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Cell Respiration Edition. $300 $200 $100 $400 $500 Krebs Cycle ETCSargent’schoiceFermentationGlycolysisEnergy Biology.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Respiration Edition. $300 $200 $100 $400 $500 Krebs Cycle ETCSargent’schoiceFermentationGlycolysisEnergy Biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Respiration Edition

2 $300 $200 $100 $400 $500 Krebs Cycle ETCSargent’schoiceFermentationGlycolysisEnergy Biology

3 $100 A: In this type of reaction, energy is released. (Combustion and Respiration can be classified as this type.)

4 $100 Q: What is exothermic? (Since the reaction is “downhill” overall, the products end up w/less energy and energy is released.)

5 $200 A: How do you calculate the calorie content of a snack food? (Hint: how do you calculate heat gained by water?)

6 $200 Q: What is H=m x C x Δ t?

7 $300 A: In this type of reaction the products have more PE than the reactants.

8 $300 Q: What is an endothermic reaction? (Since the products have more PE, energy had to be absorbed in this reaction, it’s “uphill” overall.)

9 $400 A: A: The reaction that would directly supply energy to a cell for cellular work. 1.ADP + P  ATP 2.C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2  CO 2 + H 2 O 3.ATP  ADP + P 4.CO 2 + H 2 O  C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2

10 $400 Q: What is Reaction 3? (ATP  ADP + P, the removal of a phosphate group releases energy)

11 $500 A: The pathway in aerobic respiration that transfers the most energy to ATP molecules.

12 $500 Q: What is the Electron Transport Chain?

13 $100 A: The 6-Carbon molecule that is the reactant that begins the series of reactions of this pathway.

14 $100 Q: What is glucose?

15 $200 A: The net yield of ATP from the reactions during glycolysis.

16 $200 Q: What is 2 ATP?

17 $300 A: This end-product of glycolysis contains most of the PE that was originally in glucose.

18 $300 Q: What is pyruvic acid?

19 $400 A: If oxygen is not available to a cell, this pathway follows glycolysis.

20 $400 Q: What is fermentation?

21 $500 A: If oxygen is available to a cell, the end-product of glycolysis must first be converted to this molecule before the next pathway begins. Image from

22 $500 Q: What is acetyl-CoA?

23 $100 A: This molecule binds with acetyl-CoA to begin the Krebs cycle.

24 $100 Q: What is oxaloacetic acid?

25 $200 A: The yield of ATP molecules from two rounds of the Krebs cycle.

26 $200 Q: What is 2 ATP? (Remember, the Krebs cycle occurs 2x because 2 acetyl- CoA molecules are formed from the conversion of 2 pyruvic acid molecules.)

27 $300 A: These molecules are released from the cell following the complete breakdown of a glucose molecule that is completed during the Krebs cycle. (i.e.: these molecules contain the carbon atoms that were originally in glucose.)

28 $300 Q: What are carbon dioxide molecules?

29 $400 A: Since little ATP is formed during the Krebs cycle, most of the energy originally in glucose is transferred to molecules of _______ during the Krebs cycle.

30 $400 Q: What are molecules of NADH?

31 $500 A: The Krebs cycle is the first stage of this type of respiration.

32 $500 Q: What is aerobic respiration?

33 $100 A: The reactions of the ETC occur along the inner membrane of this organelle.

34 $100 Q: What is the mitochondrion?

35 $200 A: These macromolecules make up the ETC.

36 $200 Q: What are proteins?

37 $300 A: The energy from electrons moving down the ETC is used to pump these particles into the outer compartment.

38 $300 Q: What are hydrogen ions (protons)?

39 $400 A: The name of the specialized protein that uses energy from the diffusion of H+ to synthesize ATP.

40 $400 Q: What is ATP synthase?


42 $500 A: The yield of ATP from the ETC.

43 $500 Q: What is 34 ATP?

44 $100 A: Fermentation is also called anaeorobic respiration because it occurs if this molecule is not present.

45 $100 Q: What is oxygen?

46 $200 A: The number of ATP produced per glucose molecule if a cell is undergoing fermentation.

47 $200 A: What is 2 ATP (This is the number produced in glycolysis.)

48 $300 A: The location of fermentation in a cell.

49 $300 Q: What is the cytoplasm?

50 $400 A: Fermentation produces either ethyl alcohol or this molecule.

51 $400 Q: What is lactic acid?

52 $500 A: The reaction(s) following glycolysis during fermentation are important because, even though no more ATP is produced, the reaction(s) regenerates this molecule.

53 $500 Q: What is NAD+?

54 $100 A: The total number of ATP produced per glucose molecule during aerobic respiration.

55 $100 Q: What is 38?

56 $200 A: These organisms do both respiration and photosynthesis.

57 $200 Q: What are autotrophs?

58 $300 A: The type of cell in humans where fermentation would likely take place during strenuous exercise.

59 $300 Q: What is a muscle cell?

60 $400 A: Besides glucose, what is the other reactant of aerobic respiration (in the summary equation)?

61 $400 Q: What is oxygen?

62 $500 A: The two products of aerobic respiration (in the summary equation).

63 $500 Q: What are carbon dioxide and water?

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