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Social Supports and People with Disabilities Dr. Eilionóir Flynn, Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUIG.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Supports and People with Disabilities Dr. Eilionóir Flynn, Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUIG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Supports and People with Disabilities Dr. Eilionóir Flynn, Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUIG

2 Overview Disability-specific social welfare payments – (means tested payments and benefits based on PRSI contributions) Other supports for employment, education, social and and personal support Appeals and complaints processes

3 Background Department of Social Protection – welfare payments Most people with disabilities get day-to-day support from families and disability service providers – voluntary bodies funded by the HSE Entitlements to any of these supports not guaranteed

4 Disability Allowance Physical, sensory, intellectual disability or mental health problem expected to continue for at least 1 year 16-66 years of age Means test > €120 per week counted as income Habitual Residence Condition

5 Blind Pension Blind/serious visual impairment 18 years and over Means test > €120 per week (rehabilitative employment) counted as income Free Travel Pass and may qualify for blind welfare allowance (also means tested)

6 Occupational Injuries Benefits (PRSI payers) Injury benefit (unable to work,26 weeks from date of accident) then illness benefit/DA Disablement benefit (loss of physical/mental faculty, do NOT have to be unable to work) – incapacity supplement (if not entitled to illness benefit) Constant attendance allowance (personal care needs due to disability acquired at work)

7 Personal Assistance No one national system of eligibility and applications Apply to individual service providers e.g. Centre for Independent Living, Irish Wheelchair Association Or to Disability Area Manager, HSE (Denise Donlon, Disability Care Co-ordinator, 091 775852)

8 Assisted Living (IWA) Personal care (washing/dressing), domestic care (cooking/feeding), social support (shopping/outings), essential overnight/weekend care and assistance to access employment/education Self directed or supported package (service coordinator administration) Galway office phone - 091 7715 email -

9 Disability Officer, NUIG Register with DSS, Evidence of Disability form, FULL time students only Supports include: additional tutorials/grinds, special exam requirements, materials in alternative formats, etc.

10 National Advocacy Service People with disabilities who cannot access their entitlements on the basis of disability (children and adults) Advocate’s role is to support person to assert their rights, not to decide what is in their ‘best interest’ Josephine Keaveney (086 0201095) Advocacy Manager for the Western Region

11 Appeals and Complaints Social welfare appeals process Internal complaints within service providers HSE ‘Your Service Your Say’ Complaints process Ombudsman

12 Social Welfare Appeals Office Complain in writing within 21 days Ask DSP to review – may consider new evidence May be informal oral hearing – don’t need legal representation but is allowed Decision of Appeals Officer generally final are/irish_social_welfare_system/social_welfare_a ppeals.html

13 Service provider complaints process laints.pdf laints.pdf General guidelines: complain in writing, within a reasonable time frame from when the incident occurred Many service providers have Human Rights Review Committees who also hear complaints about human rights violations

14 HSE Your Service Your Say nt/ nt/ Attempt to resolve locally, or complaints officer will review within 30 days Director of Advocacy can review this decision within 30 days If unsatisfied, approach the Ombudsman’s Office

15 Ombudsman Complaints about all public bodies Within 12 months of incident, attempt to resolve with body first Ombudsman Link Service: Galway Citizens Information Centre, Augustine House, St. Augustine Street, Galway Complaints handled informally, sometimes investigation required

16 Useful resources cations/providers/factsheets/ cations/providers/factsheets/ cations/providers/downloads/Entitlements_Di sabilities.pdf cations/providers/downloads/Entitlements_Di sabilities.pdf welfare/social_welfare_payments/social_welf are_payments_and_work/disability_payments _and_work.html welfare/social_welfare_payments/social_welf are_payments_and_work/disability_payments _and_work.html

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