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The Perils of IP in a digital age. Seanchaí.

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Presentation on theme: "The Perils of IP in a digital age. Seanchaí."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Perils of IP in a digital age



4 Seanchaí


6 Blackboard Patent 2006 No. 6,988,138 “Internet based education support systems and methods”

7 Desire2Learn Blackboard HQ Lufkin, Texas

8 Blackboard patent Bollywood style



11 Lessig

12 Stanford

13 Boyle

14 Duke



17 Lessig

18 Innovation revolution

19 Commerce Counter-revolution

20 Law

21 Technology

22 Concentrated control of knowledge resources

23 Boyle

24 Second Enclosure

25 Commons of the mind

26 Silence is [golden] profitable

27 DMCA 1998 EUCD 2001

28 DeCSS 1999 DVD Jon Universal v Corley

29 Sklyarov 2001

30 Felten

31 SunnComm MediaMax CD3 & Haldermann’s shift key 2003

32 Blackboard Hoffman & Griffith 2003

33 Adobe in Wonderland

34 RealNetworks v Apple 2004

35 P2P Napster, Grokster Universal v Sony

36 The United States Supreme Court unanimously confirmed that using this service to trade copyrighted material is illegal. Copying copyrighted motion picture and music files using unauthorized peer-to- peer services is illegal and is prosecuted by copyright owners. There are legal services for downloading music and movies. This service is not one of them. YOUR IP ADDRESS IS AND HAS BEEN LOGGED. Don't think you can't get caught. You are not anonymous. In the meantime, please visit and to learn more about copyright.

37 Copyright Clearance Center – Blackboard 2005 Automated clearance tool From ‘fair use’ to ‘fared use’

38 Gowers Review UK 2006 IP enforcement IP enforcement IP crime – police and trading standards IP crime – police and trading standards 10 years jail 10 years jail Reform of copyright Reform of copyright Balance – fair dealing & exceptions for private format shifting Balance – fair dealing & exceptions for private format shifting Libraries, archives, education Libraries, archives, education No term extension on sound recordings - economics No term extension on sound recordings - economics Patent Office → IPO Patent Office → IPO Advisory Board on IP Policy Advisory Board on IP Policy

39 Gene patents Software patents Trusted computing Network architectures WIPO, TRIPS, IPRED Policy laundering ACTA

40 Music industry > 30k individual lawsuits Jammie Thomas $222,000 2007

41 UK individual lawsuits Isabela Barwinska £16,000 August 2008

42 E-commerce directive Notice & takedown

43 ISPs ID suspects?

44 Three strikes

45 Promusicae v Telefonica

46 Diamond v Chakrabarty 1980 Moore v Regents of University of California 1990 State Street Bank 1998 Amazon 1-click 1999 - 2007 BT v Prodigy (hypertext linking case) Sony v Owen 2002 Eldred v Ashcroft 2003 MercExchange v eBay 2005-07 RIM v NTP (Blackberry case) Microsoft v Eolas (plug ins and applets) Microsoft v Alcatel MP3 case Universal v Sharman Networks (KaZaa) International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) 2007 Acacia v Red Hat & Novell Viacom v YouTube LG Electronics v Quanta Computer

47 Microsoft

48 Boyle 7 Ways to Ruin a Technological Revolution

49 Second enclosure movement

50 Lessig

51 Counter-revolution succeeding


53 Stakeholders (winners & losers) Public (Consumers) Creators Agents* * Business e.g. Music, film, software, media companies, publishers

54 Creators Z depends on i) term ii) scope iii) penalties iv) case law v)enforcement

55 Consumers Societal welfare equals (weighted) sum of consumers, creators & agents

56 Agents of creators Music, film, software, media companies and publishers Music, film, software, media companies and publishers Za > Zc

57 Lined up Possibly Z a > Z c > Z consumers

58 Evidence Optimal strength varies for creators, agents and consumers Optimal strength varies for creators, agents and consumers Possibly Z a > Z c > Z consumers Possibly Z a > Z c > Z consumers We don’t know We don’t know Very little empirical evidence Very little empirical evidence Case study of specific firms Case study of specific firms Surveys of creators, firms, lawyers, etc Surveys of creators, firms, lawyers, etc Data & econometrics Data & econometrics National or sector trends/comparisons National or sector trends/comparisons Sales of CDs, films, etc Sales of CDs, films, etc Collecting society data Collecting society data Legal cases matched to firm-level data Legal cases matched to firm-level data

59 Recent proposed changes 3 strikes 3 strikes Winners - agents & creators Winners - agents & creators Losers - agents & creators & public Losers - agents & creators & public Term extension Term extension Winners - agents & creators Winners - agents & creators Losers - agents & creators & public Losers - agents & creators & public 4% > 20 years old available 4% > 20 years old available 96% locked up 96% locked up ACTA ACTA ????????????? ????????????? Public Creators Agents

60 Thanks and Qs

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