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La gramática de la diversidad microbiana Víctor de Lorenzo Centro Nal. Biotecnologia CSIC, Madrid (Spain)

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Presentation on theme: "La gramática de la diversidad microbiana Víctor de Lorenzo Centro Nal. Biotecnologia CSIC, Madrid (Spain)"— Presentation transcript:


2 La gramática de la diversidad microbiana Víctor de Lorenzo Centro Nal. Biotecnologia CSIC, Madrid (Spain)

3 microorganisms (156 k) ecosystems Known diversity plant (270 k) animal (1.230 k)

4 Existing diversity animals plants micro organisms

5 micro organisms 200 k ecosystems plants (250k) animal 1500k animals plants microbes human known existing

6 fungi 80 k protista 100 k known eubacteria & archaea existing nonculturable culturable 10 k

7 True vs. False Diversity.. TV sets Human languages

8 1st Question of the day: How to access Microbial diversity?







15 The problem of the global genome

16 genomes sequenced number of new genes 100% 0% How many genomes do we need to access microbial diversity Bioinformatics Genomics/sequencing Gene mining Predictions from number of niches number of genes


18 New protein folds/megabase of new DNA sequence _________________________ Human DNA1.3 Average prokaryotes 172 Xylella fastidiosa 377 Borrelia burgdorferi 392

19 number of items Enzymatic vs. Genetic diversity Time/year 0030709000 Novel chemical reactions Novel genes/ Gene variants

20 Metagenomics

21 Accessing and exploiting the meta-genome

22 Cl OH Substrate Product(s) XylR* Inactive Active Pu-lacZPu-Km Selectable phenotype Coloured phenotype Expression Library a b c d +

23 What is a gene? One gene-one enzyme? One gene-one protein? One gene-one function? One gene-one protein fold?

24 .....

25 .....

26 .....

27 The gene landscape

28 The grammar of Biodiversity... The minimal biological diversity unit? Phonemes (F. de Saussure) Generative Grammar (N. Chomsky) Words, sentences, languages Alphabets, books, editions, libraries How many books?

29 GrammarBiological entity PhonemeGene/fold/function WordOperon/complex SentenceNetwork Book Organism LibraryEcosystem

30 2nd Question of the day: How to predict biodegradation?

31 ~ 320 strains ~ 650 compounds ~ 470 catabolic enzymes ~ 730 reactions of environmental interest





36 In silico biodegradation of toluene: Towards predictive biodegradation



39 3rd Question of the day: Can bioinformatics reveal features of regulatory networks which are opaque to experimentation?

40 Levels of regulation in the Pu promoter RNA pol  54 IHF PtsN-P C source FtsH/DnaK ppGpp Anti-sigma? Physiological control Specific regulation XylR CH 3 R

41 Environmental signal







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