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Politics Degrees With some bias towards Exeter University.

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2 Politics Degrees With some bias towards Exeter University

3 Politics with what? Single Honours 33 Economic and Political Development 15 Politics and Society 12 Economics and Politics 16 History and Politics 16 Politics and Italian 4 …..with European Study 2nd year decide Modular degrees 2nd year decide

4 What is Politics? Who gets what when and how? Government The world and its conflicts Great thinkers and their ideal states Whatever you want it to be Policy Studies Public Administration; Comparative Government International politics History of Political Thought Options

5 Transferrable Skills? Political science is not journalism! Documentary analysis Assessment of argument Making a balanced case- memo skill Info tech Applying conceptual frameworks Recognising generalised phenomena Reasoning from past to future

6 Year One British Government and Politics Intenational Politics Political Theory I Option: Language, Other Social Science etc.

7 Year Two Comparative Politics: 15 credits Liberal Democracies, 15 credits Transformation of Eastern and Central Europe Polt Theory 2 Public Policy and Administration Option: 2 x 15 credit courses, one 30 credit course

8 Year Three Four Options: Middle East, more HPT, more Iternational Politics,more government, European issues etc. Dissertation plus three options Assessment mixture; long essays and exams.

9 OPTIONS SECOND YEAR Theories of IR Euro-integration Middle East Public policy project

10 THIRD YEAR 19TH cent. HPT Contemp. Pol T Adv. Int P.T. EPD CJ in EU Gender & Pol Mid East conflict US FP Post- Communism Politics and Const. Local Govt. Parliament SE Asia Canada France and Italy Germany US Presidency Parties and party syst.

11 What Job? Media Civil Service Marketing Lobbying Party Politics Academic/Research Overseas

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