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armasuisse Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe E. Brockmann
2 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Topics Basis of ETRS89 The 3 hierarchies: European – national new – national old -availability and accuracy -3D -2D + 1D -Country-specific situations in Europe -some examples of Switzerland -specifications and standards (European / national)
3 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Definition ETRS89 (=System) Adopted in 1990 by EUREF ETRS89 was aligned to the international reference system ITRS at epoch 1989.0. Whereas European stations have movements of several centimeters within one year in the ITRS, ETRS89 is fixed to stable part of Europe 2003: decision of the European Commission to relate their own geographical data to ETRS89
4 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Station movements globally World-wide(1-10 cm/year)Europe (< 1-2 mm/year) Europe: 2.5 cm/year -> North - East
5 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Realization (=Frame) “Fixing” / Defining coordinates - High accuracies and world- wide thanks to GPS Need for homogeneous national reference frame in Europe (Eurogeographics, INSPIRE, GIS data exchange): ETRF National ETRF coordinates were in the past mainly computed from campaigns – today permanent networks define national reference frames The ETRFyy realizations are used as the reference frame for Europe an in the countries! Umbrella EUREF: EPN web portal gives detailed information on coordinates. Coordinates are mainly “scientific” oriented (weekly an multi-annual coordinate sets) In countries “old” / distorted coordinate reference systems exist Internat./ EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old “cm/dm”
6 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Example: CRS in Switzerland ITRS CTSglobal kinematic global kinematic (stable part of the eurasian plate) ETRS89 --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EUkontinental kinematic regional kinematic CHTRS95 (CHKM95) --- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ (inkl. lokale Kinematik : CHKM95) CHregional/local kinematic CH1903+ (LV95) ==============================CHlokal static LV03 ===================================================================…CH lokal old distorted time 1989909192939495969798992000 Internat./EU REF “mm” National new “cm” National old “cm/dm” Fineltra Transformation cm / dm Simple 3D- Transformation No kinematic ETRF93 Trafo (Boucher, Altamimi) ITRF20yy
7 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe national CRSETRS89 North East Latitude Longitude (ell. height) XYZXYZ North East Latitude Longitude (ell. height) XYZXYZ Transformation Conversion Transformation - Position 3D 2D Map projection (+ 1D) height /geoid
8 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Transformation info for GIS Definition + transformation Internat./ EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old “cm/dm” Globally also available ( European Petroleum Survey Group ) Reference for many OGC projects Transformation with Meter accuraccy
9 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe National Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) in Europe
10 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe
11 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Relation between coordinate systems Availability in the countries ? accuracy 3D ? / 2D ? 1D ? Internat./ EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old “cm/dm”
12 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe ETRS status (Survey for UIC 3.Oct.2006)
13 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe ETRS status (Survey for UIC 3.Oct.2006)
14 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Status of the European Permanent Network (EPN) 39 countries 223 sites Status: 1.5.2009
15 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Comparison with EPN05 densification: alternative Method using EPN web EPN National level (e.g. CH) internationalnational - requested to report in the national report - on sub-mm identical to method using SNX: SSC file rounded to 1 mm
16 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe 20/35 10/10 Ok: (xx CRD delivered / EPN sites) Not yet asked (EPN sites) 4/5 No EPN sites used: (xx CRD delivered / EPN sites) 0/7 1 5 3 1 3 4 4/4 16/19 9/20 Status: 1.5.2009 3 2 4/5 Partly more site coordinates delivered (additional national + outside of the country) Greenland:4 Israel: 2 Morocco: 2 Armenia: 1 20/31 1 1 1 5/5 12 1/17 3/6 1 1 6 2/4 7/8 2/2 4 9 12 Number of EPN sites with official national ETRF coordinates 1 All 15 countries sent coordinates EPN: 39 countries 223 sites
17 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Comparison with EPN05 densification: Method used Comparison (Difference) “EPN05” mm ITRF ETRF EPN_ITRF_C1355.SNX EPN_ETRF_C1355.CRD ITRF2005 ETRF2000 ETRF2000(R05) Transformation, Epoch 2000.0 ITRF05 Densification solution of the EPN (Nov. 2008): data till week 1355 AUT_20090211.ETRF BEL_20090127.ETRF CHE_20081021.ETRF DEU_20081104.ETRF ESP_20090201.ETRF FIN_20090119.ETRF FRA_20090428.ETRF HUN_20090120.ETRF ITA_20090101.ETRF NLD_20090325.ETRF POL_20090129.ETRF PRT_20090402.ETRF SVK_20090421.ETR SWE_20081024.ETRF ETRF00 ETRF2000 ETRF93 ETRS89 ETRF05 ETRF96 ETRF93 ETRF00 ETRF2000 ETRF2000(R05) ETRF05(R05) ETRF89 ETRF2000 ETRF97 Different Epochs “National ETRF” cm National ETRF coordinates scientific multi- annual densification solution official national coordinates
18 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Comparison of “official” national coordinates with scientific multi-annual EPN05 densification
19 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Why 2-3 cm differences? Limits of ETRS realizations different ETRFYY definitions and reference epochs transition from campaign to permanent stations different analysis models and software used different station setups (antenna changes) – most recent EPN station setup was used for the comparisons mapping agencies cannot change coordinates frequently location on “non-stable plate” (South Italy) Well done by the national mapping agencies Limit: stable part of Europe
