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Instructional Design Client Project 6 th Grade Bobcat Blog.

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1 Instructional Design Client Project 6 th Grade Bobcat Blog

2 1.Choose a Client: Stephne Bowen, a 6th teacher at Langston Hughes Elementary School in Lawrence, KS. 2. Choose a topic for Instruction: Communication via classroom blog. users: students, parents, co-workers, administration and anyone who is interested.

3 6 th Grade Bobcat Blog 3. Describe the target audience: Students. Parents. Administrators. Community.

4 6 th Grade Bobcat Blog 4. General Goals and Performance Objectives: Increasing communication between the classroom and home. Having a link to the textbooks, so students can access more information. Providing school and district information. Easing new students into the class routine. Motivation Goals: Students see the value correct spelling and grammar. Students see the application of computer skills. Students and parents can begin thinking about upcoming projects.

5 6th Grade Bobcat Blog Information Source for Goals: Client teacher 6th grade students Other teachers Students in educational technology class 2 text sources

6 6th Grade Bobcat Blog Field Trials: Alpha testing Expert’s Opinion Observations of Target Audience Beta testing 6th Grade Bobcat Blog

7 Created by: Derick Wallace Ghada Alsaif Diane Coffman Ebtisam Alqahtani Designing Educational Technology Spring 2010 class

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