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1 TiVi60 – Skin Damage Visualizer Welcome to the presentation of.

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1 1 TiVi60 – Skin Damage Visualizer Welcome to the presentation of

2 2 Load photos of a hand before and after exposure to an irritant.

3 3 Draw a region of interest (ROI) over a skin site representing normal skin. Check this check-box.

4 4 Print the threshold level (% above average red blood cell concentration in ROI area). Check the Erythema button to display skin areas with red blood cell concentration above threshold.

5 5 Open the Library and load photos to display skin areas with red blood cell concentration above set threshold.

6 6 Click the Trend button to display the Trend Monitor. The bars represent the fraction of the skin in each photo with red blood cell concentration above set threshold.

7 7 Load photos displaying a hand with white fingers caused by excessive use of vibrating tools. Draw a Region of Interest (ROI) over a skin site representing normal skin. Check the Threshold check-box.

8 8 Set the Threshold level to 80 (to display skin sites with red blood cell concentrations below 80 % of that within the ROI). Check the Blanching button to display skin areas with reduced red blood cell concentration.

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