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Daniel and the Revelation A Message for Postmodern People.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel and the Revelation A Message for Postmodern People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel and the Revelation A Message for Postmodern People

2 Postmodernity Some main characteristics  truths vs. Truth  Relativism  End of grand stories  Deconstruction; diversity; difference  Reason not only avenue to knowledge  Scepticism re science

3 Postmodernity and Faith 1. Hope vs. Pessimism 2. Balance: head and heart 3. Problem: Sin and salvation 4. Community: Belonging and believing 5. Diversity 6. Total Integrity 7. Hesitancy re Commitment 8. Mission

4 Hope vs. pessimism(1)‏ Hope vs. Pessimism:  Daniel The kingdom comes (2:44, 45)‏ Delivery (lions; fiery furnace)‏ Personal salvation: resurrection (12:1,2, 13))‏

5 Hope vs. Pessimism (2)‏ Revelation Promises in 7 letters Rev. 7: 144.000 and great multitude Rev. 5 (the Lamb is able!)‏ Rev. 20, 21

6 Balance: head and heart: Daniel No emphasis on doctrinal fineprint Revelation through dreams Emphasis on faith and loyalty Daniel portrayed as a praying person Nebuchadnessar praises God

7  Balance: head and heart: Revelation Revelation through visions Truth is relational; people of God Worship (Appeal to all senses )‏  chapters 4 and 5  chapter 7  chapter 11  chapter 15: song of the Lamb  chapter 19

8 Sin Problem Atonement –  key problem for postmoderns Sin as hubris (Nebuchadnessar; woman on the beast)‏ Sin as denying right of God to set the rules (Dan. 7:25)‏

9 Sin and salvation Core of Christian message: Solution comes from Above  Core of message of Daniel and Revelation Faith in power of God to deliver Saving faith is a gift to be accepted Personal testimonies: It works

10 A choice must be made Two opposing camps: Battle for our minds Triune God (New) Jerusalem Bride Those who are loyal to Him  confederacy of the saints Message of the three angels

11 A choice must be made Unholy Trinity Babylon Great Prostitute Those who worship the beast  confederacy of evil Three unholy frogs

12 Community: Belonging and believing Church  Invisible (souls under the altar)‏  Visible organisation 144.000 and great multitude Presence of Christ (Rev. 1; Dan 7: 13, 14)‏ Personal metaphors: woman, bride Victory

13 Diversity Celebration of diversity Nebuchadnessar becomes a believer Revelation: Jews and Gentiles ‘All nations, tribes, languages’, etc ‘Wealth of the nations’ brought into New Jerusalem

14 Total Integrity Suffering Keeping commandments Purity Steadfastness Clear about where their loyalties are

15 Call for Commitment Role models:  Daniel  John Either Jerusalem or Babylon Two kinds of destinies Harvest of the grapes Harvest of the grain I am with you always

16 Mission Daniel: cross-cultural missionary 3 angels’ messages Loyal to the Creator No to ‘Babylon’ Loyal whatever the cost Martyr = witness Result Guaranteed

17 Why continue to read Daniel and Revelation? History?  Yes, but… Prophecy as proof of divine inspiration?  Yes, but … Information / Warning about end-time issues?  Yes, but … Strengthen Adventist identity?  Yes, but … Perspective on history, life Spiritual nurture

18 Text Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. (Rev. 1:3)‏

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