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Module 2: Part 2 Basic BJT Amplifiers. Learning Objectives After studying this module, the reader should have the ability to: n Explain graphically the.

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1 Module 2: Part 2 Basic BJT Amplifiers

2 Learning Objectives After studying this module, the reader should have the ability to: n Explain graphically the amplification process in a simple bipolar amplifier circuit. n Describe the small-signal hybrid-p equivalent circuit of a bipolar transistor and to determine the values of the small-signal hybrid-p parameters. n Apply the small-signal hybrid-p equivalent circuit to various bipolar amplifier circuits to obtain the time-varying circuit characteristics. n Characterize the small-signal voltage and current gains and the input and output resistances of a common-emitter amplifier. n Characterize the small-signal voltage and current gains and the input and output resistances of an emitter-follower amplifier. n Characterize the small-signal voltage and current gains and the input and output resistances of a common-base amplifier. n Apply the bipolar small-signal equivalent circuit in the analysis of multistage amplifier circuits.

3 (a) Bipolar transistor inverter circuit; (b) inverter transfer characteristics

4 Common-emitter transistor characteristics, dc load line, and sinusoidal variation in base current, collector current, and collector-emitter voltage

5 Base current versus base-emitter voltage characteristic with superimposed sinusoidal signals

6 A simplified small-signal hybrid-  equivalent circuit for the npn transistor


8 Expanded small-signal model of the BJT, including the Early effect, for the case when the circuit contains the (a) transconductance and (b) the current gain parameters

9 Basic data sheet for the 2N2222 bipolar transistor


11 A bipolar circuit with an emitter resistor, a voltage-divider biasing circuit, and a coupling capacitor

12 The small-signal equivalent circuit with an emitter resistor

13 Emitter-follower circuit

14 Small-signal equivalent circuit of the emitter-follower

15 Basic common-base circuit

16 (a) Simplified hybrid-  model of the npn transistor and (b) small-signal equivalent circuit of the common-base circuit

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