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Arc Hydro Geodatabase Inventory Tool SWQM Program FY06 Arc Hydro Customization Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Arc Hydro Geodatabase Inventory Tool SWQM Program FY06 Arc Hydro Customization Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arc Hydro Geodatabase Inventory Tool SWQM Program FY06 Arc Hydro Customization Project

2 SWQM Arc Hydro Customization Project FY06 Contract with PBS&J PM:Stephen Bourne Inventory Tool Project Properties

3 Inventory Tool Overview Motivation Underlying Technology Demo Future Challenges & Conclusions

4 Inventory Tool Motivation District needs user friendly means of accessing water resources models, reports, data, information District needs means of summarizing information from existing analyses in a district-wide context for decision support Groundwater Models covering Domains Water Quality Models at Monitoring Sites HSPF Model Reports for watersheds GIS Data Editing QAQC Reports Endangered Species Reports Pollution Load Screening Models

5 Inventory Tool Underlying Technology Linking Models to Arc Hydro Features can be accomplished with a many-to-many relationship. File1 SAS Analysis File 2 GIS Map File 3 Report

6 Inventory Tool Harnessing Information Once all models, reports, assessments, etc. (files) are linked, a district-wide picture of model results can be created.

7 Inventory Tool Demo of Inventory Tool & GeoReports Select Monitoring Point (If needed) Arc Hydro Database Add SAS file (if needed) Update Results Create GeoReport NOTICE: SAS run requires update S&T map

8 Select GW Domain based on well location Arc Hydro Database Review PDF Open model property MXD Query model for parameters of interest Proceed with permit review “Inventory” Tool Consumptive Use Permit Review: Hydrogeologic Parameter Query Parameters of interest Hydrologic conductivity Aquifer thickness

9 Inventory Tool Conclusions Tool proved valuable for organizing and accessing existing models and information Already in use by other departments Knowledge Transfer More investment required…

10 Inventory Tool Future Challenges Enabling SAS Model Execution Transfer to Enterprise Database Consideration for incorporation into District’s Water Resources Geodatabase Design

11 Inventory Tool Project Documentation Project Control Plan Work Flow, Requirements and Specifications Report NHD / HydroEdge Replacement User Manual

12 Inventory Tool Questions?

13 Presentation Logic 1.Project Info 2.Motivation 1.Need user friendly means of accessing water resources models, reports, data, information 2.Need means of summarizing information from existing analyses in a district-wide context for decision support 3.Solution 1.Add capability to link data files to Arc Hydro features (rivers, lakes, groundwater) 2.Create extension to facilitate Linking files, Exploring database, Model result updates, (Status & Trends) District-wide queries (GeoReports) 4.Demo 5.Conclusions 6.Documentation 7.Questions

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