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Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada Fellowship and Scholarship Programs September 2009
2 Contents 5: Vanier CGS Doctoral Nominations Program 6: SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 7: Enterprise Awards Management System (EAMS) 8: Tips for Writing Your Application 1: Overview of SSHRC Research Training Programs 2: Joseph-Armand Bombardier (JAB) Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) – Master’s Program 3: CGS Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (MS FSS) 4: Doctoral Awards Program
3 1: Overview of SSHRC Research Training Programs
4 Objectives of SSHRC’s Research Training Programs Develop research skills Assist in the training of highly-qualified personnel Support Canada’s best graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the social sciences and humanities
5 The Full Suite of Research Training Support Programs Master’s level: –Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) – Master’s Program –CGS Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Doctoral level: –Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS - Doctoral Program –SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships and supplements –Vanier CGS Program –CGS Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Postdoctoral level: - SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships and supplements
6 General Eligibility for SSHRC’s Research Training Programs Be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada at the time of application (except for Vanier) Not be applying in the 2009-2010 academic year to NSERC or CIHR Not have already received an award at the same level from SSHRC, NSERC or CIHR. Conducting research in an area that falls within SSHRC’s mandate
7 Where to Apply
8 2: Joseph-Armand Bombardier (JAB) Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) – Master’s Program
9 Value and Tenure $17, 500 for 12 months, non-renewable Tenable only at a recognized Canadian university
10 Eligibility to Apply Have achieved first-class standing in each of the last two years of study Pursuing a first graduate degree Completed no more than 12 months at the graduate level by the expected start date of the award
11 Eligibility to Apply (cont.) If not currently registered at a university, must have completed the Bachelor’s degree no earlier than January 1, 2005. Not be pursuing a degree program that combines undergraduate and graduate degrees Regulation regarding combined MA/PhD programs You need not be assured of admission to your program at the time of application.
12 Eligibility to Hold an Award Admitted, unconditionally, in a master’s or combined MA/PhD program that includes advanced research training Registered as a full-time student in a master’s or in a combined MA/PhD program
13 Key Dates Application: In parallel to the regular JAB CGS Master’s scholarships competition, SSHRC will offer, through a final special call this fall, an additional 200 awards for business-related research For applicants registered in a degree program at a Canadian university in 2009: date set by university For all others: December 14, 2009 Results Announced: Spring 2010
14 Selection Process: Allocations University Allocations Roles Department Faculty of Graduate Studies University Selection Committee(s) Results
15 Selection Process: Evaluation Criteria Academic excellence - 60% Research potential - 30% Communication skills - 10%
16 Research Training Component The proposal must include a significant research training component. Research training normally involves: completing a thesis, major scholarly paper, project, publication, performance, recital, or exhibit; and/or completing course work in research methods and/or statistics appropriate for the discipline or field of study; and/or acquiring knowledge and experience sufficient to conduct, assess and interpret research and scholarship in the field.
17 Program of Study (max. of 2 pages) Identify the university and degree program which you are pursuing or intend to pursue; Outline clearly the research training component of the degree program; If your Master's degree program involves a thesis, a major research paper/essay, or a major research project, provide a well-structured outline of your research proposal, specifying the research question, context, objectives, methodology and contribution to the advancement of knowledge;
18 Program of Study (cont.) If it is relevant to your research proposal, describe any work experience, community involvement or other extracurricular activity; If your research proposal is in psychology, justify your submission of this proposal to SSHRC (rather than to NSERC or CIHR), based on the guidelines If the output of your degree program is an artistic creation rather than a thesis, indicate clearly the research component of your proposed work.
19 2009 Basic Data and Statistics Number of applications received: 2,517 Number of awards: 1,300 plus an additional 200 awards for business-related research offered through a one-time special call for applications this summer Total budget: $26.3 million
20 3: Canada Graduate Scholarships Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements Program (MS FSS)
21 Objective Supports high-calibre graduate students in building global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional research experiences at research institutions outside of Canada. A total of 250 awards SSHRC - 125 NSERC - 80 CIHR - 45
22 Value and Tenure Up to $6,000 for 3 to 6 months Non-renewable.
23 Eligibility to Apply Applicant must be registered at a Canadian institution at the time of application Applicant have accepted or hold a Joseph- Armand Bombardier CGS (master’s or doctoral level) or a Vanier CGSmaster’sdoctoralVanier CGS
24 Eligibility to Hold an Award hold an active CGS at the time your study period abroad starts; be registered full time in a graduate research studies program at a Canadian institution for the duration of the time abroad; take up the award within one year of receiving the notice of award for the CGS Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement; and return to complete your degree in Canada.
