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LING 438/538 Computational Linguistics Sandiway Fong Lecture 24: 11/26.

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1 LING 438/538 Computational Linguistics Sandiway Fong Lecture 24: 11/26

2 Lecture Schedule Remaining Lectures –Nov 26th (today) Grammar homework due today Britney Spears homework returned later today –Nov 29th (Thursday) Ontologies/WordNet –Dec 4th (538 Presentations) you must email me your slides (powerpoint or pdf) by midnight Dec 3rd 8 mins total per presentation (WAS 10) (you should practice/aim to finish in that time) (no laptop switching – to save time) we will still run over class time...

3 Lecture Schedule Final –prep session: needed? READING DAY (next Thursday) perhaps? –11th December –11am – 1pm slot (here) –Topics (5 out of 7 - 538, 4 out of 7 - 438) tentatively: Finite state transducers (FST) Porter stemmer edit distance natural language grammar (like the last homework) parsing methods (today’s lecture) n-gram/smoothing computation WordNet

4 Presentation Chapters

5 Chapters (2000 edition) II: Syntax 11 Features and Unification 11 Features and Unification –Jeff Berry 12 Lexicalized and Probabilistic Parsing12 Lexicalized and Probabilistic Parsing –Mary Dungan (human parsing) 13 Language and Complexity13 Language and Complexity –Roeland Hancock III: Semantics 14 Representing Meaning –Mark Siner (FOPC) 15 Semantic Analysis –Sean Humphreys (named entity recognition) 16 Lexical Semantics 17 Word Sense Disambiguation and Information Retrieval17 Word Sense Disambiguation and Information Retrieval –Sunjing Ji –HsinMin Lu

6 Chapters (2000 edition) IV: Pragmatics 18 Discourse 19 Dialog and Conversational Agents19 Dialog and Conversational Agents 20 Natural Language Generation V: Multilingual Processing 21 Machine Translation –Dainon Woudstra Other –Biomedical Information Tara Paulsen

7 Parsing Methods Background reading Chapter 10: –Parsing with Context-Free Grammars

8 Top-Down Parsing we already know one top-down parsing algorithm –DCG rule system starting at the top node –using the Prolog computation rule always try the first matching rule –expand x --> y, z. top-down: x then y and z left-to-right:do y then z depth-first:expands DCG rules for y before tackling z problems –left-recursion gives termination problems –no bottom-up filtering inefficient left-corner idea

9 Top-Down Parsing Prolog computation rule –is equivalent to the stack-based algorithm shown in the textbook –(figure 10.6) Prolog advantage –we don’t need to implement this explicitly –this is default Prolog strategy

10 Top-Down Parsing assume grammar

11 Top-Down Parsing example –does this flight include a meal? mismatch ➡

12 Top-Down Parsing example –does this flight include a meal?

13 Top-Down Parsing example –does this flight include a meal? query –?- s(X,[does,this,flight,include,a,meal],[]). –X = s(aux(does),np(det(this),nom( noun(flight))),vp(verb(includ e),np(det(a),nom(noun(meal))) ))

14 Top-Down Parsing Prolog grammar s(s(NP,VP)) --> np(NP), vp(VP). s(s(Aux,NP,VP)) --> aux(Aux), np(NP), vp(VP). s(s(VP)) --> vp(VP). np(np(D,N)) --> det(D), nominal(N). nominal(nom(N)) --> noun(N). nominal(nom(N1,N)) --> noun(N1), nominal(N). np(np(PN)) --> propernoun(PN). vp(vp(V)) --> verb(V). vp(vp(V,NP)) --> verb(V),np(NP). det(det(that)) --> [that]. det(det(this)) --> [this]. det(det(a)) --> [a]. noun(noun(book)) --> [book]. noun(noun(flight)) --> [flight]. noun(noun(meal)) --> [meal]. noun(noun(money)) --> [money]. verb(verb(book)) --> [book]. verb(verb(include)) --> [include]. verb(verb(prefer)) --> [prefer]. aux(aux(does)) --> [does]. preposition(prep(from)) --> [from]. preposition(prep(to)) --> [to]. preposition(prep(on)) --> [on]. propernoun(propn(houston)) --> [houston]. propernoun(propn(twa)) --> [twa]. nominal(nom(N,PP)) --> nominal(N), pp(PP). pp(pp(P,NP)) --> preposition(P), np(NP).

