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Announcements Grading Scale now posted on website Updated grades w/ Hmwrk #2 on website Research Reflection Report due by Friday! Email TA questions by.

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1 Announcements Grading Scale now posted on website Updated grades w/ Hmwrk #2 on website Research Reflection Report due by Friday! Email TA questions by noon on Thurs.

2 Psychology in the Real World

3 Pseudoscience in Practice Why do some clinicians use pseudoscientific methods? New treatments/assessments use marketing that overstates their effectiveness Why do they not see that they are invalid & ineffective?

4 Learning from Experience Experienced clinicians are not better at clinical judgments than: Less experienced clinicians Graduate students Trained lay judges Why is it so hard to learn from clinical experience? Faulty cognitive processes Inaccurate feedback

5 Cognitive Processes Biases = beliefs or preconceptions that adversely influence clinicians’ interpretations of available data Confirmatory Race, social class, gender, age, labeling Hindsight

6 Cognitive Processes Heuristics = simple rules or shortcuts that describe how clinicians make judgments, treatment decisions or both Availability heuristic – the role of memory in judgmental error

7 Feedback in Clinical Practice Most clinicians don’t receive any feedback When they do receive feedback, its often misleading Patients agree with incorrect interpretations

8 Summary Clinicians use pseudoscientific methods in part because they have not learned that they do not work Cognitive processes & feedback errors Clinicians should not use an assessment instrument or treatment method solely because it seems to work in clinical practice

9 Summary Clinicians also need to be aware of the research on clinical judgment Do admissions criteria to graduate programs need to change? Admit only those scientifically minded?

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