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Here are the 7 steps in conducting Barrier Analysis:

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1 Here are the 7 steps in conducting Barrier Analysis:





6 Focus group

7 Individual interview


9 7 steps






15 Step 1 . Define the Goal, Behavior and Target Group
1. decide what you want to happen as a result of your behavior change communication. 2. decide what specific behavior will be the focus of your analysis and 3. who your target groups should be when you are trying to change the behavior.

16 Step 2 Develop the Behavior Question
Since we will be comparing those who do the behavior and those who do not, you will first need to develop a question to determine if the person responding to your questions does or does not do the behavior.

17 Step 3 Develop Questions about Determinants
This is one of the hardest parts of carrying out Barrier Analysis. Later we will discuss guidelines for how to write questions for each barrier or determinant and give you a chance to practice.

18 Step 4 Organize the Analysis Sessions
This is where you will choose the communities and respondents that will be used when collecting Behavior Analysis field data.

19 Step 5 Organize the Analysis Sessions
Option #1 – Collecting Field Data for Barrier Analysis through Focus Groups: In this workshop, but we will discuss how to prepare a question guide for use in these focus groups.

20 Step 5 Organize the Analysis Sessions
Option #2 – Collecting Field Data for Barrier Analysis through Individual Interviews: Another way to collect field data for Barrier Analysis is to individually interview people who regularly do the behavior that you wish to promote (the “Doers”) and compare their answers to the responses of those you have interviewed who do not do the behavior (the “Non-Doers”). We will discuss how to set up this quantitative survey if you choose that option.

21 Step 6 Organize and Analyze the Results
Once you have conducted the Barrier Analysis sessions, you will need to organize and analyze the results of your study.

22 Step 7 Use the Results of Barrier Analysis
This is the most important part. After organizing and analyzing the data from your analysis, decide what changes you need to make in your program design, in the behavior change messages you will use and in the groups that you will target. You will also need to decide how to monitor changes in the determinants during the life of your project.

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