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Workshop frailty models Luc Duchateau, Rosemary Nguti and Paul Janssen.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop frailty models Luc Duchateau, Rosemary Nguti and Paul Janssen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop frailty models Luc Duchateau, Rosemary Nguti and Paul Janssen

2 Contents The statistical package R The data set: time to first insemination Inference for shared gamma frailty models –Theoretical considerations –Fitting parametric and semiparametric models More flexible shared gamma frailty models –Time-varying covariates –Smoothing splines Other approaches for frailty models –Choice of the frailty density –A Bayesian approach for frailty models

3 The statistical package R Freeware (unlike Splus) Powerful statistical package Data handling a bit less powerful Downloadable from the Internet –Base –Libraries From within R Download library yourself

4 Installing R via Internet Go to Choose option download Choose closest mirrorsite Choose operating system Windows (95 and later) Choose subdirectory base Choose rw1090.exe

5 Installing additional packages Automatically within R –Menu item « Packages» « Install Packages from CRAN … » Choose « survival » –New session, specify « library(survival) » Download zipped package from CRAN –Unzip it under directory « c:\Program Files\R\rw1091\library »

6 The data set: Time to first insemination Database of regional Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) –Milk recording service –Artificial insemination –Select sample –Subset of 2567 cows from 49 dairy farms

7 Fixed covariates data set insemfix.dat

8 Time-varying covariates data set insemtvc.dat

9 Fitting parametric frailty models (1) Read the data –insemfix<-read.table("c://insemfix.dat",header=T) Create vectors heifer<- herd stat timeto insem$heifer 110...11110...11 1. 49.. 49 011...11011...11 53 32 201. 103 38

10 Fitting parametric frailty models (2) Derive quantities n, Di and e –n<-length(levels(as.factor(herd)) 49 –Di<-aggregate(stat,by=list(herd),FUN=sum)[,2] –e<-sum(Di) 1 2 3 … 49 11 23 … 34

11 Fitting parametric frailty models (3) Observable likelihood for constant hazard

12 Fitting parametric frailty models (4) Calculate observable likelihood for parameters –h=1/p[1],  =1/p[2],  =p[3] Cumulative hazard Hazard Timeto*exp(heifer*p[3])/p [1] cumhaz aggregate(cumhaz,by=list(herd),FUN=sum)[,2]cumhaz stat*log(exp(heifer*p[3])/p [1])) lnhaz aggregate(lnhaz,by=list(herd),FUN=sum)[,2]lnhaz

13 Fitting parametric frailty models (5) likelihood.exponential<-function(p){ cumhaz<-(timeto*exp(heifer*p[3]))/p[1] cumhaz<-aggregate(cumhaz,by=list(herd),FUN=sum)[,2] lnhaz<-stat*log(exp(heifer*p[3])/p[1]) lnhaz<-aggregate(lnhaz,by=list(herd),FUN=sum)[,2] lik<-e*log(1/p[2])-n*log(gamma(p[2]))+sum(log(gamma(Di+p[2])))- sum((Di+p[2])*log(1+cumhaz/p[2]))+sum(lnhaz) -lik}

14 Fitting parametric frailty models (6) initial<-c(100,17,0) t<-nlm(likelihood.exponential,initial,print.level=2) h<-1/t$estimate[1] h theta<-1/t$estimate[2] theta beta<-t$estimate[3] beta

15 Interpretation  From , the heterogeneity parameter, to density for median time to event calcm<-function(m){ (log(2)/(theta*h))^(1/theta) *(1/m)^(1+1/theta)* (1/gamma(1/theta)) *exp(-log(2)/(theta*h*m)) } med<-seq(1,100) fmed<-sapply(med,calcm) plot(med,fmed,type="l",xlab="Median time",ylab="Density")

