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Mohamed Mokdad Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Bienne
Bluetooth Mohamed Mokdad Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Bienne
What is Bluetooth? Data transmission standard
Between different kinds of terminals E.g. PC, Printer, PDA, Phone, Radio Link Bitrate: Up to 1 mbps Security: It’s secured It’s not intended for permanent connection Cable replacement Support different kind of services data and voice
History Ericsson starts developping it in 1994
Other joined: IBM, Nokia, etc The group is named: Bluetooth SIG SIG = Special Interest Group Bluetooth SIG Specifications Profiles Comme pour DECT il y a un standard générique et des profils Compétiteur IEEE Sur la base de Bluettoth PAN = Personal Area Network BT et PAN incompatbles + PAN seulement jusqu’à la couches 2
How it works? Radio link between 2 terminals
On short distances up to 10 meters Special arrangements up to 100 meters Theoritical Bitrate up to 720 kbps 1 Master & 1+ Slave terminals (up to 7) Link: only Master to Slave No slave to slave links Frequency Hopping Produit concurrent de WLAN Frequency Hopping as in WLAN
The Applications PC to PDA synchronisation Printing everywhere
Headsets Mobile phone to PDA COM Devices … WLAN like configuration Existe aussi sous forme d’interface externe pour port Seriel, USB et autres Je n’ai pas encore vu pour port Ethernet
Components Overview 3 main components en plus du host
The architecture: Piconet
Single slave operation Une vue d’ensemble de l’architecture bluetooth Différentes configurations Un réseau = un master et plusieurs slaves Piconet = 1 Master + 7 Salves actifs et 255 Slaves parked Multi slaves operation Scatternet operation
Specs – Radio Channel 2.4 GHz – Bandwidth 79 MHz
1 MHz frequency hops, i.e. 79 hops Not everywhere available spectrum E.g. France: limitation to 23 MHz bandwidth Reach of 10 m with 2.5 mW 2.5 mW ~ 4 dBm, i.e. Log(2.5mW/1mW) The cell is the Piconet 3 power classes: 1, 2.5 & 100 mW Limitation spectrals dans certains pays comme pour le WLAN 3 class of power 3 – 1mW 2 – 2.5 mW 1 – 100 mW = WLAN en Europe Qui s’expriment en dBm dBm = Log(mW/1mW) Rappel: Gain d’une liaison aérienne Pr = Pt + Gt + Ga + Gr
Radio interface features
Power control with RSSI – LMP Receiver Signal Strength Indicator (dBm) Allows power adjustment for Class 1 (High) Optional for Power Classes 2 and 3 Key features of Bluetooth Robustness, low complexity low power, low cost. Frame number 0 to & 227 Master sends in even slots (0, 2, 4, …) RSSI existe aussi pour GSM C'est ce qui permet le changement de cellule ou le handover
Physical Layer Channel divided in 625 ms slots
Every a different frequency hop A packet can be Less then one slot One slot More then one slot (up to five) Next packet starts on next slot One packet per frequency hop Les grandeurs des paquets et leur transport sur les slots
Packets & Hops Timing des paquets entre Master et Slave
Les paquets commencent sur des slotss 2 types de slots: Master to Slave and Slave to Master
Packets & Hops Les paquets peuvent être plus longs que les slots
Remarquer la numérotation des slots Le master envoie toujours sur les slots pairs: 0, 2, 4, ....
Transmission mode - SCO
Synchronous Connection-Oriented SCO Point to point connection in the Piconet Regular reserved transmission slots Speech 64 kbps Maximum of 3 Master-Slave simultaneous connections 2 modes de transmission Connectin oriented and Connectionless Similaire à l'ATM transmission synchrone sous forme de paquets Regular slots Reserved slots Synchronous/Asynchronous: c'est quoi? Synchrone il existe une synchronisation entre les emeteur et recepteur Asnchrone Pas besoin de timing pour envoyer mes bytes sur uune interface serielle There is a start bit, s top bit, # of data bits Error checking and handshake is something different
Transmission mode - ACL
Asynchronous Connection-Less ACL One single connection No slot reservation More then one the same time And with more then one slave Le mode transmission de paquets conventionel sous IP Pas de limitation sur le nombre des slaves
SCO & ACL Red: the SCO cells Green and Blue the ACL
The packet Access Code - Channel Access Code: Identifies the Piconet
- Device Access Code: Identifies the access type Inquiry Access Code: Identifies the request Header for addressing, error correction and flow control Payload for Data Access code en plus du monde IP Channel Access Code utilisé dans tous les paquets échangés sur le piconet Device Access Code usage special, e.g paging Inquiry Access Code découverte du voisinage, service discovery
Overview of major states
Standby state Default state Low power comsuption No interaction with any other terminal Synchronised (Clock active) Connection state Dialog state Master clock for synchronisation The master synchronise the piconet C'est le chef d'orchestre du piconet Il distribue l'horloge
2 états majeurs et 7 sous états Les sous états servent à la configuration du piconet, ajout et suppression de slaves
Connection state modes
Active mode Participating to a connection Sniff mode Reduction of the slave listening activity Hold mode No ACL support, but just SCO support Frees capacity for other slaves Park mode Remains synchronised and keeps addresses Dans les états il existe des modes
Connection modes Illustration graphque
Hold Mode Le slave est exclus de la communication pendant une durée déterminée
Sniff Mode Idem avec une fonction de sniffing à intervalle régulier
