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The Life of a Garibaldi!! By: Wendy, Mario, Ramon, and Wilfredo.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life of a Garibaldi!! By: Wendy, Mario, Ramon, and Wilfredo."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life of a Garibaldi!! By: Wendy, Mario, Ramon, and Wilfredo

2 What is a Garibaldi? u A fish u Gets nervous when people see it. u Plays dead u Nobody eats them u Nothing touches it u No meat for them (it’s a vegetarian)

3 u Hangs with his type u Has everything a fish has u Has the same things that a normal fish has u Eats the same things that a thin teeth fish eats

4 u Has good eye vision u It’s long and fat u It’s really fast u Are very large

5 Why do they like being in groups? u To defend themselves u To not be alone u To have a good relationship

6 How does a Garibaldi Reproduce? u A female looks for a male with more algae in a rock u female lays her eggs u The male throws his sperm on the eggs u Eggs and sperm unite u The male guards his eggs until they are a certain age

7 Where does it hide ? u It hides in kelp u Under rocks

8 What is their size? u The size of this creature is approximately the size of a dinner dish.

9 Have they bitten people? u No, the only two things they eat is algae, and barnacles u They eat algae because that is easy to catch u They have never bitten people because they don’t have any sharp teeth

10 How do they look? u small black eyes u bright orange u no sharp teeth u long and large u small fins

11 What do they eat? u They eat algae u Barnacles u They don’t eat meat

12 What do they use to get their food? u There teeth are not sharp u They don’t use anything from their body to catch their food, but their teeth.

13 What is their favorite thing to do? u Be beside their food u They like to relax themselves

14 What type of relationship do they have? u They have a good relationship with groups of garibaldi. u When the father brings the food to their little fish they have a good relationship.

15 What other places are they found? u No other place because they are used to cold water u They are found in the Pacific Ocean (Catalina) u they are found in salty water u they are also found near rocky shores

16 Can they eat bigger food than algae and barnacles? u No, because their teeth are not hard enough u They are not used to opening their mouths that wide u It could be hard to chew u It might not want to eat it

17 Is it related to a human? u Yes, it is related to a human because it has a heart, blood, eyes, mouth, etc.

18 Is it illegal to Kill the Garibaldi? u Yes its illegal to kill garibaldi u They are the only bright orange fish in California. u They are the California state fish.

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