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Presented by Dr. Martin Camacho on behalf of Lela Morgan.

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1 Presented by Dr. Martin Camacho on behalf of Lela Morgan

2 The 2009-2012 Strategic Agenda for the college continues to provide the path for Academic Affairs. Recent achievements and actions include:  In coordination with the APR Chair and committee, Academic Affairs recommended changes to the Academic Review Process (APR), and completed three Academic Program Reviews this year.  The Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee reviewed six programs and formulated recommendations.  Promoted on-line posting of program and course learning outcomes.  Supported the creation of seven additional advisory boards.  Surveyed all departments to create a baseline measure of CCRI’s progress in creating curriculum maps for all programs.

3  Integrated use of Institutional Research data to expand and support analysis of developmental courses and opening additional sections.  Continue making progress in the master schedule efficiency – reason codes, consistent class times, waiting list, demographic analysis.  Updated the Definition of an Educated Person and reinstated the General Education Committee.  Created a Liberal Arts taskforce that has been looking at possible curricula revisions.  Increased capacity of equipment and academic resources.

4  Initiated a discussion for revamping important processes at the college including add/drop, course repeat, retention of records, incomplete grades, independent studies, etc.  Expanded the on-line course offerings.  Participated in designing innovative pedagogical approaches for preparing students for college-level learning (TAACCCT grant).  Created process for approach NEASC 2014 re-accreditation process.

5  Professional development has been provided by CITLA (Center for Innovative Teaching, Learning and Assessment):  15 programs offered in 2010-2011  248 faculty and staff participated in workshops, small groups, presentations, etc. ◦ Examples of topics presented include:  How People Learn  Improving Student Learning with Clickers  Technology in the Classroom  Threat Assessment  Critical Thinking

6 Selection of strategic initiatives are driven by:  CCRI’s mission  Preparation for NEASC 2014 visit  Strengthening institutional effectiveness: Increased emphasis on assessing students’ learning outcomes  Research/participation in TAACCCT grant

7  APR process required by NEASC  Add elements addressing:  Program currency  Knowledge/skills required for 21 st Century workforce  Measuring student learning outcomes  Using outcome measures as basis for making revisions to programs  Present findings to Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee  Increase and enhance effective participation of external expertise via improved advisory boards  Support faculty with new APR orientation process

8  Promote the inclusion of common elements to be included in all course syllabi.  Continue promoting consistency across multiple sections of the same course.  Initiate steps of course learning outcome assessment in selected General Education courses and expand it to other disciplines.  Complete curriculum maps for all programs.  Emphasize utilization of CITLA to support faculty development.

9  Continue the discussion for revamping important processes at the college including add/drop, course repeat, retention of records, incomplete grades, independent studies, etc.  Assist programs for completion and utilization of assessment information.  Include more external, experiential learning within degree programs, explore cost of adding internships, field work.  Continue coordination of skill development in general education with those responsible to prepare students before entering CCRI in the areas of:  Math, English Language Arts: Reading/Writing and Science

10  Implement process created and approved in 2011  Co-chairs in place for all standards; populate committees by September 2011  By mid-October, complete DATA First Forms  By early January, complete the following for each Standard: ◦ Description ◦ Appraisal ◦ Identify areas in need of improvement

11  President’s staff complete DATA First Forms for standards related to their area of responsibility  DATA First Forms have been inserted into each standard’s on-line folders

12 From CCRI’s Deans And Academic Affairs Staff

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