20 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe 2D / 1D in Europe Map projections defined since 1999 (Eurogeographics, INSPIRE) Height reference frame ETRF2007 -released 2008 -transformations not yet available in most of the countries; very rough transformations available at CRS web page -CH: 1-2 cm Trafo-tool planned (11 cm shift + HTRANS-type correction to old LHN02 and new LHN95) Precise European Geoid not yet available: publication planned 2010 Requirement 5 INSPIRE will mandate the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (ETRS89-LAEA) for spatial analysis and display Requirement 6 NSPIRE will mandate the Lambert Conformal Conic (ETRS89-LCC) for conformal pan-European mapping at scales smaller or equal to 1:500,000 Requirement 7 INSPIRE will mandate the Transverse Mercator (ETRS89-TMzn) for conformal pan-European mapping at scales larger than 1:500,000
21 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Related topics Other standards / specifications -ISO19100-family on geographic information -Inspire data specifications -Inspire web service specifications (e.g. coordinate Web Coordinate Transformation Service (WCTS); Web Processing Service (WPS)) -National specifications (geoservices; CH: e-geo) “INSPIRE Annex I data specifications”
22 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Relation between coordinate systems Internat./ EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old “cm/dm” Availability in the countries ? accuracy 3D ? / 2D ? 1D ? Availability in the countries accuracy 3D / 2D 1D Stable part of Europe
23 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Example CH: distortions
24 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe New Reference System CHTRS95 (Reference Frame LV95) “old coordinates” 200’000 / 600’000 “new coordinates” 1’200’000 / 2’600’000
25 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Transformation: Old New System Trafo using Finite Elements: ▬national „dm“-transformation ▬cantonal „cm“-transformation Model name: CHENyx06 5'925 transformation points 11'731 triangles LV03 LV95
26 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Accuracy of the transformation 46‘600 control points (CP) 2.2 points per km 2 maximal CP influence 1.5 km interpolation (using 1/d 2 and max. 1.5 km) Empirical accuracy: 2 cm ± 1 cm
27 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe CH: Geoid + Height Transformation LN02-LHN95 Available for -Receiver -Office programs (TGO, other GNSS software) -both included in REFRAME -5 +5 m ± 2 – 5 cm (alps) -0.20 +0.55 m ± 3 – 15 cm (far from levelling lines) Geoid CHGeo2004 HTRANS 1 km grids available NOT free of charge: free of charge: Height system remains “old” LHN02
28 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Method „Grids“ ~ 1 mm identical to dm-FINELTRA (1 km raster) < 1 cm difference to cm-FINELTRA (1 km raster) < 1 cm to HTRANS (1 km raster); high alps < 10 cm
29 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Example CH: accuracy and usage of transformation cm: Cantonal Trafo: Depending quality of the areas: 1 cm up to some dm yesFederal surveying dm: National Trafo: 1-3 dm (moderate elevations) up to several dm (mountains) yesGIS horizontal accuracyavailabilityUsage of transformation data set m: Simply add 1’000’000 and 2’000’000yesMapping Navigation
30 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe GeoIG and reference frame Geographic information law + 10 ordinances, came into force 1.7.2008 Transitions phase for LV95: 2016 for geobasis data regulated by federal law; 2020 for all geobasis data 2017…20XX2000…200620072008…2016 Δ-generation LV95LV03 work geobasis data reference frame renewal Change of the reference frame LV03 LV95 Height system remains “old” LHN02
31 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe 2. off-line transformation program “REFRAME” Support for transformations 4. View of transformation accuracy 3. on-line transformations 5. transformation supported also by positioning service swipos ® in real-time (special phone number) - LV03-LV95-ETRS - geoid, - height systems LN02-LHN95 1. Download of CHENyx06 data set; dlls are available 2 3 4
32 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Examples Grids / FINELTRA usage in third-party software Leica GPS Software (CSCS): Country specific coordinate systems ESRI: FINELTRA dll included NTV2 Format as European-wide standard for the transformation
33 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Grids (plane trafo) in other EU countries At annual EUREF not a “hot” topic (no big discussions) -> also available in the countries (but different accuracies) For UIC (2006) a detailed status was collected for countries France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland - all countries have slightly different solutions, but the goal of the transformation “old”-”new” is reached.
34 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Relation between coordinate systems Availability in the countries accuracy 3D / 2D 1D Availability in the countries accuracy 3D / 2D 1D Internat./ EUREF “mm” National new “cm” National old “cm/dm” Solutions country- and software-specific Stable part of Europe
35 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Advantages of ETRS ONE reference system for Europe Linked to the international reference system ITRS Easily accessible with GPS No distortions in the network / no adoption to neighbouring points „Absolute“ coordinates / less maintenance work for local reference points Simple handling of coordinates for users (economy, administration, etc.) Enables an exchange of geographical data
36 Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo ETRS89 as reference coordinate system for Europe Thanks for your attention! C. Calvert: EUREF– Symposium 2005, Vienna
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