25 Key Dates Submit application and all required documents to your faculty (school) of graduate studies for consideration Deadline for submitting applications to the granting agencies: June 10 th and October 10 th
26 Selection Process Universities are allocated supplements based on the number of Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) held at their university University forwards applications to SSHRC SSHRC reviews for eligibility and content
27 2009 Basic Data and Statistics 2009 awards: Upcoming deadlines: June 10 and October 10 Awards: 125
28 4: Doctoral Awards Program
29 Value and Tenure Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral Program –$35,000 a year for 36 months –Can only be held at a recognized Canadian university SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships –$20,000 a year for up to 48 months –Can be held at a recognized university in Canada or abroad Apply for both awards by completing one application form
30 Eligible Period of Funding Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship: undertaking years of study 1 to 3 2 to 4 SSHRC Fellowship: undertaking years of study 1 to 4 2 to 4 3 and 4 4 alone
31 Eligibility to Apply Be pursuing first PhD Undertaking doctoral studies or a combined MA/PhD program Not be pursuing a degree program that combines undergraduate and graduate degrees
32 Eligibility to Hold an Award Registered as a full-time student Unconditionally admitted in a PhD or combined MA/PhD program Conducting research in an area that falls within SSHRC’s mandate
33 Key Dates Application For applicants registered at a Canadian university: date set by university For all others: November 5, 2009 National Competition: March 2010 Results Announced: Spring 2010
34 Selection Process: Pre-selection Pre-selection competition to fill assigned quota: Canadian universities; OR SSHRC (for direct applicants only)
35 Selection Process: SSHRC National Competition All eligible A-list applications undergo competition at the national level Selection committees evaluate, score and rank applications
37 Applying for Funding Tips: Write down User ID and a password to access your application Print-off the program description as well as the instructions as to how to fill in the application form Click on “Selecting a Funding Agency” to verify whether your application falls under SSHRC’s mandate Applicants pursuing studies in Health and Psychology can find additional information Guidelines for the Eligibility of Applications Related to Health and Psychology on the “Selecting a Funding Agency” page.
38 Evaluation Criteria Academic results transcripts awards and distinctions Program of study potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge Professional and academic experience research assistantships or other relevant work experience publications conference presentations
39 Evaluation Criteria (cont.) Letters of Appraisal Departmental Appraisal (Canadian universities only)
40 Program of Study (max. of 2 pages) Entering first year of doctoral studies: Clearly state your current level of study; Give the title and a brief description of your master's thesis, if applicable; Identify the degree program which you will pursue including any relevant courses and provide an explanation for your choice; Provide an outline of your doctoral thesis proposal, including the research question, context, objectives, methodology and contribution to the advancement of knowledge, and your special interests in the proposed area of research
41 Program of Study (cont.) Currently in a doctoral program: Clearly state your current level of graduate study; Indicate what stage you are at in your thesis; Provide the name of your supervisor of doctoral studies, if known; Provide an outline of your thesis proposal, including, for example, the research question, context, objectives, methodology and contribution to the advancement of knowledge; Describe what you hope to accomplish during the award tenure and what will remain to be done before you obtain your degree.
