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1 Improved municipal services by benchmarking and cooperation Reykjavik 05.09.2011 Ove Monsen og Jan Wølneberg.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Improved municipal services by benchmarking and cooperation Reykjavik 05.09.2011 Ove Monsen og Jan Wølneberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Improved municipal services by benchmarking and cooperation Reykjavik 05.09.2011 Ove Monsen og Jan Wølneberg

2 Agenda About us, KF. (You probably want to know something about who you perhaps will be dealing with) Why ‘bedrekommune’ and ‘bedreinnsikt’ –What are the benefits, what are the experiences from Norwegian municipalities The system 2

3 About KF 100 % Owned by KS Purpouse: –To assist the local authorities in improving their services to the public Values: –Knowledge, innovation, trust Business idea –”Why do the job 430 times when KF can do it once, and for all of you” Product development guideline: –At least 200 municipalities shall be able to use our standard products

4 The big paradox By law all municipalities shall provide 160 identical services to their inhabitants, regardless of size and resources (from 247 to 600.000 citizens) There are virtually no national standards for how to deliver the services, nor quality indicators for what is a good enough deliverance –430 units invent the same wheel 160 times This paradox, or gap – if you like, is the arena for our strategies and role in the municipal marketplace 4

5 Our strategic role To be the (self appointed) chief editor of a national library of best practice proceedings, quality indicators, and servicelists To provide the toolbox to improve municipal management Content is the core of our business proposal 5

6 Connecting the dots

7 A municipal bench marking system 20 standarized surveys = Improved municipality 310 municipalities subscribe A National Bank of quality indicators

8 Why? The demographic development requiers a formidable increase in the efficiency of the way we provide our services –We need to compare ourselves and learn from each other The citizens has become more and more like a customer –They have rights, and demands quality –We should be able to document the quality of our services, and be open about it 8

9 What to measure? The degree of satisfaction among pupils, parents and teachers The degrees achieved in different subjects Economic measures, like Cost of education material pr pupil, Total cost pr pupil, number of teachers pr pupil, and so on Put them together and you have an unique plattform for improvement 9

10 Publish the results 10

11 The benefits The same questions in the surveys The same economic indicators Compare with yourself and others over time (trend analysis) Gives you the questions: –‘Why does that municipality achieve the same satisfaction by the users as we, but spends less money?» (or the other way around) The citizens get realistic and comparable information about the services 11

12 Agenda 2 minutes brief history Reports: what the system can do for you –Results for your municipality and your school –Compare with your neighbour-municipality How to do the implementation of the system –The most important issues –What is already generated –What do you have to add 12

13 pr 1 sept 2011 No of years: 9 No of municipalities: 361 No of users: 14 488 No of org. units: 45 656 No of answers: 934 819 No of passwords: 1 501 749 No of single answers: 42 875 149 13

14 Historic results of the surveys

15 15 Compare yourself

16 16 Compare yourself

17 17 Compare yourself

18 18 Compare with others

19 19 Compare with others

20 20 Official reports Information

21 21 Official reports

22 22 Official reports Details

23 23 Official reports

24 24 Official reports Export to Excel

25 25 Total pupils Select. askedSelect. % No. of answ. Answer % Municipal reports

26 26 Municipal reports

27 27 How satisfied are you with your childs social developement? Municipal reports

28 28 Total for the Municipality Unit 1Unit 2 Municipal reports

29 29 Municipal reports

30 30 Municipal reports


32 Survey menu 32 Surveys Org. Units Users

33 33 Surveys

34 34 Pupils Parents

35 Building the structure Generate all units –Geography: Groups of municipalities, Municipalities –Common structure for all municipalities –Administration, Kindergardens, Education, Care for the elderly, Health care, Culture …… and so on –Build all units under education for each municipality –If nescessary – add classes (under-units) –The same for all other areas you want to perform surveys Generate the surveys Generate the users (and networks if nescessary) 35

36 36 Regions Counties Global structure

37 37 Municipalities Global structure

38 Org. unit menu (browse, create, edit, delete org. units) 38

39 39 Org. units KOSTRA = In Norway all the local authorities report to the state in this structure. In Iceland you should use a common structure for all municipal services Common structure for the municipal services

40 40 Local structure - units

41 41 Local structure - units

42 Survey menu > selected survey and org.unit (in tree) 42 Passwords

43 43 Passwords No of pupils

44 User menu > selected user 44 Org. unitRole/function Users

45 45 The surveys

46 46 User manuals

47 A computer system for advanced handling of surveys Most of the structure is pre-defined All the recipients use the same surveys Benchmark your results with your neighbour Benchmark todays results with last years All text will be translated to Icelandic Easy to use The results can be used for more advanced analysis in KF Improved Management 47 Summary

48 Datakilder: KOSTRA, (IPLOS), Skoleporten, Compare and analyze! Overview - your local surveys Your results Country average

49 Economic indicators

50 50 Compare your own units – over time

51 51 Response statistics

52 52 Compare with your neighbour

53 53 Compare economics

54 Compare all for analyzis Question: Will more employees improve user satisfaction? Question: Will more employees improve user satisfaction?

55 Parents satisfaction, ranked Average satisfaction: 5,3 Kids pr employee: 6,3 Money spent: 41,0 Educated personell: 31,6 Top ten municipalities:

56 Satisfaction: 4,3 Kids pr employee 6,4 Money spent:40,3 Satisfaction: 5,3 Kids pr employee: 6,3 Money spent: 41,0 Topp ten: Bottom ten: Basis for a better dialogue

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