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IPads in Education: There’s an App for That Technology and Education Paper LIBM-ITEC 6340 Fall 2011 Tabatha Lorch.

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Presentation on theme: "IPads in Education: There’s an App for That Technology and Education Paper LIBM-ITEC 6340 Fall 2011 Tabatha Lorch."— Presentation transcript:

1 iPads in Education: There’s an App for That Technology and Education Paper LIBM-ITEC 6340 Fall 2011 Tabatha Lorch

2 What Is an iPad? An iPad is a touchscreen tablet computer developed by Apple Computer Inc. It provides its users connection to many audio and visual applications and also allows them to connect to the internet ( LLC, 2011).

3 Items Needed in Classroom to Use iPad iPad Charger Access to Wi-Fi (Van Adams, 2010)

4 Examples of How to Use the iPad in the Classroom Science teachers can use the iCell app to allow students to compare and contrast different types of cells. Physics teachers can use the Coaster Physics app to allow students to build roller coasters which helps them practice physics concepts. Students can use simple note or smart note to practice word processing skills (Mulholland, 2011).

5 Pros and Cons of Using iPads for Education PROS CONS  Abundance of apps  Makes textbooks more interactive  Can connect to the internet  Compatible with several educational platforms (Madan, 2011)  Cost (McCrea, 2010)  Lack 0f ability to multitask (Mulholland, 2011)  Internet Safety (VanAdams, 2010 )

6 Useful Websites

7 References LLC. (2011). iPad. Retrieved from: /browse/iPad Madan, V. (2011, May 16). 6 reasons tablets are ready for the classroom. Mashable. Retrieved from: McCrea, B. (2010, January 27). Measuring the iPad’s potential for education. The Journal. Retrieved from: potential-for-education.aspx Mulholland, Jessica (2011, March 29). iPads in the classroom. Government Technology. Retrieved from:

8 References Continued Van Adams, G. (2010, July 12). Ipads in the classroom. K-12 Techsters. Retrieved from: All photos were retrieved from

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