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Introduction Different aspects of water treatment are considered the most urgent topics at the present and will influence our future life and Photocatalytic.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Different aspects of water treatment are considered the most urgent topics at the present and will influence our future life and Photocatalytic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Different aspects of water treatment are considered the most urgent topics at the present and will influence our future life and Photocatalytic oxidation of organic compounds is an advanced method for removal of impurities from water. Titanium dioxide is close to being the ideal photocatalyst in several ways: relatively inexpensive, chemically stable, the light required to activate the catalyst may be long-wavelength UV such as the natural UV component of the sunlight and the produced oxidant is powerful with elimination potential of most types of microorganisms 1. The main problem of this process is the low efficiency due to high electron/hole recombination rate 2. The efficiency of the photocatalysis process depends on the amount of generated holes, which is typically low, due to the high electron-hole recombination rate. The holes concentration may be enhanced by: 1. Increasing the effective surface area of the photocatalyst, 2. Retarding the electron-hole recombination with the use of anodic bias. In this work, immobilized nanotubular TiO 2 with high surface area was grown by anodization of Ti in aqueous solution containing fluoride ions and compared to mesoporous oxide layers. The efficiency and kinetics of the photoelectrocatalytic devices were studied and compared to Degussa P-25 powder TiO 2 for E.coli bacteria inactivation. Enhanced Photo-efficiency of Immobilized TiO 2 Catalyst N. Baram 1 *, D. Starosvetsky 1, J. Starosvetsky 2, M. Epshtein 2, R. Armon 2, Y. Ein-Eli 1 Department of Materials Engineering 1, Environmental and Civil Engineering 2, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel E g =3.1 eV Summary Anodic polarization is capable of growing thick, crystalline, nanoporous and nanotubular oxide layer with high surface area Anodic bias is also capable of reducing electron/hole pair recombination process i.e. increasing the efficiency The combination of immobilized, electrochemically grown titania with an application of extremely high anodic bias and UV illumination, led to a dramatic improvement in measured photocurrent and E. coli elimination 100% elimination was also achieved under sun illumination after 15 minutes Acknowledgements This work was supported by “NATAF" program at the Israeli Ministry of Industry and Trade, Chief Scientist Office & by Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute. References 1.Serpone, N., Pelizzetti, E., Photocatalysis Fundamentals and Applications, A. Wiley, USA p. 126-157, 1989. 2.Hoffmann, M.R., Scot, T.M., Wonyong, C.H., Bahnemann, D.W., Chem. Rev., 95, 69-96 (1995). 3.Fujishima. A., Rao, T.N., Tryk, D.A., J. Photochem. & Photobio. C, 1, 1-21, 2000. 4.Sunada, K., Kikuchi, Y., Hashimoto, K., Fujishima, A., Enviro. Sci. &Tech., 32, 5 (1998). 5.Baram, N., Starosvetsky, D., Starosvetsky, J., Epshtein, M., Armon, R., Ein-Eli, Y., Electrochem. Comm., 9, 1684-1688 (2007). Anodization curve of Ti in 0.5M H 2 SO 4 solution. The final potentials of 110V and 150V for the HS110V and HS150V TiO 2, respectively, are marked on the curve, along with high resolution SEM micrographs and XRD patterns. Characterization Top and cross section HRSEM micrographs of TiO 2 growth via anodization in 1M Na 2 SO 4 + 0.5%wt NaF solution Only Ti!  The oxide is Amorphous The oxide is crystalline: Anatase Electrochemical Characterization Photocurrent: Linear sweep voltammetry curves under UV illumination and in the dark Experimental 5 Anodization in aqueous solutions Nanotubular TiO 2 Electrolyte – 1M Na 2 SO 4 + 0.5%wt NaF 2hr, constant potential of 20V. Mesoporous TiO 2 Electrolyte – 0.5M H 2 SO 4 Constant current Density 100 mA/cm 2. Final potential: - 110V (HS110V) - 150V (HS150V) Microbiology experiments 2 Petri dishes + control. Bacteria – 10 6 CFU/ml E.Coli in 0.01% saline without nutrient broth. Anodic bias – 0-5V The Principle of Photocatalysis Under UV illumination electrons and holes are produced 3,4 : The following reactions occur: Hydroxyl radicals have high oxidation potential: schematic diagram showing the potentials for various RedOx processes occurring on the TiO 2 surface at pH 7 Microbiology Studies Effect of Photocatalyst Effect of Anodic Bias Disinfection Under Sun Light Irradiation Complete elimination was achieved after 15 min. Faster elimination rate and shorter incubation period when the applied anodic bias is increased Faster elimination rate without deceleration period for the nanotubular TiO 2 – faster than Degussa P-25 powder TiO 2 Nanotubular TiO 2 possesses the highest photocurrent

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