15 Top-Down Parsing example –does this flight include a meal? gain in efficiency –avoid computing the first row of Figure 10.7

16 Top-Down Parsing no bottom-up filtering –left-corner idea –eliminate unnecessary top-down search –reduce the number of choice points (amount of branching) example –does this flight include a meal? computation: 1.s --> np, vp. 2.s --> aux, np, vp. 3.s --> vp. –left-corner idea rules out 1 and 3

17 Left Corner Parsing need bottom-up filtering –filter top-down rule expansion using bottom-up information –current input is the bottom-up information –left-corner idea example –s(s(NP,VP)) --> np(NP), vp(VP). –what terminals can be used to begin this phrase? –answer: whatever can begin NP –np(np(D,N)) --> det(D), nominal(N). –np(np(PN)) --> propernoun(PN). –answer: whatever can begin Det or ProperNoun –det(det(that)) --> [that]. –det(det(this)) --> [this]. –det(det(a)) --> [a]. –propernoun(propn(houston)) --> [houston]. –propernoun(propn(twa)) --> [twa]. –answer: –{ that,this,a,houston,twa }“Left Corner” s /\ np vp /\ det nominal propernoun

18 Left Corner Parsing example –does this flight include a meal? computation 1.s(s(NP,VP)) --> np(NP), vp(VP). LC: { that,this,a,houston,twa } 2.s(s(Aux,NP,VP)) --> aux(Aux), np(NP), vp(VP). LC: { does } 3.s(s(VP)) --> vp(VP). LC: { book,include,prefer } –only rule 2 is compatible with the input –match first input terminal against left-corner (LC) set for each possible matching rule –left-corner idea prunes away or rules out options 1 and 3

19 Left Corner Parsing DCG Rules 1.s(s(NP,VP)) --> np(NP), vp(VP). LC: { that,this,a,houston,twa } 2.s(s(Aux,NP,VP)) --> aux(Aux), np(NP), vp(VP). LC: { does } 3.s(s(VP)) --> vp(VP). LC: { book,include,prefer } left-corner database facts –% lc(rule#,[word|_],[word|_]). –lc(1,[that|L],[that|L]).lc(2,[does|L],[does|L]). –lc(1,this|L],[this|L]).lc(3,[book|L],[book|L]). –lc(1,[a|L],[a|L]).lc(3,[include|L],[include|L]). –lc(1,[houston|L],[houston|L]).lc(3,[prefer|L],[prefer|L]). –lc(1,[twa|L],[twa|L]). rewrite Prolog rules to check input against lc 1.s(s(NP,VP)) --> lc(1), np(NP), vp(VP). 2.s(s(Aux,NP,VP)) --> lc(2), aux(Aux), np(NP), vp(VP). 3.s(s(VP)) --> lc(3), vp(VP).

20 Left Corner Parsing left-corner database facts –% lc(rule#,[word|_],[word|_]). –lc(1,[that|L],[that|L]).lc(2,[does|L],[does|L]). –lc(1,this|L],[this|L]).lc(3,[book|L],[book|L]). –lc(1,[a|L],[a|L]). lc(3,[include|L],[include|L]). –lc(1,[houston|L],[houston|L]).lc(3,[prefer|L],[prefer|L]). –lc(1,[twa|L],[twa|L]). rewrite DCG rules to check input against lc/3 1.s(s(NP,VP)) --> lc(1), np(NP), vp(VP). 2.s(s(Aux,NP,VP)) --> lc(2), aux(Aux), np(NP), vp(VP). 3.s(s(VP)) --> lc(3), vp(VP). DCG rules are translated into underlying Prolog rules: 1.s(s(A,B), C, D) :- lc(1, C, E), np(A, E, F), vp(B, F, D). 2.s(s(A,B,C), D, E) :- lc(2, D, F), aux(A, F, G), np(B, G, H), vp(C, H, E). 3.s(s(A), B, C) :- lc(3, B, D), vp(A, D, C).

