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What we ask in a ROI What it is? Is it related to another invention? Who contributed to making the invention? Who paid for the research? When invention.

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Presentation on theme: "What we ask in a ROI What it is? Is it related to another invention? Who contributed to making the invention? Who paid for the research? When invention."— Presentation transcript:

1 What we ask in a ROI What it is? Is it related to another invention? Who contributed to making the invention? Who paid for the research? When invention was made? When will it be (or was it) published? What could it be used for commercially? Who would buy it?

2 Five Reasons to File an ROI It’s required

3 Five Reasons to File an ROI It’s required –By UNC Policy Must report invention whether patentable or not to OTD –By funder Federal grants-NSF, NIH, DOE, DOD, etc. Non-profit grants-HHMI, Gates, CF Found., etc. Industry-DuPont, GSK, Xintek, Liquidia, etc.

4 Five Reasons to File an ROI It’s required Need to know what “it” is

5 Five Reasons to File an ROI Need to know what “it” is what kind of intellectual property –Patent Compound, method, device, algorithm –Tangible property Mice, cell lines, reagents, antibodies, etc. –Copyright Software, multimedia, teaching materials, etc.




9 Five Reasons to File an ROI It’s required Need to know what “it” is Make sure we get it right

10 Five Reasons to File an ROI Make sure we get it right –Right inventors/authors Inventorship and authorship are legal determination –Right owners Collaborators at other institutions Sponsors and Material Providers –IP Obligations Material Transfer Agreements Industry Sponsors Government Sponsors Non-profit Sponsors

11 Five Reasons to File an ROI Make sure we get it right –Patent Deadlines Must file patent application –For US Patent Rights, one year from disclosure –For Foreign Patent Rights, PRIOR to disclosure –Reporting Obligations under Bayh-Dole

12 Five Reasons to File an ROI It’s required Need to know what “it” is Make sure we get it right Helps us find a commercial partner

13 Five Reasons to File an ROI Helps us find a commercial partner –Marketing summaries Will be posted on new website –Researcher identify companies contacted by interested companies at meetings, by email or phone calls after publication of research of particular commercial interest OTD marketing…”cold calling” on companies has a VERY low success rate

14 Five Reasons to File an ROI It’s required Need to know what “it” is Make sure we get it right Helps us find a commercial partner $$$$$$$$$$

15 Five Reasons to File an ROI $$$$$$$$$$ –Licensing Income from UNC’s licenses 40% to individual “contributors” 40% to “contributors’” department 20% to OTD –392 individuals received total of $8,093,940 –59 academic departments, schools, centers received total of $13,303,870







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