The protocol stack HCI = Host Controller Interface Bluetooth Host
Bluetooth Device or hardware HCI entre les 2, n'est pas nécessaire si Bluetooth HW intégré dans BT host
Base Band Physical channels Physical links Packets Error correction
Time 625 ms Physical links SCO and ACL Packets Access code, packet header and types Error correction 1/3, 2/3 and ARQ scheme Pas de details sur la correction d’erreurs BT travaille aussi dans l'espace WLAN et alors? 1/3 Simple répétition (3) du header 2/3 Plus compliqué et utilise le code de Hamming Pour les données et pas pour le header ARQ Avec Automatic Repeat Request S'utilise avec un CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
Logical channels Logical channels (5) LC = Link Control
Low level link control: ARQ, Flow, etc. LM = Link Manager Peer protocol between Link Mgr (Master/Slave) UA = User Asynchronous Data Different clocks & Synchronization per byte UI = User Isochronous Data Clock in data & mainly no error checking US = User Synchronous Data Synchronized clocks & Error checking Les canaux logiques Isochronous # Asynchronous Isochronous lié au temps, e.g. audio compressé Asynchronous lié à la fiabilité de la transmission, e.g. data
Logical channels UA/UI & US
Carried over ACL links US Carried over SCO links LC mapped in the packet header The other in the payload Access Code et Header longueur fixe Payload variable
Packet Hierarchy Access code Synchronisaiton, DC offset and idenification Channel Access Code – identifie le Piconet Device Access Code – identifie le device Inquiry Access Code – identifie le device discovery Header Link Control Information Device address, Type, Flow, Ack, Sequence numbering & error check Payload Payload header, Payload & CRC PSM: Protocol Service Multiplexer, i.e. SPD, RFCOMM or TCP
ACL Packets Look at the speed
SCO PAckets Noter la correction d'erreur Pas de répétition
Packets Transmit & Receive
Transmit & Receive Routines The standard makes suggestion There is no obligation to implement It looks like V.24 interface Transmit Buffer Receive Buffer … It’s however much more complicated BT définit les procédures de transmission et de réception de paquets à titre informel
Link Manager Protocol LMP = Link Manager Protocol
Vision des composants sous forme de stack
Link Manager Protocol Link Setup Link Control Link Security LM PDU
Link Manager Protocol Data Unit LM PDU always sent in the payload and Always as single-slot packets Les fonctions de LM Services classiques d'un link manager LC in the header
The Procedures General response messages Authentication Pairing
Change Link Key Change Current Link Key Encryption Switch of Master-Slave Role QoS Les procédures à disposition
Pairing No link key available Generate one based on
Random number, BD_ADDR, PIN Initiator and Responder Reject or Accept and create link key Pairing avant l'authetification Link key est nécessaire à l'authentification
Authentication Secret Key Claimant and Verifier
Based on Challenge, BD_ADDR, secret link key Claimant and Verifier Has key Has no key 2 entités: claimant et verifier Le verifier défie le claimant de répondre à un input
L2CAP Logical Link Control & Adaptation Protocol
Higher layer protocols Packet Segmentation & Reassembly (SAR) Multiplexing QoS Supports ACL and no SCO Links Simplicity and low overhead Applicable to equipment with low power resources: PDAs, Cellular phones, … Protocole sur le LMP SCO pas à travers le L2CAP
Stack The hierarchy Radio – Baseband – LMP – L2CAP
RFCOMM émulation de port sériel OBEX = OBject EXchange Protocole TCS BIN = Telephony Control protocole Specification pour la téléphonie À noter que l'audi passe directement sur le canal physique
L2CAP does not support L2CAP does not transport audio designated for SCO links. L2CAP performs no retransmissions or checksum calculations. L2CAP does not perform any CRC Calculation
Payload Format LMP = 1 slot packets L2CAP = 1 or more slots packets
Le LMP sont des trames courtes L2CAP peut avoir plusieurs paquets L_CH définit le contenu du message LMP = 1 slot packets L2CAP = 1 or more slots packets
Channel Coding To be noted 10 = Start of L2CAP packet
01 = Continuation of L2CAP packet
Channels Summary Noter l'attribution de ID différents (local et remote) pour le même canal
Channels types Les types de canaux (Local et remote)
Signalisation + SCO Signalisation + ACL Signalisation seulement CID = Channel Identifier
Channels types Connection oriented data channels
Both ways connection Normal CID Connectionless channels One way channel Reserved CID E.g Signaling Signaling channel is mandatory Noter la présence de CID à usage reservé
L2CAP Services 8 5 4 1 2 7 6 3 Rappel Ligne rouge = séparation entre 2 devices BT
Segmentation Rappel sur la segmentation LeCAP peut dialoguer avec une interface HCI ou directement avec le baseband Segmentations ifféerentes L2CAP over Baseband: segment in Baseband packets to send over the air L2CAP over HCI: segment in block sized chunks to send to the HCI This will segment to Baseband packet to send over the air The scenario is: L2CAP to Baseband to L2CAP
USB based Example Exemple de transmission sur port USB
2 niveaux de segmentation L2CAP à HCI HCI à USB
Profiles Bluetooth SIG Profiles Devices Interoperability
Different profiles Devices Interoperability Not all Bluetooth devices can interoperate Service and use case Specify the supported services Describe the air interface For the profile Cela rappelle DECT
Type of support Mandatory Optional Conditional eXcluded Not Applicable