16 Interpretation 

17 Fitting semiparametric models library(survival) coxph(Surv(timeto,stat)~heifer+frailty(herd)) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(timeto, stat) ~ heifer + frailty(herd)) coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p heifer -0.24 0.0432 0.0430 30.9 1.0 2.7e-08 frailty(herd) 205.3 40.9 0.0e+00 Iterations: 10 outer, 23 Newton-Raphson Variance of random effect= 0.123 I-likelihood = -16953 Degrees of freedom for terms= 1.0 40.9 Likelihood ratio test=281 on 41.9 df, p=0 n= 2579 HR=exp(-0.24)=0.79

18 Time-varying covariates data Contribtion to the denominator: t ij =10 : 2.29 t ij =55 : 2.61

19 Fitting Cox models with time-varying covariates (1) #Read data insemtvc<-read.table("c://insemtvc.dat",header=T) #Create four column vectors, four different variables herd<-insemtvc$herd begin<-insemtvc$begin end<-insemtvc$end stat<-insemtvc$stat ureum<-insemtvc$ureum heifer<-insemtvc$heifer library(survival) coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~heifer+ureum+frailty(herd))

20 Fitting Cox models with time-varying covariates (2) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(begin, end, stat) ~ heifer + ureum + frailty(herd)) coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p heifer -0.22820 0.0466 0.0464 23.99 1.0 9.7e-07 ureum -0.00349 0.0366 0.0358 0.01 1.0 9.2e-01 frailty(herd) 177.64 39.4 0.0e+00 Iterations: 10 outer, 23 Newton-Raphson Variance of random effect= 0.116 I-likelihood = -14401.2 Degrees of freedom for terms= 1.0 1.0 39.4 Likelihood ratio test=251 on 41.3 df, p=0 n= 23076 HR=exp(-0.00349)=0.997

21 Fitting Cox models with smoothing splines (1) #Read data insemtvc<-read.table("c://insemtvc.dat",header=T) #Create four column vectors, four different variables herd<-insemtvc$herd begin<-insemtvc$begin end<-insemtvc$end stat<-insemtvc$stat ureum<-insemtvc$ureum heifer<-insemtvc$heifer library(survival) fit<-coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~heifer+pspline(ureum,nterm=3,theta=0.5)) temp<-order(ureum) plot(ureum[temp],predict(fit,type='terms')[temp,2],type='l',xlab='Ureum', ylab='Risk score')

22 Fitting Cox models with smoothing splines (2) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(begin, end, stat) ~ heifer + pspline(ureum, nterm = 3, theta = 0.5)) coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p heifer -0.2284 0.0457 0.0457 24.97 1.00 5.8e-07 pspline(ureum, nterm = 3, 0.0094 0.0379 0.0349 0.06 1.00 8.0e-01 pspline(ureum, nterm = 3, 3.31 1.18 8.7e-02 Iterations: 1 outer, 3 Newton-Raphson Theta= 0.5 Degrees of freedom for terms= 1.0 2.2 Likelihood ratio test=30.2 on 3.18 df, p=1.56e-06 n= 23076

23 Fitting Cox models with smoothing splines (3)

24 Fitting the shared normal frailty model (1) #Read data insemfix<- read.table("c://docs//onderwijs//frailtymodels//insemfix.dat",header=T) #Create four column vectors, four different variables herd<-insemfix$herd timeto<-insemfix$timeto-min(insemfix$timeto) stat<-insemfix$stat heifer<-insemfix$heifer coxph(Surv(timeto,stat)~heifer+frailty(herd,distribution="gaussian"))

25 Fitting the shared normal frailty model (2) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(timeto, stat) ~ heifer + frailty(herd, distribution = "gaussian")) coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p heifer -0.241 0.0431 0.043 31.1 1.0 2.4e-08 frailty(herd, distributio 199.9 38.6 0.0e+00 Iterations: 6 outer, 14 Newton-Raphson Variance of random effect= 0.0916 Degrees of freedom for terms= 1.0 38.6 Likelihood ratio test=276 on 39.5 df, p=0 n= 2579

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