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Postgraduate Oficial Programs Faculty of Physics Universidad Complutense de Madrid Master in Geophysics and Meteorology Dpto de Física de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica I Dpto de Física de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica II
Changes in the university studies 1º cycle 2º cycle coursescourses ResearchResearch ThesisThesis First degree (Grado) MasterMaster ThesisThesis 1º cycle 2º cycle MasterMaster ThesisThesis transitory transitory New LL DD DEADEA LL MM DD MM DD LL Present GRADUATEGRADUATE GraduateGraduate
Master (“1+1”) 1st year (60 ECTS) Professional work + Structure of Graduate programs Doctorate (third cycle) 2nd year (30 ECTS + 30 research) Basic courses and specific courses of present licenciate program Graduate courses (old and new) Spanish Licenciates (30 Erasmus/year) European graduates
Master in Theoretical Physics Master in Theoretical Physics Master in Applied Physics Master in Applied Physics Master in Geophysics and Meteorology Master in Geophysics and Meteorology Master in Biomedical Physics Biomedical Physics Master in Biomedical Physics Biomedical Physics Master Erasmus Mundus Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics Master Erasmus Mundus Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics DoctorateDoctorate Master in Astrophysics Astrophysics Doctorate in Astrophysics Graduate programs of the Faculty of Physics UCM + UAM Interuniversity graduate program in Astrophysics Graduate Program in Physics
Physics Physics TheoreticalPhysics Applied Physics Geofísica y Meteorología Erasmus Mundus Biomedical Physics Obligatory block (30c) Research or professional work (30c) OBLIGATORY COURSES METEOROLOGY 2 basic blocks (22.5c + 30c) 2 specialized blocks (18c + 24c) GEOPHYSICS 3 basic blocks (15c + 15c + 15c) 3 specialized blocks (15c + 15c + 15c) Física de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica I (Geofísica y Meteorología) Física de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica II (Astrofísica y Ciencias de la Atmósfera) Departaments: 1st year 2nd year c=ECTS 120 ECTS Aim to form specialists in in Geophysics and Meteorology in view to professional, research or academic carriers. Geophysics and meteorology are presented in a unified way (Physics of the Earth). Two branches (≥ 45 ECTS interrelated). Offer of 31 courses of 6 and 7.5 credits plus a research work (5 obligatory and 26 optational). 1st year: 4 obligatory + 4 optional 2nd year: 4-5 optational + research work (2nd sem.) Total credit offer: 244.5 ECTS Up to 12 ECTS from other programs. 120 ECTS Aim to form specialists in in Geophysics and Meteorology in view to professional, research or academic carriers. Geophysics and meteorology are presented in a unified way (Physics of the Earth). Two branches (≥ 45 ECTS interrelated). Offer of 31 courses of 6 and 7.5 credits plus a research work (5 obligatory and 26 optational). 1st year: 4 obligatory + 4 optional 2nd year: 4-5 optational + research work (2nd sem.) Total credit offer: 244.5 ECTS Up to 12 ECTS from other programs.
Physics Master in Geophysics and Meteorology Research or professional work (30c) Geomagnetism: External field (7.5c) Physical oceanography (7.5c) Atmospheric thermodynamics (7.5c) Atmospheric radiation (7.5c) Obligatory courses (30 c) From 60 (1 year) to 120 (2 years) credits depending of previous studies. SPECIALIZED BLOCKS Physics of seismic sources and seismotectonics (7.5c) Seismicity and seismic risk (7.5c) Lithospheric structure and dynamics (7.5c) Geophysical and topoastronomical exploration in archeology (7.5c) Magnetic fields of the Earth (7.5c) Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism (7.5c) SPECIALIZED BLOCKS Physics of seismic sources and seismotectonics (7.5c) Seismicity and seismic risk (7.5c) Lithospheric structure and dynamics (7.5c) Geophysical and topoastronomical exploration in archeology (7.5c) Magnetic fields of the Earth (7.5c) Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism (7.5c) BASIC BLOCKS Seismic waves (7.5c) Seismology (7.5c) Geophysical prospecting Electromagnetic methods (7.5c) Geophysical prospecting Seismic and gravity methods (7.5c) Gravimetry (7.5c) Earth interior and Tectonophysics (7.5c) BASIC BLOCKS Seismic waves (7.5c) Seismology (7.5c) Geophysical prospecting Electromagnetic methods (7.5c) Geophysical prospecting Seismic and gravity methods (7.5c) Gravimetry (7.5c) Earth interior and Tectonophysics (7.5c) GEOPHYSICS 2 branches (60 c) SPECIALIZED BLOCS Climate variability in North Atlantic (6c) Global climate change and paleoclimates (6c) Modelization and reconstrution of climate variability (6c) Micrometeorology and atmospheric pollution (6c) Atmospheric remote sensing Atmósfera (6c) Mesoatmospheric dynamics (6c) Atmospheric and climate models (6c) SPECIALIZED BLOCS Climate variability in North Atlantic (6c) Global climate change and paleoclimates (6c) Modelization and reconstrution of climate variability (6c) Micrometeorology and atmospheric pollution (6c) Atmospheric remote sensing Atmósfera (6c) Mesoatmospheric dynamics (6c) Atmospheric and climate models (6c) BASIC BLOCKS Atmospheric dynamics (7.5c) Advanced atmospheric dynamics (7.5c) Numerical weather forecast (7.5c) Atmospheric physics (7.5c) Clouds physics (7.5c) Atmospheric diffusion (7.5c) Climate physics (7.5c) BASIC BLOCKS Atmospheric dynamics (7.5c) Advanced atmospheric dynamics (7.5c) Numerical weather forecast (7.5c) Atmospheric physics (7.5c) Clouds physics (7.5c) Atmospheric diffusion (7.5c) Climate physics (7.5c) METEOROLOGY
Profile: professional, academic and research Professional: -Instituto Geográfico Nacional -Instituto Nacional de Meteorología -Instituto Español de Oceanografía -Instituto Tecnológico Geominero de España -INTA, CIEMAT, … -Civil engeneering and enviromental consulting -Autonomous administrations (Weather services) -Prospecting companies, REPSOL, CAMPSA, -Renewable energies, Academic and Research : -Universities: Politécnica Madrid, Barcelona Barcelona, Valencia, Alicante, Illes Balears, Almería, Granada, Sevilla, Extremadura, Salamanca, Cádiz, Valladolid, Castilla la Mancha, Burgos, Vigo,…. -Higher Scientific Research Council, CSIC (Jaume Almera, Barcelona; Museo Ciencias Naturales, Madrid; ), INTA, IAG, ROA -Other research institutions
More information: Dpto de Física de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica I Dpto de Física de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica II
Geophysical prospecting applied to archeology
Earthquake risk: Bullas (Murcia) 29-01-05
Broad-band seismological network Western Mediterranean (WM)
Ionospheric research Arenosillo (Huelva)
Meteorological observations
Weather forecast
Weather analysis
Weather analysis and forecast
Oceanographic research
Antarctic research
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