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1 Beyond Third Generation Cellular Networks: The Integration of Internet and Telephony Technology Randy H. Katz United Microelectronics Corporation Distinguished.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Beyond Third Generation Cellular Networks: The Integration of Internet and Telephony Technology Randy H. Katz United Microelectronics Corporation Distinguished."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 Beyond Third Generation Cellular Networks: The Integration of Internet and Telephony Technology Randy H. Katz United Microelectronics Corporation Distinguished Professor and Chair, EECS Department University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-1776

3 2 Presentation Outline Market Forces and Technology Trends Comparison of Internet and Telephony Third Generation Telecommunications Architectures (and Beyond) Internet-based Open Services Architecture Summary and Conclusions

4 3 Presentation Outline Market Forces and Technology Trends Comparison of Internet and Telephony Third Generation Telecommunications Architectures (and Beyond) Internet-based Open Services Architecture Summary and Conclusions

5 4 Technology Trends & Predications Fastest growing segments of telecomms: (i) mobile telephony & (ii) Internet/www (i) + (ii) = mobile access to information Full digitization of the phone network, driven by digital mobile networks, with a shift towards universal IP-based core network Voice over IP is happening rapidly Data will be the network traffic majority, voice (& video) the minority Fastest growing applications will be web-based transactions, not voice & not videoconferencing

6 5 Mobile Telephone & Internet Users Source: Ericsson Radio Systems, Inc. Mobile Telephone Users Internet Users Millions Year

7 6 An International Phenomenon % of main lines that are mobile phones Source: Economist, 4 May 1996 By Year 2000: –One in three telephones will be mobile –Mobility becomes a lifestyle

8 7 Hong Kong on the Move Millions of Telephone Lines Source: Pyramid Research in The Economist, 31 Oct 98

9 8 Shift Toward Digital Mobile Access Network Millions of Subscribers Year Digital Analog Source: Ericsson Radio Systems, Inc. Provides a ubiquitous infrastructure for wireless data as well as voice

10 9 Shift to Broadband Access Source: Forrester Research in The Economist, 7 Nov 98 Forecast American Households with Internet Connections (millions)

11 10 Core Network Becoming Data-Centered The dramatic rise of the Internet and the World Wide Web: >50% of telecomm traffic in Bay Area is already data Conventional circuit-switched PSTN infrastructure brought to its knees IP Dialtone –Single network for wireless access, Internet access, and voice access –E.g., Sprint ION: Integrated On-Demand Network, MCI/WorldCom’s On-Net, Qwest Communications, etc.

12 11 Data Dominates United States Network Traffic Growth (gigabits, bn) Source: Nortel in The Economist, 13 Mar 99

13 12 Presentation Outline Market Forces and Technology Trends Comparison of Internet and Telephony Third Generation Telecommunications Architectures (and Beyond) Internet-based Open Services Architecture Summary and Conclusions

14 13 Internet Technology Strengths –Intelligence at the end points; No state in the network; –Highly decentralized control –Enables operation over very heterogeneous collection of access technologies; few assumptions about the network necessary –Achieves robust communications through packet switching & store- and-forward routing –Depends on cooperative forwarding of packets Weaknesses –No differentiated service –No control mechanisms for managing bottleneck links –Store-and-forward routing introduces variable delay in end-to-end performance –Decentralized control makes introduction of new protocols/functions difficult since all end nodes must be upgraded –Lack of truly trusted infrastructure leads to security problems

15 14 PSTN Technology Strengths –Requires no end-point intelligence; supports heterogeneous end devices –Provides excellent performance for voice –End-to-end performance guarantees achieved through well-defined signaling layer to switching function –True utility functionality through sophisticated and hierarchically arranged switches controlled by service providers Weaknesses –Achieves performance by overallocating resources –3.4 KHz audio voice band signal converted to 64 kbps digital representation –Switching design determined by statistics of call traffic –Difficult to add new services to the so-called “Intelligent Network” due to complex feature interaction –Expensive approach to robustness

16 15 ATM: The Grand Convergence? Strengths –Virtual circuits with call set-up to manage scarce resources and achieve QoS guarantees –Fixed/small size “cells” to enable fast switching –Sophisticated statistical multiplexing mechanisms to make possible variety of traffic models –Integrated services Weaknesses –Connection-orientation has some problems with latency and robust operation; every cell must follow same path in order –ATM unlikely to be a universal end-to-end technology, especially for data traffic in local area –Quaranteed performance end-to-end in heterogeneous environments is lost

