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Group SIRACUSA Lignano - Juniors Programme Florence Milan Syracuse.

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1 Group SIRACUSA Lignano - Juniors Programme Florence Milan Syracuse

2 Historical centre Underground lines MILAN



5 Learn Italian in Milan with Founded 1990 Location in one of the most important commercial areas of Milan located on the underground line MM1 The school- located on three floors - secretary's office and administration - 18 classrooms - garden Staff10 staff Teachers20 teachers Students average monthly enrolments: 230 students - country of origin - age - occupation LINGUADUE




9 Europe 38% Asia 40% Oceania 1% South America 11% Africa 1% North America 5% Middle East 4% EUROPE Germany10% Sweden7% UK3% France3% Switzerland2% Austria2% Spain2% Russia2% Other7% ASIA Japan20% South Korea15% Taiwan3% China1% Other1% SOUTH AMERICA Brazil4% Mexico3% Argentina1% Colombia1% Other1% MIDDLE EAST Israel2% Turkey2% LINGUADUE – COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF THE STUDENTS


11 LINGUADUE PROGRAMMES - Italian language courses - Internship

12 ITALIAN STANDARD COURSE Hours per week20 (4 hours per day from Monday to Friday) Course lengthfrom 2 to 48 weeks Starting datesevery month Class sizemaximum 12 students Levelsfrom beginner to advanced

13 Cristina Francesca Bruno Laura LucaMarina Rosa

14 LINGUISTIC LEVELS Hours222 80 Common European Framework A1 Beginner A2 Elementary B1 Intermediate B2 Upper-Intermediate C1 Advanced C2 Proficient Levels 123456789101112 Description of Italian Proficiency You don't know the language or you can recognize familiar words You can use simple phrases and sentences to describe or to ask for some things. You can write a postcard or brief messages and read very short and simple texts. You can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. You can describe in simple terms your family and other people, living conditions and job. You can handle very short social exchanges, participate in communicativ e situation, even though you can’t usually understand enough to keep the conversation going yourself. You can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. You can understand most of the conversations on topics that are familiar, or of personal interest. You can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters: work, school, leisure, etc. You can enter unprepared into a conversation on familiar and of personal interest topics. You can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe your reactions. You can understand the main points of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs. You can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. You can take an active part in discussions with familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining your views. You can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to your field of interest. You can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue. You can understand most TV news, current affairs programmes and the majority of films in standard dialect. You can express yourself fluently and spontaneousl y without much obvious searching for expressions. You can use the language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes. You can understand television programmes and films without too much effort. You can formulate ideas and opinions with precision and relate your contribution skilfully to those of other speakers. You can present clear and detailed descriptions of complex subjects. You can understand specialised articles even when they are not related to your field. You can take part effortlessly in any conversation or discussion and have good level of familiarity with some idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms You have no difficulty in understandin g any kind of spoken language, whether live or broadcast. You can participate fluently in discussion on variety of topics and use idiomatic expressions and any colloquialism. Achievements This level is required to attend practical courses in Arts & Design Art History Culinary Arts for amateurs This level is required to attend The Internship Programme The Preparatory Course University Admission All vocational programmes This level is required to attend Graduate and post-graduate Academic Programmes This level is required to enter the Italian speaking job market

15 ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE AND INTERNSHIP Italian language preparatory course Standard course for a minimum of four weeks Requisites Advanced level of Italian language knowledge Knowledge of the sector gained by previous study or work experience Internship Length2, 3, 4 months LocationFlorence and Milan Sectors● Restoration● Food industry ● Leather industry● Furniture industry ● Textile industry● Tourism ● Design and photography studios● Professional studios Participants

16 PROFILE INTERNSHIP PARTICIPANTS Sectors Restoration21% Tourism19% Textile industry18% Arts and crafts12% Architecture11% Food industry8% Furniture industry4% Leather industry3% Other4% Country of origin Asia50% Europe25% South America16% North America9% Length 2 months33% 3 months38% 4 months29% Age 18 - 22 years23,5% 23 - 27 years 48% 28 - 32 years 20% Over 32 years 8,5% Gender Female76% Male24%

17 ACCOMMODATION IN MILAN Homestay half board use of the kitchen Shared flat use of the kitchen Independent flat for 1-2 people Apartment for 1-2 people


19 JAPANESE TUTOR ASSISTANCE Reception upon arrival Orientation on the school and living in Milan Assistance with personal problems Translations in cases of difficulty in communicating with the staff Nanako

20 KOREAN TUTOR ASSISTANCE Reception upon arrival Orientation on the school and living in Milan Assistance with personal problems Translations in cases of difficulty in communicating with the staff Ju Yeon

21 Preparation of documents for the permit of stay Upon request organization of the transfer service from Milan Malpensa airport to your accommodation Organization of the personalised Internship programme Academic studies in Italy counsellor Clarissa PERSONAL ASSISTANCE Laura

22 LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES IN MILAN July 2004 Trips Arena of Verona (Opera)€ 60 Lake Garda€ 23 S. Margherita Ligure and Portofino€ 25 Art History Visits Da Vinci’s “Last Supper”€ 8 La Scala Museum€ 3 Gallery of Modern Art- Poldi Pezzoli Museum€ 2 Walks Milan city centre- The Navigli- Movies Pane e Tulipani- Tre uomini e una gamba- Afternnon at the cinema€ 4 Conferences Living in Milan- Italian opera- Italian design- The language of gestures- Milan by night Start of course dinnerfrom the menu Musical events€ 16 Discos and barsfrom the menu



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