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FSM Library Defining, Creating and Visualizing FSMs.

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Presentation on theme: "FSM Library Defining, Creating and Visualizing FSMs."— Presentation transcript:

1 FSM Library Defining, Creating and Visualizing FSMs

2 Defining FSAs SrcDestInCost 001.5 012.3 123 124.6 2.8 FinalCost  Define FSA in a text file  Useful commands fsmcompile fsmprint fsmdraw automaton file

3 Defining FSTs SrcDstInOutCost 0014.5 0123.3 1232 1241.6 2.8 FinalCost  Define FST in a text file  Useful commands fsmcompile fsmprint fsmdraw transducer file

4 Labels  Three Types input labels output labels state labels

5 Using Labels  You can use symbolic labels instead of numbers Need to associate labels with numbers SrcDestInCost 00red.5 01green.3 12blue 12yellow.6 2.8 FinalCost LabelNum red1 green2 blue3 yellow4 automaton file labels file

6 Compiling FSMs  Use fsmcompile FSAs fsmcompile fsa.file FSTs fsmcompile –t fst.file FSMs with Labels fsmcompile [-t] –i input.labels [-o output.labels] [-s state.labels] fsm.file

7 Visualizing FSMs  Text Output Use fsmprint fsmprint {label.files} < machine.fsm  Graphical Output Use fsmdraw Output in PostScript, JPEG, GIF, etc fsmdraw output.x Format: jpg, ps, gif, etc.

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