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Christianity in 16 th century Latin America The good, the bad, and the ugly.

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity in 16 th century Latin America The good, the bad, and the ugly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity in 16 th century Latin America The good, the bad, and the ugly

2 Questions/big picture Latin America vs. Asia: two very different models of cultural contact How do you understand the conquest? What motivated the different Christians involved?

3 Spanish Conquest Explorers come first (1492ff) Happens before reforms of Trent Model: remove and replace local religion Columbus: kidnap locals, take to Spain, get to act as translators Cortes: destroy Aztec symbols and replace First offer chance to convert, then use force Missionaries arrive Franciscans arrive in 1524 Eventually, Augustinians, Jesuits, and Dominicans also active

4 Notable Exceptions Bartolome de las Casas (d. 1566) Argued against coercion and enslavement Argued for their humanity Paul III (1537): Indians have rights to freedom and property Dominicans at Salmanca, Spain (1539): conversion by conquest not right Force can only be used against aggressors

5 Indigenous Christianity Natives made Christianity their own “Neither outright rejection nor total acceptance” Find in Christianity (esp. Mary and saints) the means to assert themselves Our Lady of Guadalupe Soldiers of the Virgin Santiago Chimaltenango


7 Our Lady of Guadalupe Story Content Rhetorical analysis (author, audience, purpose) How is the story meaningful to believers? In Latino/Mexican culture? How does the story show inculturation? Why were some Marian apparitions accepted and others not?

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