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Overvie w Recruit Participants Send Facilitators to Training Recruit Facilitators ORGANIZINGDIALOGUEACTION Long-term: work toward a broad public priority,

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Presentation on theme: "Overvie w Recruit Participants Send Facilitators to Training Recruit Facilitators ORGANIZINGDIALOGUEACTION Long-term: work toward a broad public priority,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overvie w Recruit Participants Send Facilitators to Training Recruit Facilitators ORGANIZINGDIALOGUEACTION Long-term: work toward a broad public priority, like housing, youth, economic development Short-term: concrete project like building a homeless shelter or a playground Action Forum Long-term goals Short-term goals Action Teams Leadership Plenty

2 Organizing  Bring together your initial group  ‘Map’ the community (what groups do people belong to?)  Reach out to leaders of various groups  Decide: One central location, or sites spread out?  Find sites  Schedule study circles and action forum  Recruit participants  Recruit facilitators  Train facilitators  Study circles begin Groups and Networks of People –churches –schools –clubs –sports teams –extended families –fire departments –youth groups –senior citizens’ groups

3  Reports from study circles  Goals sorted into long or short-term  Action groups announced  Participants sign up for groups Action – Leadership Plenty Action Forum Action and Leadership Phase Reporting/ Visioning  Leadership Plenty group: long-term action ideas  Short-term idea #1: action team  Short-term idea #2: action team  Visioning event that helps people share progress, plan further work

4 Leadership Plenty Action Forum Agenda [Whole community invited, not just SC participants]  Socializing time  Welcome and thank you (5-15 minutes)  Optional: Participants remixed, have 30-minute conversation comparing notes from their circles (for use when circles have been very homogeneous  Reports from each circle (5-15 minutes each, depending on number of circles – 30-60 minutes total)  Optional: Public leader responds, applauds group efforts (5-15 minutes)  Group prioritization exercise: using goals listed in notes taken during the circles, organizers give participants chance to prioritize (for example, participants get two blue short-term dots, two green long-term dots to place next to the goals of their choice) (15 minutes)  Groups announced: top two long-term vote-getters assigned to Leadership Plenty group, action team(s) announced for top 1-3 short-term vote-getters (5 minutes)  Participants sign up for Leadership Plenty group or for short-term action team(s) (15 minutes)  Final thank you and encouragement to do more (10 minutes)  Socializing time Total time: 80-120 minutes + socializing time (+ 35-45 minutes for optional pieces)

5  Reports from study circles  Participants sign up for groups Action – non-Leadership Plenty Action Forum Action PhaseResults Forum  Action team  Visioning event that helps people share progress, plan further work

6 Non-Leadership Plenty Action Forum Agenda [Whole community invited, not just SC participants]  Socializing time  Welcome and thank you (5-15 minutes)  Optional: Participants remixed, have 30-minute conversation comparing notes from their circles (for use when circles have been very homogeneous  Reports from each circle (5-15 minutes each, depending on number of circles – 30-60 minutes total)  Optional: Public leader responds, applauds group efforts (5-15 minutes)  Group prioritization exercise: using goals listed in notes taken during the circles, organizers give participants chance to prioritize (for example, participants get dots to place next to the goals of their choice) (15 minutes)  Groups announced based on results of prioritization process  Participants sign up for action team(s) (15 minutes)  Final thank you and encouragement to do more (10 minutes)  Socializing time Total time: 80-120 minutes + socializing time (+ 35-45 minutes for optional pieces)

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