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GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 PBL Uncovered The Hi’s and the Low’s GEOLEARN Dr. Audrey Martin, Dr. Eugene McGovern & Kevin Mooney.

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Presentation on theme: "GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 PBL Uncovered The Hi’s and the Low’s GEOLEARN Dr. Audrey Martin, Dr. Eugene McGovern & Kevin Mooney."— Presentation transcript:

1 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 PBL Uncovered The Hi’s and the Low’s GEOLEARN Dr. Audrey Martin, Dr. Eugene McGovern & Kevin Mooney Dept. of Spatial Information Sciences, School of Spatial Planning, School of Spatial Planning

2 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 2 Subject granularity Students need to “learn to learn” Students should be better prepared for the “real world” B.Sc. in Geomatics – why PBL? YEARS OF STUDY 123456 0 KNOWLEDGE GEODETIC SURVEYING

3 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 3 The Open Ended Problems 1.Post war Iraq – 2004! 2.European Disaster Management Strategy - 2005 3.Irish National Disaster Management Strategy - 2006 Time Frame – Semester 1 – Final Year Students

4 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 4 Implementing PBL – Team Formation people- oriented action- oriented cerebral Learner + Facilitator +

5 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 5 Induction seminars (x3) –Defined the PBL approach to learning –Explained the integration of knowledge –Explained the assessment methodologies Implementing PBL – Induction

6 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 6 Learner to Learner Learner to Facilitator Facilitator to Facilitator Team meetings Weekly sessions email/mobile WebCT Implementing PBL – Communication

7 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 7 Implementing PBL – Use of WebCT Learner + Facilitator +

8 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 8 Team –Per weekly session –Interim Presentation –Final Presentation –Final written Report Individual –Peer and self assessment –Reflective report Assessing PBL – Methods Learner + Facilitator -

9 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 9 Monitoring Assessment Assessing PBL – Methods

10 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 10 Assessing PBL – Results Learner + Team 08/10/0415/10/0422/10/0429/10/0405/11/0403/12/04 10/12/04Final WM1WM2Int. Pres.WM3WM4Gr. Pres.Gr. Rpt.Refl.Grade P.Rev. Rep. A 89.5699.5981837881 89.5699.5981837078 89.5699.5981836576 89.5699.5981836776 89.5699.5981835873 B 67596873709077 67596873707571 67596861706064 67596864706566 675968 706063 5% 10%5% 10%20%40% Assessing PBL – Results

11 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 11 Integration of Resources Geodetic Surveying PBL Francis O’Brien Learning Technology Team Facilitators DT112-3 Dr. Brian Bowe Learning and Teaching Centre Peter Cahalane Head Librarian, Bolton Street Carmel McDonald Career Services Faculty of the Built Environment John Molloy Real Estate & Construction Economics Learner + Facilitator +

12 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 12 Effectiveness Average 10% improvement in grades Three 1 st class honours in first Year of PBL External examiners, Q6 & other comments Quality of presentations and reports Depth of reflective reports Considered peer-marking Learner + Facilitator +

13 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 13 The Final Story Hi’s + Invigorating Reduced granularity New knowledge acquired Increased Grades Skills developed: –Group working –Research –Presentation Low’s - Time consuming Less “new stuff” learned Difficult to assess Created tensions in class Facilitators  Lecturer Iterative Process Resource implications –Staff time –Space Worth the effort

14 GeoLearn learning and teaching innovations DIT 2007 PBL Uncovered The Hi’s and the Low’s GEOLEARN Dr. Audrey Martin, Dr. Eugene McGovern & Kevin Mooney Dept. of Spatial Information Sciences, School of Spatial Planning, School of Spatial Planning

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