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1 Working Group 5: Particle Identified Studies in Jets - Status / Plans (July 23 rd, 2008) - Group Coordinator: Rene Bellwied (WSU) Group Contributors: Christina Markert (UT Austin) Helen Caines (Yale) Franco Riggi’s group (Catania) ALICE input: M.Ivanov, A.Klaweit, B. Hippolyte
2 Purpose of group 5 The purpose is more limited than for groups 1-4 For particle identified jet measurements and correlations develop a small chapter in PPR based on interface with multiple other detector components in ALICE (TPC,TRD, ITS, PHOS). Use EMCal as tag on same side and measure fragmentation on the away-side, similar to the physics plots from -jet studies. Potentially results could be merged with results from group 3 and 6.
3 General strategy Determine yields for identified hadrons from PYTHIA based simulations. Fold high momentum yields with jet cone parameters and reconstruction efficiencies based on simulation of non-EMCal detector components. Show quality of particle identified fragmentation functions (unquenched and quenched (based on Sapeta/Wiedemann)
4 Input from ALICE V0 & heavy quark reconstruction efficiencies and resolution from ITS/TPC studies (Boris Hippolyte et al. (IReS), A.Dainese et al. (INFN)) rdE/dx high p T resolution from TPC for ,K,p (Marian Ivanov (CERN), Alexander Kalweit (GSI)) Show quality of particle identified fragmentation functions (unquenched and quenched (based on Sapeta/Wiedemann)
5 ALICE @ Startup Configuration PID Capabilities
6 Specific Detector Capabilities for hadron reconstruction rdE/dx in TPC separation out to 50 GeV/c ? potentially superior to STAR-TPC because of better quoted dE/dx resolution (6% instead of 8%). But still simulation ! see next page TOF separation out to 1.4 GeV/c HMPID (RICH, 2 o’clock position, opposite PHOS, next to EMCal) /K out to 3 GeV/c, K/p out to 5 GeV/c
7 Combine TPC and TRD information STAR method: at high momentum estimate K + contribution from reconstructed K 0
8 Identified heavy quark mesons and V0’s based on ITS and TPC
9 Hadron production model (Sapeta / Wiedemann)
10 Resonance studies (detection through invariant mass reconstruction (only limited reliance on PID)) Resonance production model (CM, RB, I.Vitev, arXiv:0807.1509) Determine enhancement factors due to jet trigger and analysis improvements due to jet reconstruction Formation time of high p T resonances Measure modified resonance in away-side jet
11 What we have Hadron yieldsResonance yields
12 Strategy Determine statistics and resolution of identified particle measurements in away-side jet cone (non EMCal info) under EMCal trigger assumption. Measure fragmentation functions and form hadron ratios. Compare to models: Recombination: L. Maiani et al. (hep-ph/0606217) Quenched Fragmentation: Sapeta/Wiedemann (arXiv:0707.3494) For resonances: Determine statistics and resolution in quadrants (arXiv:0807.1509)
13 Triggered jet yields in one LHC year Another factor 5 is possible by triggering TPC at 500 Hz instead of 100 Hz and using EMCal L1/HLT to cut recorded rate down to 100 Hz (P. Jacobs) Jet yield in 20 GeV bin
14 Work Plan Group 5 TaskSub TaskWho PIDGet ALICE input on HMPID, rdE/dx, TRD simulations (resolution, reco.eff.) 1 person from TPC, 1 person from TRD Put together a ALIRoot or standalone based analysis that combines EMCal and ITS/TPC/TRD info Rene, Helen Determine PID FF in jet cone with and without quench (based on PYQUEN) 1 person, input from group 1 ResonancesEvaluate resonance reconstruction efficiencies with TPC 1 person (Catania) Determine significance in quadrant analysisChristina TriggerFold jet enhancement factors with PID spectra1 person, input from group 2 Model comparisons Run Wiedemann PID quench code if available otherwise compare to estimates in paper Rene, Christina
15 Example Simulation requests Ideally with AliRoot and through the GRID turning on EMCal, ITS, TPC, TRD (PID code has been recently submitted to AliRoot trunk). Realistically use jet reconstruction efficiencies from group 1 and fold with PYTHIA spectra and with PID reconstruction efficencies from various other ALICE detectors. Group 5 request 5-200 GeV jet energy spectrum in pp and PbPb (in bins) 10% of planned running year statistics Compare unquenched and quenched scenario (ideally on basis of new Wiedemann event generator).
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