17 16 Next Generation Internet Support for multipoint- to-multipoint multicast communications Support for mobility & mobile route optimization Reservation-based resource allocation –Performance promises –Nice scaling properties –Soft state in the network allows robust recovery to failure; protocol works around link and switch failures Software-based codecs –64 kbps/PCM coding vs. 36 kbps ADPCM, 17 kbps GSM, 9 kbps LPC –Adequate video at 28.8 to 128 kbps Real Time Protocol (RTP) –Ends adapt audio/video streaming rates to what the network can support Easy integration of new services like proxies Solve performance problems by adding more bandwidth

18 17 Internet Telephony Local Call Internet SF to Frankfurt via Internet Service: $0.28 per min via AT&T Long Distance: $1.25 per min Analog Voice to Packet Data Packet Data to Analog Voice Source: G-Cubed Gateway Why so Cheap? Less expensive infrastructure Circumvents government-backed monopolies Existing long distance tariffs far exceed costs WTO worldwide deregulation

19 18 Internet Telephony Quality Issues: High Latencies/Dropped Packets –Deployment of (virtual) private networks –Faster/scalable hardware reduces gateway latency –RSVP + H.323 + Reconstruction of lost packets + Better voice coding at 8 kbps –VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol Forum Short term: circuit-switched local infrastructure plus packet-switched wide-area infrastructure –Wide-area b/w is a commodity, local access is not –Many leading telecomms already doing this Longer term: migration towards “always on” digital broadband data connections

20 19 Presentation Outline Market Forces and Technology Trends Comparison of Internet and Telephony Third Generation Telecommunications Architectures (and Beyond) Internet-based Open Services Architecture Summary and Conclusions

21 20 Third Generation Architectures 1st Gen was analog, 2nd Gen is digital airlink FPLMTS/UMTS/IMT-2000 –“Universal multimedia information access with mobility spanning residences, businesses, public- pedestrian, mobile/vehicular, national/global” –Converged common air interface: wideband CDMA Beyond the Third Generation –Convergence on a common core network »GSM/BISDN/SS7-based vs. IP-based –Action will be in architectures that support rapid service deployment »Telecomm-based “Intelligent Network” (IN, TMN, TINA) vs. Internet-based Client-Server (HTML, JAVA, mobile code)

22 21 Important Trends Re-Visited Multimedia/Voice over IP networks –Lower cost, more flexible packet-switching core network –Simultaneous delay sensitive and delay insensitive flows (RSVP, Class-based Queuing, Link Scheduling) Intelligence shifts to the network edges –User-implemented functionality Programmable intelligence inside the network –Proxy servers intermixed with switching infrastructure –TACC model & Java code: “write once, run anywhere” –Rapid new service development –Speech-enabled services for mobile users Implications for (cellular) network infrastructure of the 21st century? –High BW data (384 Kb/s-2 Mb/s): Reliable Link Protocols

23 22 Migration to a Core IP Network IP-Based WAN Local Exch PSTN Local Switch IWF + Router Local Switch IWF + Router Voice Traffic Connection-Oriented Data Traffic Packet-Oriented Local Gateway Core Network Access Network Access Network Local Exch Net (LEC) Local Exch Net (LEC) Interexchange Network (IXC) Local Switch

24 23 Migration to a Core IP Network IP-Based WAN Packet-Oriented VoIP Gateway Core Network Access Network Access Network Router

25 24 Smart Appliances/Thin Clients Qualcomm PDQ Phone PDA PCS

26 25 Top Gun MediaBoard –Participates as a reliable multicast client via proxy in wireline network Top Gun Wingman –“Thin” presentation layer in PDA with full rendering engine in wireline proxy

27 26 Starting Point: Transcoding Proxies Scalable Servers Laptops, Desktops Info. Appliances Network Computers Spoon feed web pages to PDAs Transformation, Aggregation, Caching, and Customization (TACC)  Scalability and availability  Limited customizability and locality and no persistence Legacy Servers

28 27 Presentation Outline Market Forces and Technology Trends Comparison of Internet and Telephony Third Generation Telecommunications Architectures (and Beyond) Internet-based Open Services Architecture Summary and Conclusions

