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Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID Thierry PRIOL INRIA

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1 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID Thierry PRIOL INRIA

2 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 2 Outline of the Presentation From FP5 to FP6 Unit F2 - Grid Technologies Unit F3 - Research Infrastructure Conclusion

3 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 3 Applications Infrastructure Middleware Infrastructure DataTag Computing EuroGrid, DataGrid, Damien Tools and Middleware GridLab, GRIP Applications EGSO, CrossGrid, BioGrid, FlowGrid, Moses, COG, GEMSS, Grace, Mammogrid, OpenMolGrid, Selene, P2P / ASP / Webservices P2People, ASP-BP, GRIA, MMAPS, GRASP, GRIP, WEBSI Clustering GridStart Grid projects funded by the EU Former FP5 IST Grid Projects (58 M€)

4 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 4 IST-FP6 commitment to Grid research First actions launched in IST-FP5 Grid research is a key strategic objective 2000-2002 2002-2006 FP5 FP6 325M€ 58M€ From FP5 to FP6 Grid research funding more than doubles

5 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 5 FP6 and its new instruments Instrumental for creation of a European Research Area (ERA) –Towards a European research policy –Community funding to help aggregate RTD effort (EU, Member states & private) –Open coordination at all level (EU, National, Regional) Basic principles –Focus on integration, fewer priorities, critical mass, improve impact –Lasting, structuring impact (to avoid “end of project”…) –Several instruments (IP, NoE, STREP, SSA, CA)

6 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 6 Integrated Project (IP) - objectives Designed to support research that is … objective and result driven –Clearly defined objectives and results Each IP should –Integrate the types of activities needed to obtain the goals Basic research, development, take-up, trials, best-practice –Integrate the critical mass of resources needed to obtain the goals –Integrate all elements of technology / value chain to attain high-impact goals –Support industry (large & SME) collaboration with academia –Several implementations Monolithic, incremental participation, incremental funding

7 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 7 Network of Excellence (NoE) - objectives To reinforce or strengthen scientific and technological excellence on a given research topic –By integrating the critical mass of expertise needed to provide European leadership and be a world force –Around a Joint Programme of Activity (JPA) Structuring European research by integrating research capacities across Europe Strong and durable integration To progress knowledge on a particular theme Overcome the fragmentation of European research To act as a “Virtual Centre of Excellence” To spread excellence beyond the partners

8 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 8 Grid Research and Deployment in FP6 Grids for Complex Problem Solving –Architecture, design and development of the next generation Grid –Enabling application technologies DG IST - F2 Research Infrastructure –Deployment of specific high performance Grids –Deployment of high-capacity and high-speed communi- cations network - GEANT DG IST - F3 Research & DevelopmentDeployment Application-oriented Strategic Objectives e.g. eBusiness, eGov, eWork, eHealth, risks management, environment, transport Technology-oriented strategic objectives, e.g. semantic web, embedded systems software and services R&D 200 M € RI125 M € (IST)

9 Unit F2 Grids for solving complex problems projects overview

10 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 10 inteliGRID Semantic Grid based virtual organisations Provenance Trust and provenance for Grids DataminingGrid Datamining tools & services UniGridS Extended OGSA Implementation based on UNICORE K-WF Grid Knowledge based workflow & collaboration GRIDCOORD Building the ERA in Grid research Grid Research Projects funded by F2 Start: SUMMER 2004 EU Funding:52 MILLION OntoGrid Knowledge Services for the semantic Grid HPC4U Fault tolerance, dependability for Grid Grid-based generic enabling application technologies to facilitate solution of industrial problems SIMDAT EU-driven Grid services architecture for businesS and industry NextGRID Mobile Grid architecture and services for dynamic virtual organisations Akogrimo European-wide virtual laboratory for longer term Grid research-creating the foundation for next generation Grids CoreGRID Specific support actionIntegrated projectNetwork of excellenceSpecific targeted research project GRID@ASIA Collaboration with China/South-Korea

11 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 11 Project timeframe AKOGRIMO CoreGRID June 2004June 2005June 2006June 2007June 2008 36 months 48 months 36 months NEXTGRID SIMDAT 48 months GridCoord K-WF Grid OntoGrid Provenance 36 months 30 months 36 months 24 months 18 months DataMiningGrid Grid@Asia HPC4U InteliGrid UniGriS IPs NoE STREP SSA