21 Left Corner Parsing Summary: –Given a context-free DCG –Generate left-corner database facts lc(rule#,[word|_],[word|_]). –Rewrite DCG rules to check input against lc 1.s(s(NP,VP)) --> lc(1), np(NP), vp(VP). –DCG rules are translated into underlying Prolog rules: 1.s(s(A,B), C, D) :- lc(1, C, E), np(A, E, F), vp(B, F, D). This process can be done automatically (by program) Note: –not all rules need be rewritten –lexicon rules are direct left-corner rules –no filtering is necessary det(det(a)) --> [a]. noun(noun(book)) --> [book]. –i.e. no need to call lc as in det(det(a)) --> lc(11), [a]. noun(noun(book)) --> lc(12), [book].

22 Left Corner Parsing s(s(_549,_550))-->lc(1),np(_549),vp(_550). s(s(_554,_555,_556))-->lc(2),aux(_554),np(_555),vp(_556). s(s(_544))-->lc(3),vp(_544). np(np(_549,_550))-->lc(4),det(_549),nominal(_550). nominal(nom(_544))-->lc(5),noun(_544). nominal(nom(_549,_550))-->lc(6),noun(_549),nominal(_550). np(np(_544))-->lc(7),propernoun(_544). vp(vp(_544))-->lc(8),verb(_544). vp(vp(_549,_550))-->lc(9),verb(_549),np(_550). nominal(nom(_549,_550))-->lc(5),nominal(_549),pp(_550). pp(pp(_549,_550))-->lc(27),preposition(_549),np(_550). det(det(that)) --> [that]. det(det(this)) --> [this]. det(det(a)) --> [a]. noun(noun(book)) --> [book]. noun(noun(flight)) --> [flight]. noun(noun(meal)) --> [meal]. noun(noun(money)) --> [money]. verb(verb(book)) --> [book]. verb(verb(include)) --> [include]. verb(verb(prefer)) --> [prefer]. aux(aux(does)) --> [does]. preposition(prep(from)) --> [from]. preposition(prep(to)) --> [to]. preposition(prep(on)) --> [on]. propernoun(propn(houston)) --> [houston]. propernoun(propn(twa)) --> [twa]. lc(1, [that|A], [that|A]). lc(1, [this|A], [this|A]). lc(1, [a|A], [a|A]). lc(1, [houston|A], [houston|A]).lc(1, [twa|A], [twa|A]). lc(2, [does|A], [does|A]). lc(3, [book|A], [book|A]). lc(3, [include|A], [include|A]). lc(3, [prefer|A], [prefer|A]). lc(3, [book|A], [book|A]). lc(3, [include|A], [include|A]). lc(3, [prefer|A], [prefer|A]). lc(4, [that|A], [that|A]). lc(4, [this|A], [this|A]). lc(4, [a|A], [a|A]). lc(5, [book|A], [book|A]). lc(5, [flight|A], [flight|A]). lc(5, [meal|A], [meal|A]). lc(5, [money|A], [money|A]). lc(6, [book|A], [book|A]). lc(6, [flight|A], [flight|A]). lc(6, [meal|A], [meal|A]). lc(6, [money|A], [money|A]). lc(7, [houston|A], [houston|A]). lc(7, [twa|A], [twa|A]). lc(8, [book|A], [book|A]). lc(8, [include|A], [include|A]). lc(8, [prefer|A], [prefer|A]). lc(9, [book|A], [book|A]). lc(9, [include|A], [include|A]). lc(9, [prefer|A], [prefer|A]). lc(27, [from|A], [from|A]). lc(27, [to|A], [to|A]). lc(27, [on|A], [on|A]).

