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Conflict  Constructive: Effective for the aim of achieving goals of the group  Destructive: Doesn't serve organizational goals Relationship-conflict:

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Presentation on theme: "Conflict  Constructive: Effective for the aim of achieving goals of the group  Destructive: Doesn't serve organizational goals Relationship-conflict:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflict  Constructive: Effective for the aim of achieving goals of the group  Destructive: Doesn't serve organizational goals Relationship-conflict: Emotional conflict, personality disagreements => stress Task-oriented conflict: Disagreements during the job.

2 Conflict  Conflict in the person  Among people: Top-bottom or in the same level  Among departments: Because of the differences of the goals & insufficient resources.

3 Conflict  Job routine => conflict harms => job performance & satisfaction decreases  If not => positive effects Conflict Stages: I) Potential of conflict: Communication, organizational structure, specialization level, uncertainty of the roles, lack of harmony in group goals, leadership style, insufficient resources, individualistic reasons

4 II) Perceiving Conflict  If not => conflict stays in the potential form. Sometimes feel the conflict III) Transformation of conflict into an action: People began to harm the goals of other people, show their rude behaviors in a conscious manner.

5 Consequences  Positive: Increase of innovation & creativity. Decisions made more accurately. Personnel control themselves. Group efficiency increases.  Negative: Unhealthy communication, group loyalty decreases, goal association & unity damaged. High degree => Separation

6 Conclusion  Organic types: positive  Mechanic: negative  Resolving conflict: Proaction: minor versus major Communication: involvement Openness: feelings out Research: reasons before solutions: Flexibility: not lock into one position Fair Play: be fair Alliance: fight against the “outside force”

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