42 Program of Studies (cont.) – Reminders Your proposed research is in Psychology The output of your degree program is an artistic creation, rather than a thesis You want to be considered for a supplement
43 Choosing a Selection Committee Committee 1Fine Arts; Literature (all types) Committee 2Classical Archaeology; Classics; Classical and Dead Languages; History; Mediaeval Studies; Philosophy; Religious Studies Committee 3Anthropology; Archaeology (except Classical Archaeology); Archival Science; Communications and Media Studies; Criminology; Demography; Folklore; Geography; Library and Information Science; Sociology; Urban and Regional Studies, Environmental Studies Committee 4Education; Linguistics; Psychology; Social Work Committee 5Economics; Industrial Relations; Law; Management, Business, Administrative Studies; Political Science
45 2009 Basic Data and Statistics Number of applications: 5,100 Number of awards: JAB CGS scholarships: 436 SSHRC fellowships: 575 Overall budget: approx. $71.6 million Additional funding for 100 CGS Doctoral Scholarships for business-related research –fiscal year 2009-2010 only
46 5: Vanier CGS Doctoral Nominations Program
47 Context Announced in Budget 2008 Delivering on Government’s S & T commitment Launched by the Government of Canada on September 2, 2008 Target: 500 active Vanier scholarships by 2012 (165 scholarships for the 2009 competition, divided equally among the three agencies)/ $25 million investment in people/training
48 Objectives, Expected Results and Outcomes Establishment of a Canadian doctoral scholarship that is internationally competitive and internationally recognized, similar to other international scholarships such as the Fulbright and Rhodes Enhanced capacity of Canadian universities to attract the best and brightest young people from Canada and the world with the potential to become leaders in the next generation of researchers in Canada Attract to Canada top students from other countries who will bring with them new knowledge and ideas and enrich the Canadian learning environment
49 Objectives, Expected Results and Outcomes (cont.) Support Canada’s top doctoral students in order that they are able to stay in Canada in the face of intense international competition for the brightest researchers Promote and brand Canada as a home of research excellence and Canadian Universities as world-class institutions of research and higher learning Establish effective research collaborations and networks between Canada and the recipients’ home countries Create an alumni of “ambassadors” for Canada worldwide who will promote Canada as a destination for research excellence and higher learning
50 Value and Tenure Valued at $50,000 per annum for 24 or 36 months Can only be held at nominating university
51 Eligibility to Apply Applicants must be nominated by a Canadian university with a Vanier CGS quota Applicants must be seeking support to pursue their first PhD (or equivalent) Applicants must be pursuing doctoral studies (or a combined master's/PhD degree)
52 Eligibility to Apply Applicants must not be pursuing a degree program that combines undergraduate and graduate degrees Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or international students to be eligible for nomination for a Vanier CGS
53 Eligibility to Hold an Award Award holders must be registered as a full- time student Award holders must be unconditionally admitted in a PhD or combined MA/PhD program Award holders can only hold the Vanier award at the nominating university (non- transferablility of Vanier award)
54 Key Dates Application The deadlines for all applications are set by the nominating university. All applicants must apply through the harmonized tri-agency website ( using Results Announced: Spring 2010
55 Selection Process 1.University nomination (200 nominations/year for SSHRC) 2.Nominations evaluated by agency-specific multi- disciplinary peer review committees 3.Selected nominations are forwarded to an independent Inter-Agency Selection Board This Board will select the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients.
56 Evaluation Criteria Academic results Transcripts Awards and distinctions Program of study Potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge Innovation (critical thinking, originality) Demonstrated potential of leadership skills
57 Evaluation Criteria Professional and academic experience, including research training and potential leadership ability Two written evaluations from referees An Institutional Nomination letter
58 2009 Basic Data and Statistics Number of university nominations: 115 Number of awards: 55 Total budget: $2.75 million
59 6: SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
60 Objectives Support Canada’s most promising new scholars in the social sciences and humanities Assist them in establishing a research base at an important time in their research careers
61 Purpose Funds can be used for the following purposes: Undertaking original research Publishing research findings Developing networks of research contacts and/or Broadening research experience and Preparing to become competitive in national research grants competition.
62 Value and Tenure 12 to 24 months in duration $38,000 per year plus a one-time research allowance of up to $5,000 Awards must be held at a recognized university or research institution
63 Eligibility to Apply Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Canada Applicants must have earned their doctorate from a recognized university no earlier than October 1, 2006 Applicants must not hold a tenure or tenure- track faculty position
64 Eligibility to Apply (cont.) Applicants must have finalized arrangements for affiliation with a recognized university or a research institution Applicants must have applied not more than twice before for a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship. Applicants must not be applying for a NSERC or CIHR scholarship or fellowship program in the 2009-2010 academic year. Applicants wishing to hold their award at a foreign university may do so only if their PhD was earned at a Canadian university.