23 Left Corner Parsing Prolog query: ?- s(X,[does,this,flight,include,a,meal],[]). 1 1 Call: s(_430,[does,this,flight,include,a,meal],[]) ? 2 2 Call: lc(1,[does,this,flight,include,a,meal],_1100) ? 2 2 Fail: lc(1,[does,this,flight,include,a,meal],_1100) ? 3 2 Call: lc(2,[does,this,flight,include,a,meal],_1107) ? 3 2 Exit: lc(2,[does,this,flight,include,a,meal],[does,this,flight,include,a,meal]) ? 4 2 Call: aux(_1112,[does,this,flight,include,a,meal],_1100) ? 5 3 Call: 'C'([does,this,flight,include,a,meal],does,_1100) ? s 5 3 Exit: 'C'([does,this,flight,include,a,meal],does,[this,flight,include,a,meal]) ? 4 2 Exit: aux(aux(does),[does,this,flight,include,a,meal],[this,flight,include,a,meal]) ? 6 2 Call: np(_1113,[this,flight,include,a,meal],_1093) ? 7 3 Call: lc(4,[this,flight,include,a,meal],_3790) ? ? 7 3 Exit: lc(4,[this,flight,include,a,meal],[this,flight,include,a,meal]) ? 8 3 Call: det(_3795,[this,flight,include,a,meal],_3783) ? s ? 8 3 Exit: det(det(this),[this,flight,include,a,meal],[flight,include,a,meal]) ? 9 3 Call: nominal(_3796,[flight,include,a,meal],_1093) ? 10 4 Call: lc(5,[flight,include,a,meal],_5740) ? s ? 10 4 Exit: lc(5,[flight,include,a,meal],[flight,include,a,meal]) ? 11 4 Call: noun(_5745,[flight,include,a,meal],_1093) ? s ? 11 4 Exit: noun(noun(flight),[flight,include,a,meal],[include,a,meal]) ? ? 9 3 Exit: nominal(nom(noun(flight)),[flight,include,a,meal],[include,a,meal]) ? ? 6 2 Exit: np(np(det(this),nom(noun(flight))),[this,flight,include,a,meal],[include,a,meal]) ?

24 Left Corner Parsing Prolog query (contd.): 12 2 Call: vp(_1114,[include,a,meal],[]) ? 13 3 Call: lc(8,[include,a,meal],_8441) ? s ? 13 3 Exit: lc(8,[include,a,meal],[include,a,meal]) ? 14 3 Call: verb(_8446,[include,a,meal],[]) ? s 14 3 Fail: verb(_8446,[include,a,meal],[]) ? 13 3 Redo: lc(8,[include,a,meal],[include,a,meal]) ? s 13 3 Fail: lc(8,[include,a,meal],_8441) ? 15 3 Call: lc(9,[include,a,meal],_8448) ? s ? 15 3 Exit: lc(9,[include,a,meal],[include,a,meal]) ? 16 3 Call: verb(_8453,[include,a,meal],_8441) ? s ? 16 3 Exit: verb(verb(include),[include,a,meal],[a,meal]) ? 17 3 Call: np(_8454,[a,meal],[]) ? 18 4 Call: lc(4,[a,meal],_10423) ? s 18 4 Exit: lc(4,[a,meal],[a,meal]) ? 19 4 Call: det(_10428,[a,meal],_10416) ? s 19 4 Exit: det(det(a),[a,meal],[meal]) ? 20 4 Call: nominal(_10429,[meal],[]) ? 21 5 Call: lc(5,[meal],_12385) ? s ? 21 5 Exit: lc(5,[meal],[meal]) ? 22 5 Call: noun(_12390,[meal],[]) ? s ? 22 5 Exit: noun(noun(meal),[meal],[]) ? ? 20 4 Exit: nominal(nom(noun(meal)),[meal],[]) ? ? 17 3 Exit: np(np(det(a),nom(noun(meal))),[a,meal],[]) ? ? 12 2 Exit: vp(vp(verb(include),np(det(a),nom(noun(meal)))),[include,a,meal],[]) ? ? 1 1 Exit: s(s(aux(does),np(det(this),nom(noun(flight))),vp(verb(include),np(det(a),nom(noun(meal))))),[does,this,flight,includ e,a,meal],[]) ? X = s(aux(does),np(det(this),nom(noun(flight))),vp(verb(include),np(det(a),nom(noun(meal))))) ?

