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INERIS ongoing works for CITIZEN (2009) 1 Bessagnet, B ; 1 Meleux, F. ; 1,2 Péré, J.-C. ; 1 Colette,A; 1,3 Siour,G, 4 Menut,L; 1 Rouïl, L. 1) INERIS, France.

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Presentation on theme: "INERIS ongoing works for CITIZEN (2009) 1 Bessagnet, B ; 1 Meleux, F. ; 1,2 Péré, J.-C. ; 1 Colette,A; 1,3 Siour,G, 4 Menut,L; 1 Rouïl, L. 1) INERIS, France."— Presentation transcript:

1 INERIS ongoing works for CITIZEN (2009) 1 Bessagnet, B ; 1 Meleux, F. ; 1,2 Péré, J.-C. ; 1 Colette,A; 1,3 Siour,G, 4 Menut,L; 1 Rouïl, L. 1) INERIS, France 2) Laboratoire d'Aérologie, Université Paul Sabatier, France 3) LISA, université Créteil, France 4) LMD/IPSL, Palaiseau France

2 WP1: INERIS 1.Emissions (EMEP-INERIS emission inventory) 2.CHIMERE set-up for long term runs 3.Post-processing for budget computations 4.New zooming approach in CHIMERE

3 WP1: SET-UP of CHIMERE for the 1998-2007 simulations Upgrading of the meteorological pre-processing MM5 -> WRF Tests on parametrisations PBL scheme, land surface model Microphysics, convection Spectral nudging intensity ECMWF / IFS meteorological forcing European domain == GEMS-MACC domain covering EU-27 with a resolution of 0.5° or 0.25°. Zoom over large Benelux and Po valley domains: ~ 0.1° Zoom over small Benelux and Po valley domains: ~ 0.05° Last chimere version chimere2008 CHIMERE-DUST ?? with biogenic emissions from MEGAN Fire emissions ? updated SOA scheme emissions from INERIS- EMEP 1998-2007 using 1999 PM emissions for 1998

4 WP1: SET-UP of CHIMERE for the 1998-2007 simulations We still have issues about boundary conditions : Which model ? Mozart or UiO Which set of pollutants ? Which horizontal resolution ? time step ? Which file format ? Interface development. Plan to run the 10-years period beginning 2010

5 WP1: Pollutant budgets for the 1998-2007 simulations Outgoing vertical flux Western flux Eastern flux Southern flux Northern flux MEGACITY domain Calcul of fluxes in each cells of the domain for budget calculations over Cityzen areas import/export calculations over each domain selected and main cities. Transport, chemistry and emission/deposition

6 WP1: CHIMERE horizontal stretched grid -The methodology is to refine the grid over a specific region (from 0.5° to 0.1° resolution) - Constraint : Over the X (or Y) direction, number of Y (or X) points is constant

7 WP1: Testing « zooming » mesh over BENELUX NO2 emissions (molec/cm2/s) Ozone on 8 August 2003 [16:00] Surface Ozone in ppb (August 2003) Meteorological fields at 0.5° Mass conservative

8 WP1: Testing « zooming » mesh over BENELUX Regular coarse 0.5° to nest 0.1° resolution domains (1 way nesting) « zooming approach » stretched mesh from 0.5° to 0.1° More details in the « zooming » approaches PM10 concentrations on 8 August 2003 [16:00] 0.5°x0.5° 0.1°x0.1°

9 WP1: Next steps... Long-term runs over 1998-2007 (beginning of 2010)  Evaluation of the transport pathways (D1.2.2 – March 2010)  Budget import/export fluxes  Boundary conditions ?  Focus on the NH3 emissions impact over Benelux Zooming approach (by the end of 2009)  Meteorological forcing using low and high reolution  Assessment of the added-value using the new zooming approach compared to one-way nesting  One-year simulation on 2003  article

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