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Key competence development: Climate change related exercises Judit Ütő-Visi Eszterházy College, Eger, Hungary ATEE 2010,Budapest, ATEE 2010, Budapest,

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Presentation on theme: "Key competence development: Climate change related exercises Judit Ütő-Visi Eszterházy College, Eger, Hungary ATEE 2010,Budapest, ATEE 2010, Budapest,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key competence development: Climate change related exercises Judit Ütő-Visi Eszterházy College, Eger, Hungary ATEE 2010,Budapest, ATEE 2010, Budapest, Apropos’ Climate Change Pre-Conference Workshop August 26, 2010

2 The topic in common education of Hungary  Teaching of the global environmental problems in geography, with emphasis on climate change, became significant in 1995 with introduction of the National Core Curriculum for Hungary.  It appears in more and more school subjects.  Modifying tasks of education, as developing the competences becomes also important, besides knowledge transfer.  New integrating areas of development appeared: Environmental education, Physical and mental health.

3 The topic in common education of Hungary  Importance of the topic (environment) becomes accepted by continuously increasing part of the society. Hence, wide co-operation in environment-motivated behaviour of the society involves increasing role of the schools in Hungary, too.  So, it is not enough to transfer and control the knowledge of our pupils. Active role in solving the problems needs various competencies to be developed, as well.

4 Developing the competences Key competencies in Hungary (2006) in coherence with recommendations by the European Union: 1.Communication in the Mother Tongue 2.Communication in Foreign Languages 3.Mathematical Competence 4.Competences in Natural Science 5.Digital Competence 6.Learning to learn 7.Social and Civic Competences 8.Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship 9.Aesthetic and Artistic Awareness and Expression

5 Description, main components  Communication in the Mother Tongue  Communication in the mother tongue is the ability to express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions both orally and in writing as well as the appropriate and creative use of the language in a full range of societal and cultural contexts such as education and training, work, home life and leisure.  Communication in Foreign Languages  Communication in foreign languages is considered to have the same elements as communication in the mother tongue Communication in a foreign language demands other skills, such as mediation and intercultural understanding.

6  Mathematical Competence  Mathematical competence is the ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking which also enables an individual to solve a range of problems in everyday situations. The emphasis is as much on process and activity as on knowledge. Mathematical competence embraces the development and use of abilities related to mathematical modes of thought, the application of mathematical models as well as an inclination to apply these.  Competences in Natural Science  Competences in science refer to the body of knowledge and methodology employed to explain, to make predictions and to control our actions with regard to the natural world and the processes that take place as a result of interaction between mankind and the natural world. This competence entails understanding the changes brought about by human activity and the related individual and public responsibility for sustainable development.

7  Digital Competence  Digital competence comprises the confident and critical use of Information Society Technology (IST) for work, communication and leisure purposes. This is based on the following skills and activities: recognising, retrieving, evaluating, storing, creating, presenting and exchanging information as well as communication and cooperation in networks via the Internet.  Learning to learn  Learning to learn is the ability to pursue and persist in learning, organise one's own learning both individually and in groups, including effective management of time and information; to recognise the needs and opportunities and to know the process of learning. Learning to learn urges the learner to apply his or her knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts - home, work, learning and training processes - drawing on his or her prior learning and life experience.

8  Social and Civic Competences  Personal, value-oriented, interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competences are prerequisites for a harmonious life and community integration, a commitment to and activity for the public good. Civic competence enables an individual to apply his or her knowledge of social processes, structures and democracy in order to actively participate in public affairs.  Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship  Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship helps an individual both in everyday life and at work to get to know his or her broader environment and to be able to grasp the opportunities that lie ahead. This competence comprises knowledge, creativity, propensity to induce changes and risk-taking as well as developing and implementing plans in order to achieve objectives.

9  Aesthetic and Artistic Awareness and Expression  Aesthetic and artistic awareness and expression involves an appreciation of aesthetic perception and the importance of expressing - either in the language of traditional arts or with the help of the media - ideas, experiences and emotions in a creative way.

