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1 Pertemuan 24 Object database design (Lanjutan bagian 3) Matakuliah: M0174/OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASE Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/0.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pertemuan 24 Object database design (Lanjutan bagian 3) Matakuliah: M0174/OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASE Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/0."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pertemuan 24 Object database design (Lanjutan bagian 3) Matakuliah: M0174/OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASE Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/0

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat Menunjukkan konsep relational data model (C3)

3 3 Outline Materi Identifying relationship Identifying attributes Operations State diagram Scenario

4 4 Identifying relationship The next design task is to determine the relationships which can exist between the objects There are a few common verbs that can be good indicators of relationships between objects:  Is a  Aggregation  has

5 5 Identifying attributes The attributes of a class are all the facts or things that are known about an object that are not represented by relationships to other objects Identification of attributes may require more detailed descriptions of individual object types

6 6 Identifying attributes Material Colour Widht Diameter Tread Manufacturer Bike Bicycle tyre attributes

7 7 Operations The behavioral semantics of an entity type refers to the things that can be happen to its instances during their lifetime. This information is represented as a set of object operations which provide the interface to the object. Analysis of behavioral semantics is done by analyzing the changes that can occur to an object during its lifetime

8 8 State diagram Example Unpaid Bad debtor Paid Archived Create(…) 3 months Payment received End of tax year 5 years

9 9 Scenario The designer may arrive at, or test the correctness of, a state diagram by running through a number of scenarios A scenario shows the use of the object database system within a particular situation

10 10 SUMMARY Objects are inferred from nouns and noun phrases, grouped, and refined Analysis of behaviour is represented as state diagrams, and is analyzed through scenario, which are represented using message diagrams and object message diagrams

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