65 Eligibility to Hold an Award Award holders must have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree Award holders must be engaged in full-time postdoctoral research for the period of the award Award holders must conduct research in an area that falls within the SSHRC mandate Award holders must not hold a tenure or a tenure-track position or any other employment
66 Key Dates Application Deadline: October 6, 2009 Results Announced: February 2010
67 Selection Process SSHRC’s staff screen applications for eligibility SSHRC’s staff forward all eligible applications to multidisciplinary selection committees Selection committees evaluate all eligible applications and recommend successful candidates SSHRC informs all applicants of their results in February 2010
68 Evaluation Criteria Selection committees evaluate applicants solely on academic merit, measured by: Fellowships, scholarships or other awards obtained Previous research experience and/or publications The duration of the doctoral studies
69 Evaluation Criteria (cont.) Originality, potential significance, and feasibility of the proposed program of work Comments of the referees and the supervisor at the intended place of tenure Appropriateness of the intended place of tenure, evidenced by the Institutional Nomination form
70 Institutional Nomination Form Completed by the Department Head at the proposed university Describes the manner in which the proposed university will be able to support you
71 Research Appraisal Form Completed by the proposed research supervisor at the institution where you plan on holding your award
72 Research Appraisal Form (cont.) The Research Appraisal form describes: How your project relates to the research interests and strengths of your proposed department How your supervisor will serve as a mentor What you will be able to offer as a fellow
73 Letters of Appraisal (2 required) The Letter of Appraisal forms are completed by: 1.An acknowledged specialist in your proposed area of research 2.Someone who can comment on your past and potential contribution to research
74 Letters of Appraisal (cont.) Appraisers assess and comment on the candidate’s: 1.Track Record Past and potential contribution to scholarly research 2.Program of Work Originality Significance and feasibility Strengths and weaknesses Appropriateness of the proposed institution of affiliation
75 Choosing a Selection Committee Committee 1Fine arts, literature (all types) Committee 2Classical archaeology, classics, classical and dead languages, history, mediaeval studies, philosophy, religious studies Committee 3Anthropology, archaeology (except classical archaeology), archival science, communications and media studies, criminology, demography, folklore, geography, library and information science, sociology, urban and regional studies, environmental studies Committee 4Education, linguistics, psychology, social work Committee 5Economics, industrial relations, law, management, business, administrative studies, political science
76 2009 Basic Data and Statistics Number of applications: 766 Number of awards: 153 Total budget: $13.5 million
77 7: Enterprise Awards Management System (EAMS)
78 Enterprise Awards Management System (EAMS) Pilot limited to the following two programs: SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program NSERC Collaborative Research Projects EAMS Pilot for SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Launched in August 2008 Integrated with Canadian Common CV (CCV)
79 How to Apply Through EAMS One electronic application submission from EAMS will be accepted for the Postdoctoral Fellowship program. Click on: “Apply for Funding” and choose “Postdoctoral researchers” “Application form” “Create an account” and fill out the form, attaching any.PDF files Common CV Using the link, create an account on the Common CV website Once complete, it will prompt you to attach it to your EAMS application
80 How to Apply Through EAMS
81 Application Process 1.Ensure your eligibility to the program 2.Enterprise Award Management System (EAMS) - 3.Supporting letters for your application: Research Appraisers (2) Research Supervisor Head of the Department (or designate) at the institution of affiliation 4.Canadian Common CV - http://www.commoncv.net 5.Attach your CCV to EAMS application form 6.Submit your complete EAMS application
82 Where to Seek Help at Your University Your supervisor Your peers Past SSHRC Fellowship recipients The department head The Faculty of Graduate Studies
83 Where to Seek Help at SSHRC For more information about our programs (613) 943-7777 or For technical assistance with on-line forms: (613) 995-4273 or Web site:
84 8: Tips for Writing Your Application
85 A Good Application Demonstrates: Strong academic record Excellent potential to conduct advanced scholarly research Strong communication skills Ability to successfully complete the graduate program in a timely manner
86 A Good Letter of Appraisal supports the information in the application; focuses on the applicant’s skills and past achievements; stresses strengths and personal attributes;
87 Reminders Read program description and application instructions carefully Start your application early Use plain language Show your program of study to someone to receive feedback Let referees know the deadline well in advance
88 Reminders (cont.) Indicate your proficiency in any language required for your research Ensure your list of publications provides complete bibliographic information Only include research contributions that have been accepted for publication Respect page limits
89 Get Help at Your Institution From: Your supervisor Your peers Past SSHRC Fellowship recipients The department Head The Faculty of Graduate Studies
90 Where to Get Help at SSHRC For more information about our programs: (613) 943-7777 or For technical assistance with on-line forms: (613) 995-4273 or Web site:
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