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Week 4 Housekeeping News Topics

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1 Week 4 Housekeeping News Topics McGregor’s Theory X & Y: What are assumptions underlying people? Argyris’ Worker Maturity: What if you mismatch leader style & follower needs? Tannenbaum & Schmidt’s Leadership Continuum: What are your choices? Lippit & White’s Autocratic, democratic, laissez faire leadership: (dis)advantages of different approaches Team Task: applying a theory to a case & critiquing

2 Douglas McGregor’s Theory X & Y: Assumptions about people
Employees inherently dislike work and, whenever possible, will attempt to avoid it. Since employees dislike work, they must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with punishment to achieve goals. Employees will avoid responsibilities and seek formal direction whenever possible. Most workers place security above all other factors associated with work and will display little ambition. Employees can view work as being as natural as rest or play. People will exercise self-direction and self-control if they are committed to the objectives. Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement The average person can learn to accept, even seek, responsibility. Creativity & ability to make innovative decisions is widely dispersed throughout the population and is not necessarily the sole province of those in management positions.

3 Douglas McGregor’s Theory X & Theory Y
1 2 3 4 5 SA A U D SD Most people will try to do as little work as possible. For most people, work is not as natural as play or recreation. Most employees must be closely supervised in order to getthem to perform up to expectations Most employees actually prefer to be told exactly what to do rather than having to figure it out for themselves Most employees do not care much about the organization's goals. Most employees would prefer increased job security to increased responsibility. Most people will not use their own initiative or do things that they have not been specifically assigned to do. Employees generally do not have much to contribute when asked to participate in making decisions or solving problems It is just basic human nature--people just naturally dislike work. Most employees will not exercise self-control and self-motivation--managers must do this for them points = strong Theory Y beliefs points = moderate Theory Y beliefs points = mixed Theory Y and Theory X beliefs points = moderate Theory X beliefs   points = strong Theory X beliefs

4 Analysis of XY Theory Every theory is an outgrowth of and based on the “dynamics” of the time. What events may have influenced McGregor’s view of X & Y? Why did he promote Y over X? Are there still situations in which X is appropriate?

5 Tannenbaum & Schmidt’s Leadership Continuum (1973)
Robert Tannenbaum Forces in the manager: belief in team member participation and confidence in capabilities of members Forces in the subordinate: subordinates who are independent, tolerant of ambiguity, competent, identify with organizational goals Forces in the situation: team has requisite knowledge, team hold organizational values and traditions, teams work effectively Time pressure: need for immediate decision under pressure mitigates against participation

6 Advantages of Tannenbaum & Schmidt’s theory
gives managers a range of choices for involvement presents criteria for involvement and delegation focuses decision maker on relevant criteria (e.g., forces & time) emphasizes employee development and empowerment is heuristic--encourages research to see how effective delegation may be under the model Limitations of this theory involves only the initial step of assigning a task to someone, not the following processes that may determine the effectiveness of the outcome assumes the manager has sufficient information to determine disposition to self or team assumes "neutral" environment without social bonds or politics simplifies complex decisions to a two-polar dimension; more simple than reality is

7 Where and on whom was the study done?
Lewin, Lippitt & White’s Autocratic, Democratic & Laissez Faire Leadership Styles (1938) Why was this study so important at the time– why these variables chosen? Where and on whom was the study done? What did they conclude and how sound was it? Is there anywhere that Theory X is still appropriate? Kurt Lewin Autocratic Democratic Laissez Faire

8 Descriptions of the Three Leadership Situations
Autocratic Democratic Laissez Faire Leader determined all policies for group members and details methods of goal attainment.  Leader had overall view and shared method step by step as needed.  Leader specified allowable actions and interactions.  Leader provided praise and criticism. Leader encouraged group to create policies. Leader gave overview of task and steps before work. Members chose actions and interactions that facilitate work Feedback was factual and objective Complete freedom Resources provided but leader gave information only when asked. No feedback unless asked How would this kind of situation affect performance, satisfaction, and teamwork?

9 Consequences for each situation
Autocratic Democratic Laissez Faire little discontent developed when the leader held high standards much discontent developed when the leader enjoyed dominance for its own sake production level remained high when group was satisfied with its efforts negative reaction developed when group is under constant pressure to produce leader's positive efforts make high productivity possible greater productivity provides personal satisfactions work effort tends to slacked when leader is absent clearness of roles results in greater member satisfaction members satisfy their needs for order and absolutes in their world members satisfy their need for dependency aggressive status-seeking activities develop among members who have a need for status members may conceal the intensity of their anger and resentment high demands for status develop, since members cannot obtain status satisfaction from the leader hero worship of the leader frequently immobilizes the group members accept the condition of autocracy if they see it as the only alternative resignation to the inevitable may reduce tensions within the group members gain satisfactions in making their own decisions individual self confidence results from group achievement members grow in self acceptance and confidence members become more willing to listen to the ideas of others and promote listening members are more willing to accept the ideas of others greater emphasis on "we" develops respect for the personalities of other members develops status-mindedness decreases amidst friendliness leaders and members function more as peers and colleagues good work becomes the criterion for gaining status within the group members begin to insist on equality of rights and opportunities for all groups develop grater sense of reality orientation and adjusting to it group pressures may result in over conformity and group think members have little sense of accomplishment there is lack of clear goals there is lack of clarity on how to achieve goals members do not understand what is expected of them little friendship for the leader develops the group does not develop a sense of unity members tend toward idleness when direction from the leader is absent members do not develop self confidence status-mindedness develops competitive hostility develops among the members members develop self assertiveness without regard for the effect on others

10 Argyris’ Worker Maturity Model
(1957, 1962) M4 M3 M2 M1 Worker Maturity Chris Argyris What are Argyris’ assumptions about the long term effect of work? What are the implications for leadership & followership? What happens when the leadership style and maturity are mismatched? What could be done to enhance maturity?

11 Case application Identify a situation with which you are sufficiently familiar, that would be a good case for applying these theories Use one or more theories to describe the situation (use the language of the theory) and explain why it occurred. Use the theory to make recommendations on how to improve the leadership in that situation. Discuss how useful the theory was in helping you understand and intervene in the situation.

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