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Prayer and Temptation As you begin your journey with God you will discover the joys and sorrows of the decision. You are not alone The joys are that in.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer and Temptation As you begin your journey with God you will discover the joys and sorrows of the decision. You are not alone The joys are that in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prayer and Temptation As you begin your journey with God you will discover the joys and sorrows of the decision. You are not alone The joys are that in all you do God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are there to comfort you, keep you and guide you. The sorrow is that the enemy, also known as the devil, is not pleased with your decision to turn your life around and go with God. The devil attempts to trip you up and make you think you made a wrong choice. He is a liar. Think of some of the ways the enemy is trying or will try to make you turn to your old way of living. Be comforted by the word of God in all things. (James 1). You should read James 1.

2 How to Pray Prayer is an essential component to the survival of the believer. As you grow in your walk and skillfully make your way along your personal Christian journey, here are six kinds of prayer you will need: 1.Confession – (1) a statement of personal beliefs; (2) the Christian acknowledgement that Jesus is Lord; (3) admission of personal sin and seeking forgiveness from God and others. 2.Praise – to respond to the character or attributes of God, such as goodness, mercy, grace, loving. 3.Worship – reverence, honor, praise and service shown to God. 4.Thanksgiving - is responding to God’s riches, such as the air we breathe or the beauty in the world. 5.Petition – a burden laid before God, that is revealed to us by God. 6.Intercession – a prayer presenting one person’s needs to another as Christians presenting the needs of others to God, or as Christ and the Holy Spirit present our needs to God; to pray on behalf of another. These six words are also known as these four words, A.C.T.S. – adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.

3 How to Have Meaningful Devotional (Daily Time with God) Daily devotional time is an important discipline. A discipline is an active habit that leads to joy and not grief. Devotion is a time of scripture reading, meditation, prayer and application. 1.Select a passage or passages to read. 2.After reading the passage, ask yourself, “Self, how is this relative to me?” or “God what is the intended learning of this passage in my life?” 3.Listen to God’s voice, allow the Holy Spirit to reveal truth into your needs or give you guidance for the day. 4.Pray on what is revealed to you, and 5.Apply what has been told to you or watch God work out throughout the day about that passage(s). Exercise: Just off the top, “What do you believe this passage of scripture is saying to you?” Use the principles in 1-5 above to respond. Find and read Book – Luke Chapter – 6 Verse – 38

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