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DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER DIFFERENCES Basic Terminology Gender – Refers to our biological sex, whether male or female.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER DIFFERENCES Basic Terminology Gender – Refers to our biological sex, whether male or female."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER DIFFERENCES Basic Terminology Gender – Refers to our biological sex, whether male or female.

2 DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER DIFFERENCES Basic Terminology Gender – Refers to our biological sex, whether male or female.

3 DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER DIFFERENCES Basic Terminology Gender – Refers to our biological sex, whether male or female. Gender Roles –

4 DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER DIFFERENCES Basic Terminology Gender-Role Standard –

5 DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER DIFFERENCES Gender Stereotypes Men are moreWomen are more AggressiveEmotional IndependentDependent Self-confidentAware of others’ feelings DominantInterested own appear. Interested MathInterested Art/Lit. ActiveTactful CompetitiveAble to express emotion LogicalTalkative AdventurousInterested in family

6 Actual Gender Differences (and similarities)


8 Actual Gender Differences Males > Females Visual/spatial abilities Arithmetic reasoning Physical/verbal aggression Activity level Developmental vulnerability Risk taking Females > Males Verbal abilities School Achievement Fear and timidity Emotional sensitivity/expressivity Compliance with adults Depression

9 Actual Gender Similarities Males = Females Compliance with demands and directives of agemates Empathy Social interaction with peers Suggestibility Self-esteem Rote learning Higher level cognitive processing Analytic/logical reasoning Achievement motivation

10 A SELECTION OF RESEARCH ON THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF MALES AND FEMALES -Goldberg (1968) -Dweck & Elliott (1983) -Feldman-Summers & Kiesler (1974)

11 DEVELOPMENTAL TRENDS IN GENDER TYPING Knowledge that one is a boy or a girl. Knowledge that one’s gender is permanent. Development of gender-role stereotypes. Development of gender-typed behaviors.

12 HOW DOES GENDER TYPING OCCUR? Money and Ehrhardt’s Biosocial theory Biological factors Social factors

13 HOW DOES GENDER TYPING OCCUR? Money and Ehrhardt’s Biosocial theory Biological factors Social factors Androgenized females and Testicular feminization syndrome

14 HOW DOES GENDER TYPING OCCUR? Money and Ehrhardt’s Biosocial theory Androgenized females and Testicular feminization syndrome

15 HOW DOES GENDER TYPING OCCUR? Social-Learning theory Direct Tuition Observational Learning

16 HOW DOES GENDER TYPING OCCUR? Kohlberg’s Cognitive- Developmental theory Cognitive development Children’s active self- socialization

17 HOW DOES GENDER TYPING OCCUR? Gender Schema theory In-group/out-group schema Own-sex schema

18 HOW DOES GENDER TYPING OCCUR? Money and Ehrhardt’s Biosocial theory Social-Learning theory Kohlberg’s Cognitive-Developmental theory Gender Schema theory Integrative Perspective Physical gender Reinforcement Schemas Recalls gender- consistent info more readily Rely more on same-sex models


20 ANDROGYNY Androgyny - a gender-role orientation in which the individual has incorporated a large number of both masculine and feminine attributes into his or her personality. (Overhead of attributes) Femininity HIGHLOW HIGHAndrogynousMasculine sex-typed LOWFeminine gender-typed Undiffer- entiated Masculinity

21 ADVANTAGES TO ANDROGYNY? Flexibility Self-esteem Could these results be due to masculine attributes of androgynous individuals and not to androgyny?


23 Avoiding rigid stereotypes for boys or girls

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