Define profile's capabilities Optional Define profile's capabilities that can be used Conditional In conjunction with some other capability eXcluded Should not be used in this profile Not Applicable La fonctionalité supportée est de différents types Entre autre Excluded
Profile description Scope Dependencies Stack The protocols
What is its usage: service and use case Dependencies What other profiles are required Stack Which element of the stack are involved The protocols @ the different layers: LM, L2CAP, … Définiton d'un profile
E.g. Generic Profile Stack
E.g. Dial-Up Networking Stack
Exemple of RFCOMM profile
E.g. Generic Object Ex. Stack
Exemple of profile dependancy
Generic Access This profile defines the generic procedures related to discovery of Bluetooth devices (idle mode procedures) and link management aspects of connecting to Bluetooth devices (connecting mode procedures). It also defines procedures related to use of different security levels. In addition, this profile includes common format requirements for parameters accessible on the user interface level. BT discovery of services et LM
Service Discovery Application
This document defines the features and procedures for an application in a Bluetooth device to discover services registered in other Bluetooth devices and retrieve any desired available information pertinent to these services. BT discovery of services et Et récupération d'information
Headset This profile defines the requirements for Bluetooth devices necessary to support the Headset use case. The requirements are expressed in terms of end-user services, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the Headset use case. No comment
Serial Port This profile defines the requirements for Bluetooth devices necessary for setting up emulated serial cable connections using RFCOMM between two peer devices. The requirements are expressed in terms of services provided to applications, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices. Émulation de communication sérielle Sérielle dans le sens RS232
Dial-Up networking This profile defines the requirements for Bluetooth devices necessary for the support of the Dial-up Networking use case. The requirements are expressed in terms of enduser services, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the Dialup Networking use case. Dial-up du style modem
Generic Object Exchange
This profile defines the requirements for Bluetooth devices necessary for the support of the object exchange usage models. The requirements are expressed by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the object exchange usage models. C'est un profile de basse couche Underlying profile
Object Push This application profile defines the application requirements for Bluetooth devices necessary for the support of the Object Push usage model. The requirements are expressed in terms of end-user services, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the Object Push usage model. Écrire sur un terminal Objects examples: Business Card, Appointment
File Transfer This application profile defines the application requirements for Bluetooth devices necessary for the support of the File Transfer usage model. The requirements are expressed in terms of end-user services, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the File Transfer usage model. FTP Que ne peut-on pas faire avec BT?
Synchronization This application profile defines the application requirements for Bluetooth devices necessary for the support of the Synchronization usage model. The requirements are expressed in terms of end-user services, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the Synchronization usage model. Synchronisaion of objects Synchronization of objects
LAN Access This document is a LAN Access Profile for Bluetooth devices. Firstly, this profile defines how Bluetooth-enabled devices can access the services of a LAN using PPP. Secondly, this profile shows how the same PPP mechanisms are used to form a network consisting of two Bluetooth-enabled devices. LAN PPP = Point-to-Point Protocol
Fax This profile defines the requirements for Bluetooth devices necessary for the support of the Fax use case. The requirements are expressed in terms of end-user services, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the Fax use case. Fax
Cordless Telephony This profile defines the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between different units active in the ‘3-in-1 phone’ use case. The scope of this profile includes the following layers/protocols/ profiles: Bluetooth Baseband, Link Manager Protocol, L2CAP, Service Discovery Protocol, Telephony Control Protocol Specification (TCS-Binary) and the General Access Profile. This is not headset profile
Intercom This profile defines the requirements for Bluetooth devices necessary for the support of the intercom functionality within the 3-in-1 phone use case. The requirements are expressed in terms of end-user services, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the 3-in-1 phone use case. Special usage
Data whitening Randomize the data Minimize DC bias in the packet
No redundant patterns Minimize DC bias in the packet To reduce the DC offset i.e. DC value tends to 0 Generated with a polynomial As for CRC-16, CRC-32 Parenthèse sur le data whitening
Packet Hierarchy Hierarchie Définition du payload PSM: Protocol Service Multiplexer, i.e. SPD, RFCOMM or TCP
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