryostat Readout TOF counters and the other. –VME or CAMAC ADC/TDC Standalone DAQ system for VLPC –LVDS data links from AFEII board to “VME LVDS SERDES Buffer” (VLSB) –Standard VME bus from VLSB to SBS Bit3 –Optical link from Bit3 to PC –Ethernet connection from collectors to event builder VLPC slow control –PC  VMEbus  MIL-STD 1553 interface  AFEII



6 VLPC backplane Linux PC PCI-VME (SBS Bit3) SASeq #2 SASeq #1 1553 VLSB # 3 VLSB # 4 AFE II (L) AFE II (R) VLPC Cassette #2 VLPC Cryostat AFE II (L) AFE II (R) VLPC Cassette #1 VME BUS DAQ System for KEK beam test Linux PC CAMAC ADC/TDC 6U Serialized ADC DATA Slow Control Trigger Control 1024 ch 8x64 ch 4 VLSB #1 VLSB # 2 4 4 4 VME LVDS SERDES Buffer (VLSB)

7 Data Rate in KEK test Prototype has 2048ch readout channels Beam structure @  2 beam line: continuous 1000 muons / 2 sec AFEII  VLSB (VME LVDS SERDES Buffer) –2 Bytes / channel –20 bits @ 53MHz (multiplex 2 channel = 10bits + 10bits) –64 x 1/53MHz ~ 1  sec for a trigger VLSB  VME bus  PC –Measured Transfer rate by KEK-online group with Bit3 23MB/s in DMA mode 2MB/s in PIO mode –4MB / 4-sec-spill –Need to transfer 4kBytes in 1 msec w/o buffering In case of zero suppression by DISCR, data rate could be reduced to ~1/10 Paul succeeded to readout VLPC with VLSB in 400Hz

8 DAQ Software for KEK beam test Will use Unix-based DAQ programs –“Unidaq” developed by KEK (for Linux) A lot of experience at the KEK beam tests Work on Linux PC –Network distributed system Transport data via NOVA buffer manager Processes can be distributed among PCs on the network. –An Event Builder –Collectors for CAMAC readout (TOF etc.) and VME readout (VLPC)

9 NOVA buffer manager

10 Processes Event Builder –Merge data from collectors –Send event data to data storage system Collector for TOF etc. (CAMAC) –Control trigger system via input/output register module on CAMAC –Read ADC and TDC –Send data to event builder Collector for VLPC (VME) –Collect data in LVDS receiver boards –Send data to Event Builder Slow Control for VLPC (VME) –Via 1553 interface board on VME to AFEII –Not synchronized to DAQ cycle –Set thresholds of discriminators on AFEII at the beginning of the data taking run –Temperature control

11 An idea of the DAQ architecture Bit3 SASeq#1 SASeq#2 SASeq#3 SASeq#4 SERDES#1 SERDES#2 SERDES#3 SERDES#4 SERDES#5 SERDES#6 SERDES#7 SERDES#8 VLPC #1 L VLPC #1 R VLPC #2 L VLPC #2 R VLPC #3 L VLPC #3 R VLPC #4 L VLPC #4 R Tracker Collector Upstream Tracker Collector Downstream Tracker Builder PID Builder Beam Builder MICE Builder MICE Storage MICE Control Bit3 SASeq#1 SASeq#2 SASeq#3 SASeq#4 SERDES#1 SERDES#2 SERDES#3 SERDES#4 SERDES#5 SERDES#6 SERDES#7 SERDES#8 Tracker Control Bit3 1553 Tracker Slow Ctrl VLPC #1 L VLPC #1 R VLPC #2 L VLPC #2 R VLPC #3 L VLPC #3 R VLPC #4 L VLPC #4 R Upstream TrackerDownstream Tracker 4096ch 4kBytes/event 8MBytes/spill 4kBytes/event 4MBytes/spill Cryosat Ctrl/Monitor

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