29 28 The Future: Internet-based Open Services Architecture “Today, the telecommunications sector is beginning to reshape itself, from a vertically to a horizontally structured industry. … [I]t used to be that new capabilities were driven primarily by the carriers. Now, they are beginning to be driven by the users. … There’s a universe of people out there who have a much better idea than we do of what key applications are, so why not give those folks the opportunity to realize them. … The smarts have to be buried in the ‘middleware’ of the network, but that is going to change as more- capable user equipment is distributed throughout the network. When it does, the economics of this industry may also change.” George Heilmeier, Chairman Emeritus, Bellcore “From POTS to PANS: Telecommunications in Transition”

30 29 The Network Infrastructure of the Future The Challenge –Developing service intensive, network-based, real-time applications –Securely embedding computational resources in the switching fabric –Providing an open, extensible network environment: heterogeneity Computing –Encapsulating legacy servers & partitioning “thin” client functionality –Scalability: 100,000s of simultaneous users in the SF Bay Area High BW IP backbones + diverse access networks –Different coverage, bandwidth, latency, and cost characteristics –Third generation cellular systems: UMTS/IMT2000 –Next gen WLANs (Bluetooth) & broadband access nets (DSL/cable) Diverse appliances beyond the handset or PC –Communicator devices plus servers in the infrastructure

31 30 Cellular “Core” Network S. S. 7 ICEBERG: Internet- based core for CEllular networks BEyond the thiRd Generation NINJA: A Service Architecture for Internet-Scale Systems

32 31 Internet-Scale Systems Extremely large, complex, distributed, heterogeneous, with continuous and rapid introduction of new technologies Feasible architectures –Decentralized, scalable algorithms –Dynamically deployed agents where they are needed; “Big infrastructure, small clients” –Incremental processing/communications growth –Careful violation of traditional layering Implementation approach based on incremental prototyping, deployment, evaluation, experimentation

33 32 Vision & Goal Next Internet revolution will come from enabling component services and pervasive access –Not vertically integrated Information Technology Dynamic, programmatic creation/composition of scalable, highly available & customizable services –Automatic adaptation to end device characteristics and network connectivity Arbitrarily powerful services on arbitrarily small clients using a proactive infrastructure

34 33 NINJA Capabilities Plug and play wide-area software components Automatic discovery, composition, and use Powerful operators –Clusters, databases, and agents Viable component economics –Subscription, pay per use Supports diverse devices, sensors, actuators Connects everything –Ubiquitous support for access and mobility

35 34 “ProActive” Infrastructure Create a framework that enables programmatic generation and composition of services from strongly typed reusable components Key Elements –Structured architecture with a careful partitioning of state »Bases, Active Routers, and Units –Wide-area paths formed out of strongly-typed components »Operators and Connectors –Execution environments with efficient, but powerful communication primitives »Active Messages + capsules »TACC + persistence + customization

36 35 Bases –highly available –persistent state (safe) –databases, agents –“home” base per user –service programming environment Structured Architecture Active Proxies –not packet routers –soft-state –well-connected –localization (any to any) Units –sensors/actuators –PDAs/smartphones/PCs –heterogeneous –Minimal functionality: “Smart Clients” Wide-Area Path

37 36 NINJA Operator, Connector, and Path Model Operators: –transformation –aggregation –agents Connectors: –abstract wires –ADUs –varying semantics –uni/multicast Interfaces: –strongly typed –language independent –set of AM handlers –Leverage all COM objects

38 37 Service request service threads Operators Caches Managed RMI++ Physical processor iSpace Execution Environment Parallel application framework on Bases –NINJA RMI, Customizable Service VM (iS-Box), Redirector –JVM + Security Manager + Trusted Services to provide sandboxed environment –Multispace services across iS-Boxes operator upload Persistent Storage JVM iS-Loader Trusted-Services Security MGR New service

39 38 ICEBERG Capabilities Cellular/IP Interworking –IP network provisioning for scalability –“Soft” QoS for delay-sensitive flows –Multinetwork mobility and security support Telephony Service Architecture on NINJA –Computing resources among switching infrastructure –Computationally intensive services: e.g., voice-to-text –Service and server discovery –Security, authentication, and billing

40 39 Cellular/IP Interworking GSM BTS interfaced to IP core network –Mapping IP signaling to SS7 radio management –Call admission and handoff Mobility management interworking –Mobile IP home agent/foreign agent + GSM HLR/VLR –Handoff between Mobile IP and GSM networks –Scalability, security of Mobile IP Generalized redirection agents –User- or service-specified dynamic policy-based redirection »1-800 service, email to pagers, etc. –Service mobility as a first class object