12 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 12 EU Funding to Grid projects

13 Akogrimo Mobile Grid architecture and services for dynamic virtual organisations

14 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 14 Project Objectives Realize a layered Next Generation Grid middleware –architecture and –reference implementation –enabling cross-layer co- operation from network through Grid up to the application layer –for a large number of nomadic and mobile users Demonstrate the capabilities with challenging applications and real users Develop Elaborated Business Models for this new platform Provide Supporting Tools for developers Mobile Internet (MIPv6) Network Middleware Grid infrastructure Generic Application Support Layer Domain specific services layer

15 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 15 Akogrimo partners Network operators: Telefonica (lead), Telenor, IT-Aveiro Software industry: ATOS, Datamat Tool Provider: BOC Grid Infrastructure providers: University of Stuttgart, CCLRC R&D: Universities of Hohenheim, Zurich and Madrid; research institutes: CRMPA and ICCS/NTUA

16 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 16 Scenarios eHealth –Locate patient, collect and interpret patient data, dinamically change workflows to treat patient according to live data, historical data and simulations Logistics –Multimodal combined planning between different transport companies –Disaster Handling and Crisis Management eLearning –Personalised, collaborative and interactive virtual experiments on the move Tele Working –Corporate Mobile Grid (expert in the field with backend groups and services Forecast application –Traffic, Weather, Sea, …

17 NextGRID EU-driven Grid services architecture for businesS and industry Vision: An architecture for Next Generation Grids which will enable its widespread use by research, industry and the ordinary citizen thus creating a dynamic market place for new services and products.

18 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 18 NextGRID Goals Develop architectural components that will lead to the emergence of the Next Generation Grid. Prepare the way for the broader use of Grid technologies and their widespread adoption by organisations and individuals from the business and public domains. Improve the technology in key areas such as security, development of applications, interoperability, quality of service and robustness. Contribute to the standards which are essential if Next Generation Grids are to succeed.

19 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 19 NextGRID Partners Academic partners Commercial partners

20 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 20 The NextGRID Process Application needs Existing Business Models Existing standards Expertise Experience with Grid in production Architecture Grid Business Models Reference Implementations Applications Standards Feedback for next iteration Analysis Conceptualisation Implementation Design Evaluation

21 SIMDAT Grid-based generic enabling application technologies to facilitate solution of industrial problems

22 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 22 SIMDAT Objectives Develop federated versions of problem solving environments –Support of distributed product and process development –Test and enhance grid technology for access to distributed data bases –Tools for semantic transformation between these data bases –Grid support for knowledge discovery Promote defacto standards Raise awareness in important industrial sectors

23 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 23 SIMDAT partners Capability Providers Grid TechnologistsEnd Users

24 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 24 SIMDAT - Overview Four sectors of international economic importance: Automotive Pharmaceutical Aerospace Meteorology Seven Grid-technology development areas: Grid infrastructure Distributed Data Access VO Administration Workflows Ontologies Analysis Services Knowledge Services The solution of industrially relevant complex problems using data-centric Grid technology.

25 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 25 SIMDAT Project Results Federated versions of existing commercial Problem Solving Environments – (for example MSC.SímManager, ESI Composer, ESI SDM, LMS Tec.Manager, LION SRS) Grid enabled versions of (commercial) analysis services –(for example ESI PAM-CRASH, MSC.Nastran) Grid technology services –Commercial products for Grid support of Workflow, Ontologies –Grid enabled version of the WEKA data mining tool –Commercial product for Grid enabled model development (LMS.OPTIMUS) Contributions to standardisation activities Industrial showcases solving complex problems –Demonstration of the industrial relavance of the project results –(for example: Distributed knowledge discovery for the NVH behaviour of multiple cars based on the same platform)

