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Assessment Centre Procedures: Reducing Cognitive Load During the Observation Phase Nanja J. Kolk & Juliette M. Olman Department of Work and Organizational.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Centre Procedures: Reducing Cognitive Load During the Observation Phase Nanja J. Kolk & Juliette M. Olman Department of Work and Organizational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Centre Procedures: Reducing Cognitive Load During the Observation Phase Nanja J. Kolk & Juliette M. Olman Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. vrije Universiteit amsterdam

2 The AT&T observation procedure Observe behavioural information and take notes of these observations at the same time Afterwards, classify the written remarks into behavioural dimensions, Give a quantitative rating per dimension, Evaluate ratings with co-assessors

3 Observing & Note-taking Behaviours are more easily stored in memory, through coding the material both verbally and visually Note-taking forces the assessor to process information performing the observation and recording tasks simultaneously

4 Dual Task Processing Requires more cognitive resources than assessors have available More observational and rating errors, e.g. failing to notice key behaviours, incorrectly appointing behaviours to dimensions etc. Interrater reliability, accuracy, construct validity

5 Experienced vs. Inexperienced Assessors Practice with a given task leads to a decrease of the necessary cognitive resources Experienced assessors have been able to practice the dual task extensively Inexperienced assessors lack the necessary practice to be able to perform two tasks concurrently

6 Study Aim Comparing two methods of observation: –the traditional AT&T method –the “observe only” method Comparing two types of assessors: –inexperienced assessors –experienced assessors

7 Research Question What is more cognitively demanding? Note taking during an exercise? Memorizing the observed behaviors?

8 Procedure 31 experienced and 90 inexperienced assessors rated 3 videotaped candidates in 2 AC exercises. Both groups received assessor training The control group was asked to take notes during the exercise The experimental group was not required to take notes

9 Simulated Assessment Center Sensitivity, Co-operation, Judgement, Tenacity Interview Simulations (1) win over the reluctance of a self-conscious and busy subordinate to give a lecture for a large audience, the day after tomorrow. (2) persuade a subordinate to put in overtime on a Friday- afternoon, which the subordinate is initially unwilling to do. –The role of the subordinates was played by six professional actors.

10 Evaluation Criteria Accuracy of the ratings –‘intended true score’ by 3 expert raters –elevation, differential elevation, stereotype accuracy, and differential accuracy Inter-rater reliability –intraclass correlation coefficients Halo –correlations between dimensions within exercises

11 Accuracy Elevation: accuracy of the average rating over all applicants and dimensions (i.e. leniency and severity) Differential elevation: accuracy in discriminating among applicants, averaging over dimensions (i.e. OAR) Stereotype accuracy: accuracy in discriminating among dimensions, averaging over applicants (i.e. ‘general’ score of a particular dimension) Differential accuracy: accuracy in detecting applicant differences in patterns of performance (i.e. degree to which the assessors rate the performance of the three applicants accurately on each dimension)

12 Results Halo Fisher’s Z tests revealed no significant differences in mean inter-correlations between dimensions within exercises between observation methods and type of assessor.

13 Discussion Halo Design is divergent to the regular applicant x dimension designs to study halo. This design examines ratings of multiple assessors and only a few applicants. The assessor x dimension matrix reveals information concerning assessor properties, rather than properties of the applicants.

14 Results Reliability The ‘observe only’ method yields somewhat higher inter-rater reliability (.93) than the traditional method (.85), yet this difference is not significant. None of the ICC’s differed significantly between observation methods or types of assessors. The limited number of applicants (n=3) may have hindered reaching a level of significance.

15 Results Accuracy MANOVA Elevation: Significant difference assessor type & method Significant interaction assessor type X method Differential elevation No significant difference assessor type & method Significant interaction assessor type X method

16 Results Accuracy MANOVA Stereotype accuracy Significant difference assessor type & method Significant interaction assessor type X method Differential accuracy Significant difference assessor type No significant difference method No significant interaction assessor type X method

17 Results Elevation Significant difference assessor type: F (1,116) = 22.15, p <.05. –inexperienced > (.35) than experienced (.64). Significant difference method (F (1,116) = 4.90, p <.05 –traditional > (.43) ‘observe only’ (.56).

18 Results Elevation (cont.) Significant interaction assessor type X method: F (1,116) = 14.65, p <.05: –inexperienced assessors > (.30) experienced assessors (.82) on the ‘observe only’ method –inexperienced assessors > ‘observe only’ method (.30) than on the traditional method (.40). –experienced assessors > on the traditional (.46) than on the ‘observe only’ method (.82).

19 Results Differential Elevation No significant difference assessor type No significant difference observation method Significant interaction assessor type X method: F (1,116) = 4.29, p <.05 –inexperienced assessors > (.69) experienced assessors (.90) ‘observe only’ – inexperienced assessors > ‘observe only’ method (.69) than on the traditional method (.74) –experienced assessors > traditional method (.72) than ‘observe only’ method (.90).

20 Results Stereotype Accuracy Significant difference assessor type: F (1,116) = 12.61, p <.05 –inexperienced assessors (.42) > experienced assessors (.61). Significant difference method: F (1,116) = 6.68, p <.05 – traditional method (.45) > the ‘observe only’ method (.58).

21 Results Stereotype Accuracy (cont.) Significant interaction assessor type X method: F (1,116) = 15.05, p <.05 –inexperienced assessors > on the ‘observe only’ method (.39) than the experienced assessors (.77) –inexperienced assessors > on the ‘observe only’ (.39) than on the traditional method (.46) –experienced assessors > on the traditional (.44) than on the ‘observe only’ method (.77).

22 Results Differential Accuracy Significant difference between inexperienced and experienced assessors F (1,116) = 16.10, p <.05 –experienced assessors (.69) > inexperienced assessors (.95). No significant difference between observation methods No significant interaction effects.

23 Summary Accuracy Results Higher elevation, differential elevation and stereotype accuracy for inexperienced assessors, observing an AC exercise without taking notes Higher elevation, differential elevation and stereotype accuracy for experienced assessors observing exercises through the traditional observation method Higher differential accuracy for experienced assessors than inexperienced assessors, regardless of observation method.

24 Discussion Accuracy Because the AC’s main interest is an applicant’s performance per dimension, differential accuracy is the most informative and theoretically relevant outcome (e.g. Lievens, in press; Schleicher & Day, 1998) Differential accuracy is relevant only when different decisions are being made depending on the pattern of performance (Murphy & Cleveland, 1995, p. 287).

25 Discussion Accuracy Applicants are to score high on all dimensions in order to get selected, because all dimensions have been considered to be relevant. Thus, there is no diversified pattern of AC performance in reference to the selection decision. Differential elevation and differential accuracy are both relevant to this area of research, whereas elevation and stereotype accuracy might be of minor importance.

26 Study Limitations Small sample size candidates Small sample size experienced assessors No a priori performance script No a priori performance profile

27 Study Implications Writing a behavioral report during an AC exercise may be too cognitively demanding for assessors with little rating experience A behavioral report does not seem to have added value (Hennessey et al., 1998) Inexperienced assessors may be better off focusing all their attention on the role-play Experienced assessors should be given the opportunity to write down observations

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