41 40 “Potentially Any Network” Service On Mobile Phone, enter your office: –Redirect in progress call to your desktop telephone via PSTN OR to Voice over IP gateway Same service in different networks: handoff the service between networks (service mobility) Voice over IP PSTN Mobile Telephony

42 41 ICEBERG Access Points IP Core PSTN Pager WLAN Cellular Network Cellular Network H.323 GW IAP Transducer Agent Redirection Agent

43 42 OfficePSTN (Teaching): 510-642-8778 OfficePSTN (Chair): 510-642-0253 DeskIP: LaptopIP: PCS: 510-555-8778 Cellular: 510-555-1998 E-mail: Home: 415-555-5555 OfficePSTN (Teaching): 510-642-8778 OfficePSTN (Chair): 510-642-0253 DeskIP: LaptopIP: PCS: 510-555-8778 Cellular: 510-555-1998 E-mail: Home: 415-555-5555 “Randy@Berkeley” An Entity has a universal name and a profile; Entities are people or processes Universal Names: Globally unique IDs Profile: set of domain-specific names Service Mobility as a First-Class Object

44 43 IDNP Servers IDNP Server Call(Randy@Berkeley, Caller’s network, Interactive, CallerID certificate) IDNP Server Profile Policy System State If IAPs can’t be embedded in networks, then resides in IP core minutes/hours days/weeks weeks/months IAP Iceberg Access Point (One per network) Policy Engine, Routing, Security Iceberg Domain Name Policy Servers Stored in Bases

45 44 Telephony Service Architecture Rapid Service Deployment –Packet voice for computer-telephony integration –Speech- and location-enabled applications –Complete interoperation of speech, text, fax/image –Mobility and generalized routing redirection New Services for Innovative Apps –Encapsulating complex data transformation, e.g., speech-to-text, text-to-speech –Composition of services, e.g., Voice mail-to-email, email-to-voice mail –Location-aware information services, e.g., traffic reports –Multicast-enabled information services

46 45 Policy-based Location-based Activity-based Speech-to-Text Speech-to-Voice Attached-Email Call-to-Pager/Email Notification Email-to-Speech All compositions of the above! Universal In-box Transparent Information Access

47 46 Room Entity Text to Command ICSI Speech Recognizer Microphone Cell phone A/V Devices Response to Client Path Audio TextCmd Implementing Applications via Path Optimization Voice Control of A/V devices in a “Smart Room” –Multistage processing transformation –Strongly typed connectors –Automated path generation –Service discovery storage

48 47 Experimental Testbed Network Infrastructure GSM BTS Millennium Cluster WLAN Pager IBM WorkPad CF788 MC-16 Motorola Pagewriter 2000 Text Speech Image/OCR 306 Soda 326 Soda “Colab” 405 Soda Ericsson Smart Spaces Personal Information Management Fax

49 48 Emerging Distributed System Architecture Spanning Processing and Access Computing and Communications Platform: Millennium Distributed Computing Services: NINJA Active Services Architecture MASH Media Processing Services Distributed Videoconferencing & Room-scale Collaboration TranSend Extensible Proxy Services ICEBERG Computer-Telephony Services Speech and Location Aware Applications Personal Information Management and “Smart Spaces” Co-Pis: Brewer, Culler, Joseph, Katz, McCanne

50 49 Experiment: PDA Bazaar Deploy/use pervasive computing infrastructure in Soda Hall Provide NINJA iSpaces Build an initial community (200 PalmPilotIII/Workpads) Watch and evaluate: –Information broadcast channels »Seminars, lecture content »News/sports/stocks –Shared information »Calendars, room reservations »Collaborative note-taking and brainstornming Smart spaces and device control

51 50 Presentation Outline Market Forces and Technology Trends Comparison of Internet and Telephony Third Generation Telecommunications Architectures (and Beyond) Internet-based Open Services Architecture Summary and Conclusions

52 51 Summary and Conclusions Common network core: optimized for data, based on IP, enabling packetized voice, supporting user/terminal/service mobility Major challenge: open, composable services architecture--the wide-area “operating system” of the 21st Century Beyond the desktop PC: information appliances supported by infrastructure services Our approach: NINJA Platform –Infrastructure: Units, Active Proxies, Bases –Services: Operators, Typed Connectors, Paths –IVR applications/speech recognition as a service –Next application: Universal In-Box

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