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4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72501 Enhanced Scan Based Flip-Flop for Delay Testing By Sudheer Vemula.

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1 4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72501 Enhanced Scan Based Flip-Flop for Delay Testing By Sudheer Vemula

2 4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72502 Problem to be solved:-  To perform delay test, two vectors, V1 and V2, have to be applied in sequence V1 – For initializing the output of a particular path under test V2 – To observe the transition at the output  The problem is, if we want to apply two independent vectors to the scan chain of flip-flops, we will loose the initialization of the circuit.  This problem can be solved by inserting hold latches, with an additional HOLD signal, to each scan flip-flop. Area over head and delay in the signal path are increased.  Problem to be solved:- We need hold latches which have less area overhead and time delay.

3 4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72503 Background  Two widely used delay test techniques are  Launch from Capture V2 is obtained from the response of V1  Launch from Shift V2 is one bit shift of V1  The vector V2 can’t be arbitrary in both the techniques. Operation of Enhanced Scan Hold Flip-Flop:

4 4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72504 Hold Latches  Both designs of hold latches add delay, which will affect the performance.  The area overhead is also present. MUX based Latch Enhanced Scan Flip-Flop

5 4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72505 Supply Gating Scheme  This scheme is applied to the combinational logic present after the flip-flop (First Level Hold).  The state of the combinational logic is held in response to the first pattern by gating the VDD and GND of the first level logic gates.  Disadvantage:- There might be leakage of charge due to the next level of logic gates

6 4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72506 Solution  The output should be pulled to either VDD or GND.  Add a latch.  Another Disadvantage:-  Power dissipation during the normal operation.  Solution – Block the operation of the latch during the normal operation of the circuit. For Normal Operation TC = 1 For Hold Mode TC = 0

7 4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72507 Results

8 4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72508 Conclusions  The additional transistors in both PMOS and NMOS networks will increase the load at the output of the flip-flop, which will cause some additional delay compared to normal operation of the circuit without hold latch.  If fan outs are present at the output of the flip-flops, this will cause an increase the area and delay overhead. For smaller circuits with more fan outs, MUX based latch may give better results for some cases.  There is an average reduction of 33% in area overhead with an average improvement of 71% in delay overhead and 90% in power overhead during normal mode of operation compared to enhanced scan implementation.

9 4/28/05Vemula: ELEC72509 Reference [1] S. Bhunia, H. Mahmoodi, A. Raychowdhury, and K. Roy, ‘‘A Novel Low-overhead Delay Testing Technique for Arbitrary Two-Pattern Test Application,’’ Proc. Design, Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 1136-1141, 2005

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