25 Bottom-Up Parsing LR(0) parsing –An example of bottom-up tabular parsing –Similar to the top-down Earley algorithm described in the textbook in that it uses the idea of dotted rules

26 Tabular Parsing e.g. LR(k) (Knuth, 1960) –invented for efficient parsing of programming languages –disadvantage: a potentially huge number of states can be generated when the number of rules in the grammar is large –can be applied to natural languages (Tomita 1985) –build a Finite State Automaton (FSA) from the grammar rules, then add a stack tables encode the grammar (FSA) –grammar rules are compiled –no longer interpret the grammar rules directly Parser = Table + Push-down Stack –table entries contain instruction(s) that tell what to do at a given state … possibly factoring in lookahead –stack data structure deals with maintaining the history of computation and recursion

27 Tabular Parsing Shift-Reduce Parsing –example LR(0) –left to right –bottom-up –(0) no lookahead (input word) LR actions –Shift: read an input word »i.e. advance current input word pointer to the next word –Reduce: complete a nonterminal »i.e. complete parsing a grammar rule –Accept: complete the parse »i.e. start symbol (e.g. S) derives the terminal string

28 Tabular Parsing LR(0) Parsing –L(G) = LR(0) i.e. the language generated by grammar G is LR(0) if there is a unique instruction per state (or no instruction = error state) LR(0) is a proper subset of context-free languages –note human language tends to be ambiguous there are likely to be multiple or conflicting actions per state can let Prolog’s computation rule handle it –i.e. use Prolog backtracking

29 Tabular Parsing Dotted Rule Notation –“dot” used to indicate the progress of a parse through a phrase structure rule –examples vp --> v. np means we’ve seen v and predict np np -->. d np means we’re predicting a d (followed by np) vp --> vp pp. means we’ve completed a vp state –a set of dotted rules encodes the state of the parse kernel vp --> v. np vp --> v. completion (of predict NP) np -->. d n np -->. n np -->. np cp

30 Tabular Parsing compute possible states by advancing the dot –example: –(Assume d is next in the input) vp --> v. np vp --> v.(eliminated) np --> d. n np -->. n(eliminated) np -->. np cp

31 Tabular Parsing Dotted rules –example State 0: – s ->. np vp – np ->.d np – np ->.n – np ->.np pp –possible actions shift d and go to new state shift n and go to new state Creating new states S ->. NP VP NP ->. D N NP ->. N NP ->. NP PP NP -> D. N NP -> N. State 0 State 2 State 1 shift d shift n

32 Tabular Parsing State 1: Shift N, goto State 2 S ->. NP VP NP ->. D N NP ->. N NP ->. NP PP NP -> D. N NP -> N. State 0 State 2 State 1 NP -> D N. State 3

33 Tabular Parsing Shift –take input word, and –place on stack [ V hit ] … [ N man] [ D a ] Input Stack state 3 S ->. NP VP NP ->. D N NP ->. N NP ->. NP PP NP -> D. N NP -> N. State 0 State 2 State 1 NP -> D N. State 3 shift d shift n

34 Tabular Parsing State 2: Reduce action NP -> N. S ->. NP VP NP ->. D N NP ->. N NP ->. NP PP NP -> D. N NP -> N. State 0 State 2 State 1 NP -> D N. State 3