26 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 26 42 Partners CoreGRID European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for Large Scale Distributed, Grid and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 6 EU Virtual Institutes U. Cyprus INRIA CNRS ERCIM CETIC UCL CNR-ISTI INFN U. Calabria U. Lecce U. Pisa CLPP-BAS Delft U. Vrije U. EPFL UASF FhG FZ-Julich HLRS U. Munster U. Dortmund U. Passau ZIB ICS- FORTH IC RAL-CCLRC U. Belfast U. Cambridge U. Cardiff U. Manchester U. Newcastle U. Wesminster VTT SZTAKI U. Coimbra UPC Masaryk U. PSC CYFRONET KTH SICS U. Chile Objectives Build S&T excellency on Grid - EU-wide virtual laboratory Achieve sustainable restructuring and integration Disseminate EU research on Grid Set-up a think-tank to create spin-off projects Create the European “Grid Lighthouse” Research Focus Knowledge and data management Programming models System architecture Grid Information and Monitoring Services Resource Management & Scheduling Problem solving environments, tools & Grid Systems

27 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 Network priorities Excellence –CoreGRID brings together a European critical mass of well-known experts in GRID and P2P research allowing to compete with research and development in US and Japan –An ambitious joint program of activities to deal with well identified challenges Long-term integration & structuring –Set-up a sustainable European research laboratory with an associated management With several Institutes With research groups assigned to Institutes

28 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 A set of well identified research challenges Knowledge & Data Management –Handling information/data that are required/produced by a wide range of diverse processing power Programming Model –Making the programming of Grid infrastructures as simple and transparent as possible System Architecture –Designing the next generation Grid middleware Grid Information and Monitoring Services –Scalable information service to implement a service view of the Grid Resource Management & Scheduling –Scheduling jobs/applications/tasks/computation within a Grid environment Problem Solving Environments, tools and GRID systems –Integrating various middleware, tools and applications for problem solving

29 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 29 Spreading Excellence Internal and External Communication June 14, 2005: 148,000 Visitors Technical ReportsBook Brochure

30 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 30 Spreading Excellence Grid Users Community Electronic mailing list, Scientific – Industry - Public Newsletter Quarterly Nr. 1: February 2005 Nr. 2: May 2005 next issue: September 2005 Editorial board Sent to the GUC European Grid Conference EGC’2006 in June 6-7, 2006 4 days program Grid project Launch event (IST Call 5) Conference (2 days) Grid concertation meeting (1 day)

31 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 31 Durable mobility of researchers Internal mobility is essential for integration Ensure stronger co-operation among partners, promote career development and mobility 2 activities : –Fellowship Programme - Young researchers hosted by two institutes for two distinct periods ~ 600 k€ –Research Exchange Programme - Researcher or student from 1 member to another, two weeks to six months~ 480 k€ Search for external sources of funding is also needed, e.g. the Marie-Curie-Programme Mobility web portal available at the CoreGRID web site

32 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 32

33 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 33 Work Programme 2005-2006 Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services Application Pull Technology Push Network-centric Grid Operating Systems Potential new fabric layer for future distributed systems and services Grid Foundations Architecture, design and development of technologies and systems for building the invisible Grid Grid-enabled Applications & Services for business and society Research, development, validation and take-up of generic environments and tools e-bus, e-health, e-goy, e-learning Environment, … Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services Application Sector 3 Application Sector 2 Application Sector n Application Sector 1 IST Call 5 Open May 2005 Close Sept 2005 Budget: ~70M€

34 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 34 FP6 Grid Technologies Projects Calls 2, 3, 5 data, knowledge, semantics, mining KnowArc Chemomen tum A-WareSorma platforms, user environments Specific support actionIntegrated projectNetwork of excellenceSpecific targeted research project g-EclipseGrediaGridComp QosCosGrid Grid4all AssessGrid GridTrust trust, security Grid services, business models ArguGrid Edutain@ Grid GridEcon Nessi-Grid Challengers Degree BREIN agents & semantics XtreemOS Linux based Grid operating system supporting the NESSI ETP & Grid community BeinGrid business experiments EU Funding: 124 M€ Call 5 start: Summer 2006 Datamining Grid OntoGrid InteliGrid K-WF Grid CoreGRID six virtual laboratories UniGridsHPC4U Provenance GridCoordGrid@Asia NextGRID service architecture Akogrimo mobile services SIMDAT industrial simulations

35 Unit F3 Research Infrastructure projects overview

36 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 36 Grid Deployment and Testbeds - Overview LOBSTER Traffic monitoring EUROLABS Experimental testbeds IPv6TF SC IPv6 Task Force support Specific Support Actions User involvement… …technology validation eInfrastructure EGEE DEISA SEE-GRID DILIGENT New user communities using Grids – Digital Libraries GRIDCC Real time Grid for remote control of instruments MUPPET Optical solutions for Grid infrastruct. EUQoS Flexible Quality of Service Assurance

