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Object-Oriented Software Engineering Concurrent Programming.

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Presentation on theme: "Object-Oriented Software Engineering Concurrent Programming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Object-Oriented Software Engineering Concurrent Programming

2 Contents Threads and Processes Race Conditions Deadlocks Extending Thread Class Overriding run ( ) sleep ( ) Using threads Interleaving

3 Threads vs. Processes A process is an independent flow of control There is no shared memory space among different processes Processes communicate between each other by specific communication channels (not shared variables) e.g. Pipes in Unix, e.g. ls | more

4 Threads vs. Processes A thread is a single flow of control within a program It performs one of the tasks that a program needs to perform to achieve its goals If a program needs to perform several tasks, these could be handled in different threads (and hence performed concurrently) These threads will interact and cooperate through a shared memory space

5 Threads vs. Processes Different threads can interact via shared variables and objects The execution of each thread may proceed independently of the others In general, the relative ordering of execution of the different threads is non-deterministic This can lead to safety and liveness problems

6 Race Conditions A:ThreadData:B:Thread a) We expect this to happen set A:ThreadData:B:Thread b) Delay in A can cause wrong behavior set get

7 Deadlocks Suppose we extend the File class to MyFile. MyFile has copy method. fle1.copy(fle2) copies contents of fle1 to fle2. File MyFile File copy(File file)

8 Deadlocks fle1.copy(fle2) 1.obtains write lock for fle1 2.reads in contents of fle1 3.obtains write lock for fle2 4.writes contents to fle2 5.release all locks File MyFile File copy(File file) Consider what could happen for separate threads that execute: Thread 1: fle1.copy(fle2) Thread 2: fle2.copy(fle1)

9 Deadlocks fle2: MyFile fle1.copy(fle2)fle1: MyFile get lock read contents get lock write contents release lock object executing this code

10 Deadlocks Thread 2fle2: MyFile Thread 1fle1: MyFile get lock read contents get lock Method calls will NOT return. Both threads are waiting for the other to release a lock before they can get the lock!

11 Two ways to have threads MyThread void run( ) void interrupt( ) void join( ) String getName( ) boolean isAlive( )........ MyThread run( ) Object Thread > Runnable For all Thread methods see:

12 Extending Thread public class SimpleThread extends Thread { public static String destination = ""; public boolean notFinished = true; public SimpleThread(String str) { super(str); } public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { System.out.println(i + " " + getName()); try { sleep((long)(Math.random() * 1000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } System.out.println("DONE! " + getName()); destination = getName(); //set CLASS field now finished notFinished = false; //so this thread has finished } Complete code for this lecture available on web site for course

13 Overriding run( ) method public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { System.out.println(i + " " + getName()); try { sleep((long)(Math.random() * 1000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } System.out.println("DONE! " + getName()); destination = getName(); //set CLASS field now finished notFinished = false; //so this thread has finished } For a thread to do anything interesting while being executed must override the run( ) method. sleep method causes thread to suspend while timer is running must catch exception if sleep is interrupted

14 sleep method public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { System.out.println(i + " " + getName()); try { sleep((long)(Math.random() * 1000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } System.out.println("DONE! " + getName()); destination = getName(); //set CLASS field now finished notFinished = false; //so this thread has finished } Thread can not be executed for this amount of time Once sleep is over this thread will take turns at being executed as before

15 sleep method sleep ( ) can be used to give threads better chance of having fair share of execution sleep ( ) can be used to delay thread while it waits for resources to become available

16 Using Threads public class TwoThreadsDemo { public static void main (String[ ] args) { SimpleThread Jam = new SimpleThread("Jamaica"); SimpleThread Fij = new SimpleThread("Fiji"); Jam.start(); Fij.start(); while ((Jam.notFinished) | (Fij.notFinished)) { // do nothing big waste of time } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Fij.destination, "The winner is ", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } Note start methods are pre-defined

17 Interleaving threads As the Java run time environment executes the TwoThreadsDemo java application it starts each thread in turn. Jam.start(); Fij.start(); This causes Java to execute the run methods for Jam and Fij. Java sequentially executes the code in the run methods. At each point in the execution Java randomly chooses which thread to pick next. After Java executes a single expression from one thread, it then randomly chooses either: execute the next expression for Jam 2.or execute the next expression for Fij At the same time the execution of TwoThreadsDemo continues independently from the threads.

18 Threads, random interleaving expression:2 TwoThreadsDemo Jam threadFij thread expression:5 expression:8 Java expression:4 expression:6 expression:7 expression:1 expression:3 expression:9

19 Interleaving Fairness Java chooses randomly between threads Does not have to be fair That is one thread may be executed more often than another Java will always execute the expressions in a thread eventually

20 Warning about expressions for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // and so on } expression:1 expression:2 expression:3 Each of these expressions may be interleaved between those from other threads during execution. Don't assume that a single line of code is a single expression that will be executed all in one go!

21 Expression interleaving Fij: i < 10 Jam: int i = 0 Fij: i++ Jam: i < 10 Fij: // and so on Fij: i < 10

22 Traces from interleaving threads Thread_1 public void run( ) { a; b; c; } Thread_2 public void run( ) { x; y; z; }

23 All possible traces from Thread 1 and Thread 2 4 5 6 7 a b c 0 1 2 3 a b c 8 9 10 11 a b c 12 13 14 15 a b c x x x x y y y y z z z z Thread_1.start(); Thread_2.start(); Paths from top to bottom give all traces from interleaving. 20 in total

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