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UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 1 AgendaAgenda Coffee 9:00am Overview (Skuja) 9:15pm BaBar presentations (Jawahery, Roberts) Coffee 11:00am Dzero presentations (Baden, Eno, Hadley) Lunch 2:00pm Theoretical Physics(Pati) Coffee 2:30pm CMS presentations (Baden, Eno, Hadley, Skuja) 4:00pm Discussion & Closeout
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 2 Overview of Maryland Program Andris Skuja DOE Site Visit Tuesday, August 30, 2005
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 3 Current UMD HEP Program BaBar at PEP II Overview and Physics results D0 at the FNAL Collider Run II began in 2001 (March) Luminosity finally adequate CMS at the LHC Construction underway (HCAL ready at end of ’05) Contribution to Mechanical Design, Trigger/DAQ electronics, Management Contribution to physics analysis, data bases Data taking begins late ’07 or early ‘08 OPAL at LEP II Data taking finished in October of 2000 Data analysis until ’04 to finish papers on Line Shape, Searches and Running of QED Coupling Constant Consistent with our CMS Obligations Theoretical Physics
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 4 Senior Personnel A. Baden (D0, CMS) C.Y. Chang (Professor Emeritus: OPAL) S.C. Eno (D0, CMS) N.J. Hadley (D0, CMS) A. Jawahery (BaBar) R.G. Kellogg (OPAL, CMS) S. Kunori (D0, CMS) J. Pati (Theoretical Physics) D. Roberts (BaBar) A. Skuja (OPAL, CMS)
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 5 Post Doctoral Physicists C. Chen (BaBar) W. Hulsbergen (BaBar) J. Mans (Replacement under discussion) (Position funded starting November ’05) T. Toole (D0) M. Sanders (D0/CMS) G. Simi (BaBar) N.N. (D0/CMS) (new request) (Prof. Eno needs help with LPC work)
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 6 Graduate Students Present Grad Students Jacob Anderson (BaBar – ’08) Chad Jarvis (D0 – ’07) Chung Khim Lae (BaBar – ‘05) Dimitri Kovalskyi (BaBar – ’05) Elizabeth Lockner (50% in ‘06) (CMS –’09) Joe Tuggle (BaBar – ’08) Lei Wang (D0 – ‘06) Matt Wettstein (D0 – ’07) Ming Yan (D0 – ‘06 ) Undergraduate Mark Burr (CMS)
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 7 Administrative & Technical Staff Computing Prof. Hadley has agreed to co-ordinate the UMD computing needs (with major assistance from his colleagues). Administrative B. Dunn (90% - full time) S. Megonigal (65% - part time) Technical Staff R. Bard (Electronics Engineer - part time) T. Grassi (Electronics Engineer - on CMS project) F. Ratnikov (Software Engineer – on CMS M&O money)
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 8 BaBarBaBar Construction Drift Chamber Environmental Monitoring (Jawahery, Bard, Dallapiccola, Fong) BaBar experimental detector control and monitoring (Jawahery/Olsen) SVT construction & commissioning (Roberts) Physics & Detector Analysis BaBar physics coordiator (Jawahery for 2001/2002) BaBar spokesperson (pending) (Jawahery) Physics working group - angle alpha & direct CP violation (Jawahery was co-convenor) Physics of Hadronic Bottom and Charm final states (Jawahery is coordinator) SVT & related software (Roberts, Chen, Simi) Tracking and analysis (Hulsbergen)
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 9 D0 at the FNAL Collider Physics at Run I Searches (Eno and Hadley have been convenors of the searches physics group) The Top Discovery (Hadley was convenor, Baden invented the H_t analysis methodology) Physics coordinator (Hadley) The D0 Upgrade Level II trigger upgrade (Baden & Toole) Head of online Trigger operations (Triggermeister) (Toole) Computing upgrade (Hadley) Elected head of IB (Hadley) W mass (convenor) (Eno) All Electroweak Physics (convenor) (Verzocchi) Software upgrade All Monte Carlo (Eno) OO and C++ Shell (Kunori)
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 10 CMS at the LHC Coordination & Management Chair of CMS HCAL Institution Board (Skuja) CMS Speakers Committee &CMS Publication Committee (Skuja) Construction Project Manager of US HCAL Project (Skuja) Engineering Conceptual Design of HCAL Barrel (finished) HCAL simulation for design choices (Kunori) Level I Trigger Primitives (Baden, Bard, Grassi, Giganti + FNAL, BU & Princeton) CERN Installation and USC5 (Kellogg) Computing HCAL Simulation & Level II trigger working group for HCAL (Eno, Kunori, Sanders). The Maryland group had one of the largest personnel commitments to computing for physics in US CMS. LPC: LHC Physics Center at FNAL (Eno) CMS Data Base Project (Kunori) US CMS Physics coordinator (elected) (Eno)
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 11 OPAL at LEP II Physics Analysis Susy Searches (Chang) Lineshape and Electroweak parameters (Kellogg & Skuja) Running of QED coupling constant (Kellogg & Chang) Hardware maintenance (until end of ‘2000) Luminometers: FD and SW detectors (Kellogg and Sharma) Hadron Calorimeter (Arcelli and Ball) A. Ball became CMS Deputy Technical Coordinator in 2000 (member of CERN permanent staff)
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 12 Theoretical Physics Jogesh Pati is funded via the Maryland HEP grant Prof. Pati is working on Unified Models of Particle Physics and will continue to do so in 2005 Prof. Pati requests that he continue to receive 18% of his current salary even though he is retiring Prof. Pati requests continued funding for domestic and international travel. He is also requesting funding for ½ of a graduate student Note that funding for travel and for the student are Prof. Pati’s highest priorities
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 13 Budget Explanation Maryland Base Grant in 2005 is $1510 K (including ~$50K at the labs) Maryland HEP was granted $15K for computing in addition Base Budget (experimental) $1407K FNAL Service Account $20K SLAC Service Account of $30K Base Budget (theory) $53K DOE has informed us that our base for experimental physics will grow by $90K in 2006 to fund a CMS electronics post doc We have been getting about $15K/year from the CMS Travel Enhancement Pool. At this point in time no guidelines have been received by CMS about enhancement of travel. Requesting Increment for Inflation, Travel (BaBar and CMS), Grad. Students, Post Doc (+1) (CMS)
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 14 Request for Grant Increment Inflation Our funding has been flat or negative for many years Undergraduates and Graduate students Several undergrads and starting grads have expressed interest to work in our program. We have to turn away aspiring HEP students. Travel (We require a minimum of $150K a year + indirect costs to maintain our program) All hotel and airline costs are up BaBar Travel to SLAC is sharply up since data taking has begun CMS travel to CERN is a major expense. We have strong ties to our International Collaborators and must meet with them on a regular basis Prof. Pati requires some domestic and international travel support
UMD DOE Site Visit, August 30, 2005 15 New Post Doc for CMS We request full time funding for an additional post-doc on CMS to work with Prof. Sarah Eno on LPC related tasks. Prof. Eno is the head of the LHC/CMS Physics Center at FNAL and needs continued support for manpower on D0/CMS physics analysis. Drew Baden is the US HCAL TRIDAS coordinator and requires continued support both at CERN and the US for our major involvement in the CMS electronics. This position has been funded atrting in November of ’05.
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