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Models of Leadership September 19, 2000 Course Page:

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1 Models of Leadership September 19, 2000 Course Page:

2 Today’s Session Are Leaders Necessary? A Conductor less Orchestra What Leaders Do Emotional Intelligence Leading Minds

3 Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Formed in early 1970’s by a group of college friends One of the world’s premier chamber ensembles Utilize a “conductor less” format substituting participatory group processes for traditional conductor’s roles.

4 “Pass the Baton”: Quotes “...while Orpheus is a conductorless orchestra it is not a leaderless orchestra....The trick that Orpheus has pulled off is to establish authority without establishing an authority figure.”

5 Quotes (cont’d) “Hackman thinks that Orpheus has achieved greatness not despite the absence of fixed leadership but because of it: each member is compelled to take personal responsibility for the music”

6 “Orpheans would grudgingly agree that a genius like Szell can ‘produce a level of profundity that is rarely reached by a committee.’”

7 “You get a sense of the group psychology being at times arrogant--’We don’t need a conductor.’ But what goes along with that is group self-doubt and individual self doubt.”

8 “The answer...lies in the musicians sense of trust, the intensity with which they listen to one another, and the responsibility that each player takes for the entire score, and not just his own part.”

9 “Orpheus routinely spends thirty hours preparing for a two hour concert--three times as much as a typical orchestra.”

10 “Orpheus has one flaw as an organizational model: the sacrifice it asks of its citizens is economically unsustainable.”

11 Questions What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Orpheus system of leadership? How might we attempt to assess its relative costs and benefits of the Orpheus method? How applicable are such methods to other undertakings?

12 Kotter: What Leaders Really Do “...Leadership and management are two complementary systems of action. Each has its own function and characteristic activities.”

13 What Do Leaders Really Do? Setting a Direction (v. Planning and Budgeting) Aligning People (v. Organizing) Motivating People (v. Controlling) Shaping the Culture (v. Planning)

14 Goleman: Emotional Intelligence Principal Idea: Beyond “threshold” levels, leadership capability depends not on I.Q. or technical competence but on other characteristics termed “emotional intelligence.”

15 Emotional Intelligence: Components Self-Awareness Self-Regulation Motivation Empathy Social Skill

16 Some Questions Are Intelligence and Technical Expertise Simply “Threshold Capabilities.” To What Extent Can Emotional Intelligence Be Learned? If so, How? Through What Processes? Is Emotional Intelligence Another Term for Maturity?

17 Gardner: Leading Minds Gardner: Psychologist Approach: Leaders’ developmental experiences exert strong influences on their thinking patterns and perspectives.

18 Gardener: Leading minds  Basic Ingredients: Human’s Primate Heritage Emergence of a Sense of Self and Others Early Development of Powerful Theories or “Scripts” about the World Emerging Expertise in Valued Domains Ensemble of Traits that Mark Emerging Leader or Follower

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