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The External Environment for Developing Countries December 2009 The World Bank Development Economics Prospects Group.

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1 The External Environment for Developing Countries December 2009 The World Bank Development Economics Prospects Group

2 G-3 exports now growing at double digits… a good omen for world trade U.S. - Japan and Germany export volumes, ch% 3m/3m saar Source: World Bank, DEC Prospects Group.

3 Gross capital flows increase rapidly in the final months of 2009 bond issuance, IPOs and syndicated bank lending, 3mma, billions US dollars Source: World Bank, Development Prospects Group.

4 Industrial countries

5 Source: Department of Commerce. U.S. GDP marked down for third quarter to 2.8% on consumer and exports growth of real GDP, and contributions to growth in percentage points Stocks Government Consumption Investment Net exports

6 Narrowing of job losses in November with new claims down substantially change in employment (‘000, 3mma) [L]; claims for UNR insurance (‘000, 4wma) [R] Source: U.S. Department of Labor. claims for unemployment insurance [R] change in employment [L]

7 Housing makes some progress in pulling out of recession– but risks remain new and existing home sales, (ch% 3mma y/y) [L]; “Affordability index” [R] Source: Department of Commerce and National Association of Realtors. Existing home sales [L] New home sales [L] Affordability index [R]

8 Source: Japan Cabinet Office. Japan’s GDP growth marked down sharply to 1.3% in Q3-09 on invenstment growth of real GDP, and contributions to growth in percentage points Net Exports Stocks Consumption Government Investment

9 Japanese exports increase as demand from the U.S. and Europe comes into play U.S. imports, Japan exports, (nominal USD) Japan IP-mfgr, ch% 3m/3m saar Source: World Bank, DEC Prospects Group.

10 Japan’s deflation has yet to abate prompting BOJ liquidity provisions Tokyo consumer prices [left]; corporate goods prices (PPI) [right], ch% y/y Source: Japan Cabinet Office. consumer prices [L] corporate goods prices [R]

11 Source: Eurostat. Euro Area GDP up 1.5% in Q3-09 (saar) on investment and stocks growth of real GDP, and contributions to growth in percentage points Net Exports Stocks Government Consumption Investment

12 Drivers for European growth continue mixed & uneven GDP growth, third Quarter 2009 (ch%, saar) Source: Eurostat. * contribution to growth.

13 Euro Area sentiment buoyed by emergence from recession IFO survey (overall and expectations) [left]; Euro Area consumer confidence [right] IFO- expectations [L] Source: IFO and European Commission. Euro Area Consumer Confidence [R] IFO- overall [L]

14 Industrial production

15 World output recovering at a brisk pace growth of industrial production, ch% y/y and saar Momentum (3m/3m saar) Year-on-year growth Source: World Bank, DEC Prospects Group.

16 China’s output growth is slowing industrial production growth, ch% y/y and saar Source: World Bank, DEC Prospects Group. Momentum (3m/3m saar) Year-on-year growth

17 Brazil’s IP grounded in domestic demand industrial production growth, ch% y/y and saar Source: World Bank, DEC Prospects Group. Momentum (3m/3m saar) Year-on-year growth

18 International trade

19 Imports strengthened in high income countries over the third quarter import volumes, 3 mma seasonally adjusted percent change Source: World Bank, DEC Prospects Group.

20 U.S. trade deficit narrows on stronger exports and lower oil imports balance of trade (annualized), and deficit minus oil, $ billion Source: U.S. Department of Commerce.

21 Developing countries’ exports return to year-over-year growth in October Export volumes, year-over-year percent change Source: World Bank, DEC Prospects Group.

22 Oil prices

23 Oil prices and OECD oil stocks $/ bbl million bbl Oil price [L scale] OECD stocks [R] Source: IEA and DECPG Commodities Group.

24 World oil consumption growth million barrels per day mb/d

25 WTI Futures Prices - NYMEX DEC 10 $/bbl Monthly contract prices to Dec 2014* for select dates in 2009 Jul 13 Nov 9 * Futures now extend to December 2018 Nov 30

26 Non-oil commodity prices

27 Agriculture prices strengthen on grains and beverages non-oil prices, index 2000=100. (2000=100) Source: Datastream and DECPG Commodities Group.

28 Copper prices and LME stocks $/ton‘000 tons Copper price LME stocks Source: LME and DECPG Commodities Group.

29 Global steel production rebounds mil tons Source: DECPG Commodities Group.

30 International Finance

31 Flows to emerging markets ease to a still-strong $35 billion in November Source: DECPG Finance Team.

32 Terms of borrowing for EM bond issuance have improved average maturity in years [L]; average launch spreads (bps) [R] Source: Bloomberg and DECPG staff calculations. cost of borrowing [right]

33 Robust returns to EM equities in 2009 Source: JPMorgan-Chase and Reuters.

34 Currencies

35 Source: Thomson/Datastrea m. yen/U SD USD/Euro (inverse) Dollar jumps in response to favorable jobs numbers and BOJ’s QE USD per Euro (inverse) [Left] and Yen per USD [right]

36 Recent pickup in net capital flows to U.S. shows distinct flight to quality net flows: U.S. Treasuries, private securities (bn$ 3mma) Source: U.S. Treasury TICs Database and JP Morgan-Chase. Treasuries Private sector securities Total net inflow

37 EM nominal effective exchange rates move toward appreciation NEERs, index Jan-2007 = 100. Source: World Bank, DECPG. Brazil Turkey South Africa Mexico India

38 The External Environment for Developing Countries December 2009 The World Bank Development Economics Prospects Group

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