35 Tabular Parsing Reduce NP -> N. –pop [ N milk] off the stack, and –replace with [ NP [ N milk]] on stack [ V is ] … [ N milk] Input Stack State 2 [ NP milk]

36 Tabular Parsing State 3: Reduce NP -> D N. S ->. NP VP NP ->. D N NP ->. N NP ->. NP PP NP -> N. State 0 State 2 NP -> D. N State 1 NP -> D N. State 3

37 Tabular Parsing Reduce NP -> D N. –pop [ N man] and [ D a] off the stack –replace with [ NP [ D a][ N man]] [ V hit ] … [ N man] [ D a ] Input Stack State 3 [ NP [ D a ][ N man]]

38 Tabular Parsing State 0: Transition NP S ->. NP VP NP ->. D N NP ->. N NP ->. NP PP NP -> N. State 0 State 2 S -> NP. VP NP -> NP. PP VP ->. V NP VP ->. V VP ->. VP PP PP ->. P NP State 4

39 Tabular Parsing for both states 2 and 3 –NP -> N.(reduce NP -> N) –NP -> D N.(reduce NP -> D N) after Reduce NP operation –Goto state 4 notes: –states are unique –grammar is finite –procedure generating states must terminate since the number of possible dotted rules

40 Tabular Parsing StateActionGoto 0Shift D Shift N 1212 1 3 2Reduce NP -> N4 3Reduce NP -> D N 4 4……

41 Tabular Parsing Observations table is sparse example State 0, Input: [ V..] parse fails immediately in a given state, input may be irrelevant example State 2 (there is no shift operation) there may be action conflicts example State 1: shift D, shift N more interesting cases shift-reduce and reduce-reduce conflicts

42 Tabular Parsing finishing up –an extra initial rule is usually added to the grammar –SS --> S. $ SS = start symbol $ = end of sentence marker –input: milk is good for you $ –accept action discard $ from input return element at the top of stack as the parse tree

43 LR Parsing in Prolog Recap –finite state machine each state represents a set of dotted rules –example » S -->. NP VP » NP -->. D N » NP -->. N » NP -->. NP PP we transition, i.e. move, from state to state by advancing the “dot” over terminal and nonterminal symbols

44 Build Actions two main actions –Shift move a word from the input onto the stack Example: –NP -->.D N –Reduce build a new constituent Example: –NP --> D N.

45 Parser Example: –?- parse([john,saw,the,man,with,a,telescope],X). –X = s(np(n(john)),vp(v(saw),np(np(d(the),n(man)),pp(p(with),np(d(a),n(t elescope)))))) ; –X = s(np(n(john)),vp(vp(v(saw),np(d(the),n(man))),pp(p(with),np(d(a),n(t elescope))))) ; –no

46 LR(0) Goto Table 012345678910111213 D22 N3123 NP410 V7 VP8 P666 PP595 S1 $13

47 LR(0) Action Table 012345678910111213 A1A1 SDSD ASNSN R NP SVSV R NP SDSD SDSD SPSP R VP SPSP SPSP R NP A2A2 SNSN SPSP SNSN SNSN RSRS R VP R PP A3A3 RV P S = shift, R = reduce, A = accept Empty cells = error states Multiple actions = machine conflict Prolog’s computation rule: backtrack

48 LR(0) Conflict Statistics Toy grammar –14 states –6 states with 2 competing actions states 11,10,8: –shift-reduce conflict –1 state with 3 competing actions State 7: –shift(d) shift(n) reduce(vp->v)

49 LR Parsing in fact –LR-parsers are generally acknowledged to be the fastest parsers using lookahead (current terminal symbol) and when combined with the chart technique (memorizing subphrases in a table - dynamic programming) –textbook Earley’s algorithm uses chart but builds dotted-rule configurations dynamically at parse- time instead of ahead of time (so slower than LR)

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