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Workshop WELCOME Workshop Prevention of Contamination from Mining and Metallurgical Industries in Serbia WELCOME.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop WELCOME Workshop Prevention of Contamination from Mining and Metallurgical Industries in Serbia WELCOME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop WELCOME Workshop Prevention of Contamination from Mining and Metallurgical Industries in Serbia WELCOME

2 WORKSHOP Ministries Republic of Serbia InstitutesFacultiesNGO PREWARC partners Industries & Companies Participants structure Min. of Environmental protection Ministry of Mining and Energy 26.6% Ins. for Nuclear and other raw mat. Geoinstitute Scientific Research Centre 23.3% Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Faculty of Mining and Geology 16.6% Association of Technological Engineers of Serbia 3.3% NTUA, Athens TMF, Skopje TUC, Creta 13.3% Ekotok Fideco Monbat 10.0%

3 Materials regarding Workshop Brochure Agenda CD

4 Agenda

5 Workshop outcome Strategic Plan for Prevention of Contamination from Mining & Metallurgical activities in SERBIA

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