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Development of a Neuro Fuzzy Technique for Position Sensor Elimination in a SRM L. O. Henriques, L.G. Rolim, W. I. Suemitsu, P.J. Costa Branco.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of a Neuro Fuzzy Technique for Position Sensor Elimination in a SRM L. O. Henriques, L.G. Rolim, W. I. Suemitsu, P.J. Costa Branco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of a Neuro Fuzzy Technique for Position Sensor Elimination in a SRM L. O. Henriques, L.G. Rolim, W. I. Suemitsu, P.J. Costa Branco

2 Presentation Introduction –Operating modes System Training and Operation – Estimator types Results –Simulated and experimental Conclusions

3 Introduction Necessity for a perfect operation: –Correct excitation of the phases in synchronism with the rotor position Reasons to remove the position sensor: –Cost, reliability, size, weight and inertia Basic voltage equation:

4 Operating Modes in Sensorless Control

5 Region 1 and 2: – Counter EMF is smaller than the DC bus voltage. – Can operate in CR-PWM (hysteresis) –Drawback: produces significant braking torque –Voltage pulse injection to measure the inductance

6 Operating Modes in Sensorless Control Region 3 – Limitations (precision and accurancy) using diagnosis signal techniques Region 4 – Operation is single pulse – Region named “Constant power region” Region 5 – Requires efficient real time algorithms

7 System Training and Operation Conventional estimator

8 System Training and Operation Initial proposed estimator

9 Voltage Profile Training Data

10 System Training and Operation Final proposed estimator

11 Training phase Operation phase Training and Operation Phase

12 Simulated Result 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Time(s) Position(degree) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time(s) speed(rpm) estimated real

13 Experimental Results

14 Experimental Result 050010001500 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Reference current Sample point # Ampere (A)

15 Experimental Result 0100200300400500 90 95 100 105 110 Real Speed Sample point # (rpm)

16 Experimental Result Estimated Speed 0100200300400500 85 90 95 100 105 110 Sample point # (rpm)

17 Experimental Result 0100200300400500 85 90 95 100 105 110 Real and Estimated Speed Sample point # (rpm)

18 Conclusions A review of the torque-speed operating modes is shown A new technique of position sensor elimination is presented, based on intelligent techniques with neural nets and fuzzy logic Simulated and experimental results demonstrated the feasibility of the technique.

19 Basic Voltage Equation

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