10 Examples of key-competence development by using climate related knowledge and activities Examples to develop the key competence 1. learn new words of climate, 2. find extra motivation in understanding the CC disputes 3. use CC as motivation to understand usefulness of math 4. use CC to understand the integration of natural sciences 5. use Internet to find new datas and informations about CC 6. the interesting topic help in the learning 7. weather extremes are good examples of cooperations in society 8. talk and disputs about renewable- and low-carbon industry 9. make a presentation, drawing Pajtók-Tari et al., 2010

11 One may establish that the nine key competences comprehend different abilities although there are close interrelations between them. In one hand also establish that all of them can be related to the environment to some extent, in the oher hand all of them can be developed by exercises addressing the climate change.

12 Selected exercises Pay attention to the drawing, and solve the tasks below: a) Give 5 concepts you can associate with the drawing! b) Give a title to the drawing! c) Comprehend the message of the drawing in 5-10 sentences. d) Try to find further cartoons in the printed or electronic sources related to the climate change! Show them to your school-mates in form of a presentation or exhibition! Discuss them focusing on how their authors focus our attention on the presented environmental threats!

13 Objectives of the exercise The exercise expects to understand and explain a drawing. The aim of its execution is to recognize casual relationships and to evaluate the consequences of the provoked changes in the environment. In addition to it, induction and deepening the demand of the pupils for environment-motivated behaviour Competences to be developed Competences in Natural Science Digital Competence Communication in the Mother Tongue Social and Civic Competences Aesthetic and Artistic Awareness and Expression Form of the elaboration Individual work for the pupils: listing the terms, giving a god title, preparation of a summary. Teamwork: collection of strips, their systematisation, organising an exposition from the drawings. Classroom work: systematisation of the involved terms and principles, discussion.

14 Have a look at the picture, and solve the tasks below: a) Imagine yourselves instead of the plant in the image. Tell us what happened with you! What can you future be? b) Prepare a comic from 5-10 drawings, starting or finishing with this image. Write Hungarian and English legends to the individual drawings. You may prepare a short video, as well. In any case provide a title to your creation. Show them to your school-mates. Collect a jury from your pupil-mates, who give an assessment of these creations.

15 Objectives of the exercise The aim of this exercise is to make the pupils thinking about the causes, expected consequences and mitigation possibilities related to the global environmental problems, including the climate change. It can also support developing their creative, problem- solving thinking, as well, as their responsible, environment-motivated behaviour Competences to be developed Competences in Natural Science Digital Competence Communication in the Mother Tongue Communication in Foreign Languages Social and Civic Competences Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship Aesthetic and Artistic Awareness and Expression Form of the elaboration Individual work: description of the story, preparing the comics or a film. Teamwork: Preparing the comics or a film, organising a presentation of it, evaluation of the result.

16 Rank series Emission 1. USA 5834 2. China 3507 3. Russia 1431 4. India 1219 5. Japan 1202 6. Germany 850 7. United Kingdom 543 8. Canada 516 9. Rep. Korea 445 10. Italy 432 1-10. together 15980 World total: 24344 Leading carbon-dioxide emitters (data from 2003 in million tons) Investigate the table, and solve the tasks below: a) What percentage of the total CO 2 emission comes from the 10 strongest emitters? How many times stronger the first emitter compared to the 10th one? What proportion of the world emission is caused by the USA and China? What are the causes of these emission values and proportions? b) Prepare a picturesque diagram to present the data and proportions! c) Prepare a thematic map by using these data! d) Find more up-to-date data! Collect the same data for Hungary and for other countries!

17 Objectives of the exercise The aim of the exercise is to collect and evaluate the related data and their picturesque interpretation, as well, as to develop the ability to use mathematical tools. Development of logical geographical thinking is also one of the aims. Competences to be developed Competences in Natural Science Communication in the Mother Tongue Communication in Foreign Languages Mathematical Competence Aesthetic and Artistic Awareness and Expression Form of the elaboration Individual work for the pupils: computation and visualisation with the data, collection of additional data.

18 Prepare a puzzle! 1.S 2.U 3.S 4.T 5.A 6.I 7.N

19 Objectives of the exercise The exercise expects determination, understanding and systematisation of related words and concepts from the pupils. Clear, unequivocal phrasing of these definitions helps to understand the main elements of the content. Competences to be developed Competences in Natural Science Communication in the Mother Tongue Learning to learn Social and Civic Competences Form of the elaboration Individual work for the pupils: listing the terms, giving a god title, preparation of a summary. Work in study-pairs: Solution of the prepared puzzle, evaluation of the efforts and the result.

20 Thank you for your attention!

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