37 The EGEE project – Building a Global Production Grid

38 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 38 Computing intensive science Science is becoming increasingly digital and needs to deal with increasing amounts of data Simulations get ever more detailed –Nanotechnology – design of new materials from the molecular scale –Modeling and predicting complex systems (weather forecasting, river floods, earthquake) –Decoding the human genome Experimental Science uses ever more sophisticated sensors to make precise measurements –Need high statistics –Huge amounts of data –Serves user communities around the world

39 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 39 EGEE Objectives –consistent, robust and secure service grid infrastructure –improving and maintaining the middleware –attracting new resources and users from industry as well as science Structure –70 leading institutions in 27 countries, federated in regional Grids –leveraging national and regional grid activities worldwide –funded by the EU with ~32 M Euros for first 2 years starting 1st April 2004

40 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 40 Country providing resources Country anticipating joining EGEE/LCG In EGEE-0:  >140 sites  >14 000 CPUs  >5 PB storage EGEE Infrastructure It is already exceeding original project plans Already outdated !

41 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 41 Globus 2 basedWeb services based gLite-2gLite-1LCG-2LCG-1 EGEE Middleware - gLite Intended to replace present middleware with production quality services Developed from existing components Aims to address present shortcomings and advanced needs from applications Prototyping short development cycles for fast user feedback Initial web-services based prototypes being tested

42 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 42 Pilot applications High-Energy Physics (HEP) –Provides computing infrastructure (LCG) –Challenging: thousands of processors world-wide generating terabytes of data ‘chaotic’ use of grid with individual user analysis (thousands of users interactively operating within experiment VOs) Biomedical Applications –Similar computing and data storage requirements –Major challenge: security

43 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 43 Generic Applications EGEE Generic Applications Advisory Panel (EGAAP) –UNIQUE entry point for “external” applications –Reviews proposals and make recommendations to EGEE management Deals with “scientific” aspects, not with technical details Generic Applications group in charge of introducing selected applications to the EGEE infrastructure –6 applications selected so far: Earth sciences (I and II) MAGIC (Astronomy) Computational Chemistry PLANCK (Astronomy) Drug Discovery GRACE (end Feb 2005)

44 DEISA : Middleware and scientific strategies

45 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 45 The DEISA consortium New members in 2005: BSC, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany LRZ, Munich, Germany

46 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 46 Requirements and strategies Fast deployment of a persistent, production quality, grid empowered supercomputing infrastructure with continental scope. European supercomputing service built on top of existing national services (reliability, non disruptive behavior) Top-bottom approach: technology choices follow from the business and operational models of virtual organizations. DEISA technology choices are fully open. Two level operation: Deep integration and highly coupled operation of homogeneous platforms: promoting cluster software to super-cluster middleware Looser federation of heterogeneous platforms: heterogeneous grid of supercomputers and super-clusters.

47 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 47 GEANT AIX distributed super-cluster Vector systems Linux systems

48 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 48 The AIX DEISA super-cluster (phase 1) VPN connecting computing platforms on NRENs – GEANT infrastructures. Global, high performance, Distributed file system with continental scope (GPFS). Dynamic pool of resources. 4000 processors, 24 Teraflops of integrated computing power

49 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 49 Heterogeneous Supercomputing Grid Workflow management: UNICORE plus further extensions and services coming from DEISA’s JRA7 and UniGrids. Global data management: a detailed architecture is being defined, based partly on extended global file systems on heterogeneous systems, partly on more general OGSA based services. Scheduling: some reliable and stable implementation of advanced reservation and co-scheduling is needed for Grid aplications running on the heterogeneous environment. Science gateways and portals: specific Internet interfaces to hide complex supercomputing environments from end users, and facilitate the access of new, non traditional, scientific communities.

50 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 50 Conclusion A huge funding effort from the European Union in Grid research and infrastructure Gather a critical mass of skills & competences from research to engineering The EU is at the leading edge of Grid computing for both e-science, e-engineering and e-business applications

51 Presentation of the main current EU projects on GRID - T. PriolCoreGRID Summer School 05-09/09/2005 51 Conclusion (cont’d) An important initiative is being launched for the next Framework Programme (FP7)

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